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Cardiovascular control in experimental diabetes BJMBR
De Angelis,K.; Schaan,B.D.; Maeda,C.Y.; Dall'Ago,P.; Wichi,R.B.; Irigoyen,M.C..
Several studies have reported impairment in cardiovascular function and control in diabetes. The studies cited in this review were carried out from a few days up to 3 months after streptozotocin administration and were concerned with the control of the circulation. We observed that early changes (5 days) in blood pressure control by different peripheral receptors were maintained for several months. Moreover, the impairment of reflex responses observed after baroreceptor and chemoreceptor stimulation was probably related to changes in the efferent limb of the reflex arc (sympathetic and parasympathetic), but changes also in the central nervous system could not be excluded. Changes in renal sympathetic nerve activity during volume expansion were blunted in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Experimental diabetes; Arterial pressure; Autonomic control; Baroreflex; Chemoreflex; Cardiopulmonary reflex; Exercise training.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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