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Neodymium isotopic composition in foraminifera and authigenic phases of South China Sea sediments: Implications for the hydrology of the North Pacific Ocean over the past 25 kyr ArchiMer
Wu, Qiong; Colin, Christophe; Liu, Zhifei; Thil, Francois; Dubois-dauphin, Quentin; Frank, Norbert; Tachikawa, Kazuyo; Bordier, Louise; Douville, Eric.
εNd and normalized Rare Earth Elements (REE) patterns of benthic and planktonic foraminifera and Fe-Mn coatings precipitated on sediments have been investigated for the South China Sea (SCS) to (1) assess the reliability of the extraction of past seawater εNd in the SCS and to (2) reconstruct past hydrological changes during the last 25 kyr. Reductively cleaned mono-specific planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber) and mixed benthic foraminifera in core-top sediments from 1500 to 2400 m display similar εNd values to those of the modern Pacific Deep Water (PDW) (εNd of −3.9 to −4.4). Furthermore, the εNd of the reductive cleaning solutions shows similar εNd values to ones obtained on cleaned foraminifera. Combined with PAAS-normalized REE patterns,...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Turbidite deposition in the southern South China Sea during the last glacial: Evidence from grain-size and major elements records ArchiMer
Zhao, Yulong; Liu, Zhifei; Colin, Christophe; Xie, Xin; Wu, Qiong.
High-resolution grain size and major element geochemical measurements were performed on the marine sediments of Core MD05-2895 to help understand the formation of turbidite sequences. Grain-size results show that these turbidite sediments contain more coarse sediment grains than normal marls. The coarse sediment grains are mostly derived from relict sediments on the Sunda Shelf. Relict sediments are composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, tephra and a few titaniferous or ferruginous heavy minerals. Corresponding to the concentration of these minerals, increases in Si/Al, K/Al, Ti/Al and Fe/Al ratios are observed in the turbidite layers. As all the observed turbidite sequences were deposited during the last glacial, the occurrence of these turbidity events is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Southern South China Sea; Last glacial; Turbidite; Grain-size analyses; XRF Core Scanner.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Yttrium and rare earth element partitioning in seawaters from the Bay of Bengal ArchiMer
Yu, Zhaojie; Colin, Christophe; Douville, Eric; Meynadier, Laure; Duchamp-alphonse, Stephanie; Sepulcre, Sophie; Wan, Shiming; Song, Lina; Wu, Qiong; Xu, Zhaokai; Bassinot, Frank.
The dissolved Yttrium (Y) and Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations of seawater samples collected along a north-south hydrological transect within the Bay of Bengal (BoB) have been analyzed to estimate contributions of the Ganges and Brahmaputra (G-B) river inputs to the dissolved REE distribution of the Northern Indian Ocean. Surface water masses of the BoB are characterized by Y/Ho ratios (84) intermediate between the G-B river suspended sediment (41) and water mass from the South Indian Ocean (93). Co-variation of MREE (Middle REE, Sm) and LREE (Light REE, La) concentrations suggests that the dissolved REEs in surface waters (upper 100 m depth) of the BoB (Sm/La = 0.21) appear to derive mainly from the freshwater discharge of the G-B river system. In...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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