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Argo DAC profile cookbook 5
Scanderbeg, Megan; Rannou, Jean-philippe; Wong, Annie; Klein, Birgit; Schmid, Claudia; King, Brian; Van Wijk, Esmee.
This DAC cookbook is to include instructions for the DACs on how to calculate different variables for the Argo profile files. This is especially true for some of the additional sensors that are being added to Argo floats. The extra variables increase the complexity of the profile file and extra instructions may be necessary, depending on float and sensor type. It is separate from other data manuals because users do not need to understand all these details, but that it is important that all DACs to be calculating the variables in the same manner. There are instructions in this cookbook that apply to all floats and some that apply to only certain float types. Look through the table of contents for the specific float types included.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Argo Quality Control Manual for CTD and Trajectory Data 5
Wong, Annie; Keeley, Robert; Carval, Thierry; Argo Data Management Team,.
A CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) device measures temperature and salinity versus pressure. This document is the Argo quality control manual for CTD and trajectory data. It describes two levels of quality control: - The first level is the real-time system that performs a set of agreed automatic checks. - The second level of quality control is the delayed-mode system. These quality control procedures are applied to the parameters JULD, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, PRES, TEMP, PSAL, and CNDC.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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BGC-Argo synthetic profile file processing and format on Coriolis GDAC 5
Bittig, Henry; Wong, Annie; Plant, Josh.
The current V3.1 Argo netCDF format that produces a pair of core- and b- profile files per cycle, with N_PROF > 1, allows storage of all profile information returned from BGC floats, in a manner that is as close to float output as possible. These can include multiple full-depth profiles with different pressure levels, multiple shallow profiles with different pressure levels, and recording of spatial and/or temporal delays between the CTD and various BGC sensor outputs. The advantage of this data management approach is that float outputs are faithfully recorded, so that any reprocessing demands that require access to the raw data can be met with ease. However, when measurements from multiple sensors are not aligned during onboard processing by the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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DMQC Cookbook for Core Argo parameters 5
Cabanes, Cecile; Angel-benavides, Ingrid; Buck, Justin; Coatanoan, Christine; Dobler, Delphine; Herbert, Gaelle; Klein, Birgit; Maze, Guillaume; Notarstefano, Guilio; Owens, Breck; Thierry, Virginie; Walicka, Kamila; Wong, Annie.
This cookbook is to document the end-to-end processing chain of Delayed Mode Quality Control (DMQC) of Core Argo parameters. It provides guidlines on existing manuals, and explains best practices through case studies. This document was initiated after the 1st EU DMQC workshop held in Brest in April 2018, under the MOCCA project.  Lately, this work has been undertaken under EuroArgo RISE project. The document is organized as follows.The first part gives some general information (e.g.: How to check quality indicators in delayed mode? What are the reference databases? How to correct pressure? How to use the OWC software to correct salinity? What are the common failures? etc.). The second part gives more specific information for the regional analysis (specific...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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