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A new genus and species of stoloniferous octocoral (Anthozoa: Clavulariidae) from the Pacific coast of North America 16
Williams, G.C..
A new genus and species of intertidal octocoral is described from the Pacific coast of North America. The new taxon is placed in the stolonbearing family Clavulariidae, and although superficially similar in appearance to species in both the genera Clavularia and Sarcodictyon, it exhibits some unique characters to differentiate it from these taxa.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Coelenterata; Anthozoa; Octocorallia; Clavulariidae; Stoloniferous octocoral; New genus and species; Eastern Pacific; West coast North America; 42.79.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A review of the endemic southern African soft coral genus Pieterfaurea Verseveldt & Bayer, 1988 (Octocorallia: Nidaliidae), with descriptions of three new species 16
Williams, G.C..
The soft coral genus Pieterfaurea Verseveldt & Bayer, 1988, endemic to the south and east coasts of South Africa, is reviewed. Five species are recognized as valid, including three new species described here as new. A dichotomous key and a table of comparative characters are included to aid in the differentiation of the five taxa.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Coelenterata; Anthozoa; Octocorallia; Nidaliidae; Pieterfaurea; Soft corals; Endemic genus; South Africa; Three new species; Southwestern Indian Ocean; 42.72.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Capitate taxa of the soft coral genus Eleutherobia (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae) from Palau and South Africa; a new species and a new combination 16
Williams, G.C..
Two additional species are here added to the Indo-West Pacific soft coral genus Eleutherobia. This makes a total of nineteen species considered as valid. Included here is the description of a recently discovered new species from Palau, and a new combination of a common South African species previously referred to as Alcyonium variabile (Thomson, 1921) in the recent literature. A table comparing the worldwide species of the genus is also included.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Eleutherobia Octocorallia Alcyoniidae Palau South Africa new species; New combination 42.79.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The nephtheid soft coral genus Gersemia Marenzeller, 1878, with the description of a new species from the northeast Pacific and a review of two additional species (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) 16
Williams, G.C.; Lundsten, L..
A new species of nephtheid soft coral inhabiting the northeast Pacific Ocean is described from samples collected using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and a benthic trawl. Two hundred thirty ROV video observations provide additional information about the biogeographical distribution and habitat characteristics of this new species and are used to supplement the information ascertained from collected specimens. The species described herein is found through a broad range of depths (519-2034 m), has been observed through a latitudinal range of approximately 1581 km (33.10472°N; 47° 51.412’N), and has primarily been observed living upon hard-rock substrate. In addition, we revise the generic designation of the South African nephtheid Litophyton liltvedi and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cnidaria; Anthozoa; Octocorallia: Alcyonacea; Nephtheidae: Gersemia; New species; Eastern Pacific; 42.72.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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