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Effects of Long-Term Fertilization Management Practices on Soil Microbial Carbon and Microbial Biomass in Paddy Soil at Various Stages of Rice Growth Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Xu,Yilan; Tang,Haiming; Xiao,Xiaoping; Li,Weiyan; Li,Chao; Sun,Geng; Cheng,Kaikai.
ABSTRACT Soil microbial biomass plays a significant role in soils, and it is often used as an early indicator of change in soil quality. Soil microbial biomass is affected by different fertilization management practices. Therefore, the impact of different long-term fertilization management practices on the soil organic carbon (SOC) content, soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), and soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN), as well as the soil microbial quotient (SMQ) in the tilled layer (0.00-0.20 m) were studied in the present paper, together with grain yield, in a double-cropping rice (Oryza sativa L.) system. The experiment in NingXiang county of Hunan Province, China, begin in 1986, and the experiment included five fertilization treatments: without...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Paddy field; Fertilizer regime; Double-cropping rice; Soil organic carbon; Grain yield.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Returning Winter Cover Crop Residue Influences Soil Aggregation and Humic Substances under Double-cropped Rice Fields Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Tang,Haiming; Xiao,Xiaoping; Tang,Wenguang; Wang,Ke; Li,Chao; Cheng,Kaikai.
ABSTRACT Residue management in cropping systems may improve soil quality. However, there are few studies on the effects of residue management on soil aggregation and carbon content in the humin (C-HUM), humic acid (C-HAF) and fulvic acid (C-FAF) fractions in South China. Therefore, the effects on soil aggregation and on the C-HUM, C-HAF, C-FAF from incorporating winter cover crop residues in a double-cropped rice (Oryza sativa L.) system in South China fields were studied. The experiment has been conducted since winter 2004. Five winter cropping systems were used: rice-rice-ryegrass (Ry-R-R), rice-rice-Chinese milk vetch (Mv-R-R), rice-rice-potato (Po-R-R), rice-rice-rape (Ra-R-R) and rice-rice with winter fallow (Fa-R-R). The results indicated that the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Paddy; Residue management; Soil aggregation; Soil carbon carbon.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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