Donk, M.A.; Jansen, P.; Wit, H.C.D. de. |
This is, I believe, the most important single contribution in the field of Hymenomycetes for years. The author was attracted to the group commonly known as Clavariaceae as early as 1925 when in England; he continued his studies when working on the staff at the Singapore Botanic Gardens and after his return to England. He got the conviction that before science could undertake a wholesale revision of the present classification of Hymenomycetes, the larger constituent groups should be worked over, one at a time, and ‘their particular kind of fruit-body described in terms of hyphal properties’, and that to omit the tropical element would mean certain failure. Thus, the aims of this admirable volume become clear: a large number of species of “Clavariaceae“ are... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532992 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
Miquel, F.A.W., Illustrations de la flore de l’archipel Indien. 3 parts. 1870-1871. JACKSON (Guide 1881, p. 385) mentions this work, ”Flore de l’Archipel Indien”, as having been published 1870-’71. REHDER (Bradl. Bibl. 1, 1 (1909) 466) says that it contains X + 114 pp. 37 pl., and that it was published in 1871. He adds that another edition was published in 1874 containing 174 pp. Unbound copies in the original covers at the Rijksherbarium, Leyden, prove that these references are either incomplete or wrong. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1949 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/533157 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
In the following the abbreviation B.Z. means ’Binnenlandsche Zaken’ or ’Ministry for the Interior’; all records referred to are preserved in the National Archives (’Rijksarchief’) at The Hague. By Royal Decree of Febr. 10, 1839, no. 101 (cf. B.Z., 5th Div., Febr. 18th, 1839, no 132) it was decided to publish a printed work at the expense of the Government. The issue was to consist of 250 copies and each of the planned 3 volumes were to contain c. 400 pp., 60 (coloured) plates and quarterly instalments were to be published. The costs were to be deducted from the funds granted to the ’Natuurkundige Commissie’ (Board for the Naturel Sciences) who had explored in the Dutch East Indies since the withdrawal of the English (1816). The work should embody the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532788 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
Dialium hydnocarpoides, sp. nov. — Foliola (15)17—19, elliptice oblonga, 4.5—6.5(8.5) cm longa, 2—2.5(3) cm lata, apice abrupte breviter acuminata. Sepala extus pubescentia, intus puberula. Stamina 2, raro 3. Ovarium in receptaculo plano, lato, strigoso excentrice insertum. Stylus glaber. Legumen fere globosum, leave, velutinum, c. 15 mm diam. Typus — Sumatra, Palembang, prope Lematang Ilir: FRI 185 T. 3 P. 541 (L). |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1953 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/526244 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
The genus Afrardisia was published in 1902 by C. Mez (Pflzreich IV, Fam. 236, Heft 9, 183—184). Mez found that the only difference between Afrardisia and Ardisia Sw. was in the placentation. In Ardisia numerous ovules are scattered or arranged in more than one row on the placenta whereas in Afrardisia a single whorl of a small number of ovules occurs. There are some spp. of Ardisia which appear to be pauci-ovulate but then the ovules are irregularly scattered and not uni-seriate. Afrardisia was, according to Mez, confined to tropical West Africa. Actually, the genus is found throughout tropical Africa. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1958 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/526342 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
For various reasons the space occupied by pre-Linnean Malaysian phytography in this concise history seems too large and out of proportion in comparison to the survey of post-Linnean work. Modern plant description, though based on, and derived from, ancient beginnings and traditions, maintains but slender contacts with plant sciences earlier than the 18th century and it might claim to be allotted by far the larger space on account of its superior results, its greatly increased efficiency, its Consciousness of limitations and capabilities, its output, and its clearness of purpose. There exists, however, during the last decade, an increasing interest in the nearly forgotten botany of centuries long past, not only because of a certain taste for the quaint and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1948 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532630 |
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Wit, H.C.D. de. |
The following is an abstract of my notes made during the sessions of the Section for Nomenclature at the 7th International Botanical Congress at Stockholm. The Congress lasted, officially, from 12 till 20 July, 1950. The Section for Nomenclature, however, began to meet on July 7. I wish to state that this review has no authority or official capacity. I made notes for private use and because it seemed useful, on further consideration, to inform the Staff and collaborators of the Flora Nalesiana.. of the changes in the Rules adopted by the last Congress, it was thought best to publish a review here, pending the official publication of the new Rules as a whole. I am told that an official note or communication dealing with the results obtained by the Section... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/533473 |
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