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ผลของการใช้วัสดุอินทรีย์ต่อการตอบสนองของข้าวในดินเค็ม Thai Agricultural
Konkanok Paopo; Porntip Srimongkol; Suphasit Sitthaphanit; Wimolnan Kanket.
Rice growth and yield are adversely affected by soil salinity. The application of organic matter is a successful technique for saline soil remediation. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different organic materials on the response of rice in saline soil. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replicates comprised 4 treatments: 1) no organic material application (control) 2) sesbania application at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai 3) rice straw application at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai and 4) sesbania at the rate of 500 kg/rai and rice straw at the rate of 500 kg/rai. The result were shown that sesbania and rice straw treatment had the highest rice dry weight in all growth stages, the highest nutrient uptake at booting stage,...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Rice; Sesbania; Rice straw; Organic material; Saline soil; Soil management; Soil amendments; Organic material application; Photosynthesis; Yield; Plant response; Rice production; ข้าว; โสนอัฟริกัน; ฟางข้าว; วัสดุอินทรีย์; ดินเค็ม; การจัดการดิน; การปรับปรุงดิน; การตอบสนองของพืช; การสังเคราะห์แสง; อัตราผลผลิต; การผลิตข้าว.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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ผลของระบบไม่ไถพรวนและวัสดุอินทรีย์ต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสมบัติทางเคมีของดินเค็มปลูกข้าว Thai Agricultural
Arissara Kaewpilarom; Wimolnan Kanket; Suphasit Sithapanich; Pornthip Srimongkol.
Soil salinity is a major problem in the use and management of agricultural in Thailand. Especially in the northeast, those have the lack of natural fertility. Many studies found that the use of organic material can reduce the salinity of the soil. The experiment was conducted with two organic materials, there are rice straw and sunn hemp incorporation with no-tillage system. Experimental design was a randomize complete block with 4 replicates comprised 6 treatments: 1) conventional tillage, 2) tillage with sunn hemp incorporation, 3) tillage with rice straw incorporation, 4) no-tillage, 5) no tillage with sunn hemp mulching and6) no tillage with rice straw mulching. Soil samples were collected in two peried of rice cultivation; before transplant and two...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Saline soil; Organic materials; Tillage; Chemical properties; ดินเค็ม; วัสดุอินทรีย์; การไถพรวน; สมบัติทางเคมีของดิน.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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ผลของวิธีการเตรียมดินและวัสดุอินทรีย์ต่อการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตข้าว Thai Agricultural
Pornthip Srimongkol; Suphasit Sithapanich; Wimolnan Kanket.
The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of nutrient management and no-tillage system on rice growth and yield of rice. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replicates comprised 5 treatments: 1) Control (Conventional tillage and recommended fertilizer application) 2) Conventional tillage with sunn hemp incorporation 3) Conventional tillage with rice straw incorporation 4) No tillage with sunn hempmulching and 5) No tillage with rice straw mulching. All treatments received the same rate of N at 18.6 kg N per rai. The result showed that conventional tillage with sunn hemp incorporation had highest rice dry weight and was significantly different as compare to conventional tillage (control). Also, the conventional tillage...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Tillage; Nutrient management; Sunn hemp; Rice straw; การไถพรวน; การจัดการธาตุอาหาร; ปอเทือง; ฟางข้าว; วัสดุอินทรีย์; การเจริญเติบโต; ผลผลิต.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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