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Échantillons rocheux provenant de « volcans de boue » de Méditerranée orientale 5
Huguen, Caroline; Benkhelil, J; Giresse, P; Mascle, Jean; Muller, C; Woodside, John; Zitter, T; The Medinaut Scientific Party,.
In the eastern Mediterranean, numerous argilo-kinetic manifestations, commonly named 'mud volcanoes', have been identified and studied in some detail during the last twenty years using several techniques. The Medinaut survey (December 1998) has provided new insights into this phenomenon through twenty deep dives performed with the submersible Nautile within two areas particularly active in terms of mud expulsions: the central Mediterranean ridge south of Crete, and the Anaximander mountains area, south of Turkey. The morphology, petrography, microstructure and biostratigraphy of different clasts sampled in the two areas helped to better understand the mud volcano formation and subsequent evolution. Paleoenvironmental conditions, ranging from deep marine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clasts; Eastern Mediterranean; Deep dives; 'mud volcanoes'.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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MIMES (Multiscale Investigations of Eastern MEditerranean Seep Systems): An expedition on Pelagia 13 June 2004 - 14 July 2004: a contribution to the Mediflux projet of Euromargins 5
Woodside, John; De Lange, Gert J.; Dupre, Stephanie; the shipboard scientists.
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Ano: 2004 URL:
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Multi-scale seafloor mapping of active seep-related structures, offshore Egypt 5
Dupre, Stéphanie; Woodside, John; Klaucke, Ingo; Mascle, Jean; Foucher, Jean-paul.
The Nile deep sea fan system presents a rich variety of fluid escape structures, gas chimneys, pockmarks and carbonate crust mounds, brines pools, and several types of mud volcano. These seep-related structures were explored for the first time with the Nautile submersible during the 2003 Nautinil expedition and are characterized by high thermal gradients and highly gas-saturated sediments. More recently, high resolution side scan sonar data acquired during the 2004 Mimes expedition brings more detail to the geophysical imagery. The EdgeTech DTS-1 deep tow sonar coupled with a 2-8 kHz chirp subbottom penetrator was deployed around 100 m above the seafloor and operated at a frequency of 75 kHz. Several gas plumes were acoustically detected in the water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Free gas emission; Backscatter; Authigenic carbonate crust; Mud volcanism; Gas chimneys; Nile Deep Sea Fan.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Warm brine lakes in craters of active mud volcanoes, Menes caldera off NW Egypt: evidence for deep-rooted thermogenic processes 5
Dupre, Stephanie; Mascle, Jean; Foucher, Jean-paul; Harmegnies, Francois; Woodside, John; Pierre, Catherine.
The Menes caldera is a fault-controlled depression (~8 km in diameter) at ~3,000 m water depth in the western province of the Nile deep-sea fan off NW Egypt, comprising seven mud volcanoes (MVs) of which two are active. Based on multichannel and chirp seismic data, temperature profiles, and high-resolution bathymetric data collected during the 2000 Fanil, 2004 Mimes and 2007 Medeco2 expeditions, the present study investigates factors controlling MV morphology, the geometry of feeder channels, and the origin of emitted fluids. The active Cheops and Chephren MVs are 1,500 m wide with subcircular craters at their summits, about 250 m in diameter, generally a few tens of metres deep, and filled with methane-rich muddy brines with temperatures reaching 42 °C...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Widespread active seepage activity on the Nile Deep Sea Fan (offshore Egypt) revealed by high-definition geophysical imagery 5
Dupre, Stephanie; Woodside, John; Klaucke, Ingo; Mascle, Jean; Foucher, Jean-paul.
Fluid escape structures on the Nile Deep Sea Fan were investigated during the MEDIFLUX MIMES expedition in 2004. Mud volcanoes, pockmarks and authigenic carbonate structures were surveyed for the first time with a high-resolution deep-towed 75 kHz sidescan sonar and a 2-8 kHz Chirp sediment echosounder. In combination with existing multibeam bathymetry and detailed seafloor in situ geological observations, these new data allowed detailed seep analyses. About 60 gas flares were detected acoustically in the water column from the sidescan sonar raw data at water depths from 770 to 1700 m. These gas flares coincide at the seabed with 1) the centres of the mud volcanoes where mud is also extruded, 2) the borders of the mud volcanoes where the emitted gases...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nile Deep Sea Fan; Seepage; Backscatter; Sidescan sonar; High-resolution; Gas chimneys; Mud volcanoes; Authigenic carbonates.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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