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Asian dust input in the western Philippine Sea: Evidence from radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopes 5
Jiang, Fuqing; Li, Tiegang; Xu, Zhaokai; Li, Anchun; Frank, Martin; Chen, Tian-yu.
The radiogenic strontium (Sr) and neodymium (Nd) isotope compositions of the detrital fraction of surface and subsurface sediments have been determined to trace sediment provenance and contributions from Asian dust off the east coast of Luzon Islands in the western Philippine Sea. The Sr and Nd isotope compositions have been very homogenous near the east coast of the Luzon Islands during the latest Quaternary yielding relatively least radiogenic Sr (Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.70453 to 0.70491) and more radiogenic Nd isotope compositions (epsilon(Nd)(0) = +5.3 to +5.5). These isotope compositions are similar to Luzon rocks and show that these sediments were mainly derived from the Luzon Islands. In contrast, the Sr and Nd isotope compositions of sediments on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Asian dust; Luzon Islands; Detrital fraction; Sr isotope; Nd isotope; Western Philippine Sea.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Comment on "Sr-Nd isotope composition and clay mineral assemblages in Eolian dust from the central Philippine Sea over the last 600kyr: Implications for the transport mechanism of Asian dust" by Seo et al 5
Xu, Zhaokai; Li, Tiegang; Clift, Peter D.; Wan, Shiming; Cai, Mingjiang; Chen, Hongjin.
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Distinct control mechanism of fine-grained sediments from Yellow River and Kyushu supply in the northern Okinawa Trough since the last glacial 5
Zhao, Debo; Wan, Shiming; Toucanne, Samuel; Clift, Peter D.; Tada, Ryuji; Revillon, Sidonie; Kubota, Yoshimi; Zheng, Xufeng; Yu, Zhaojie; Huang, Jie; Jiang, Hanchao; Xu, Zhaokai; Shi, Xuefa; Li, Anchun.
High-resolution multi-proxy records, including clay minerals and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of the clay-sized silicate fraction of sediments from IODP Site U1429 in the northern Okinawa Trough, provide reliable evidence for distinct control mechanism on fine-grained sediments input from the Yellow River and the southern Japanese Islands to the northern Okinawa Trough since 34 ka BP. Provenance analysis indicates that the sediments were mainly derived from the Yellow River and the island of Kyushu. Since the last glacial, clay-sized sediments transported from the Yellow River to the study site were strongly influenced by sea-level fluctuation. During low sea-level stage (∼34‒14 ka BP), the paleo-Yellow River mouth was positioned closer to the northern Okinawa...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Okinawa Trough; Clay-sized sediments; Yellow River; Kyushu Island; Sea-level change; Kuroshio Current; Tsushima Warm Current.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Response of the northwestern Pacific upper water delta C-13 to the last deglacial ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean 5
Chen, Shaungxi; Li, Tiegang; Tang, Zheng; Qiu, Xiaohua; Xiong, Zhifang; Nan, Qingyun; Xu, Zhaokai; Chang, Fengming.
The deglacial delta C-13 minimum events that originated from the ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica, have been recorded in a range of marine sediments from the southern to tropical oceans in late Pleistocene. However, the broad delta C-13 minimum event was also reported as far as to the northern middle latitudes, in northwestern Pacific marginal sea areas, during the last deglaciation. In the northwestern Pacific, forcing from the northern high latitudes is strongly expressed, while the records of influence from the southern high latitudes are few. The Kuroshio Source Region (KSR) forms a boundary between the northwestern Pacific and the southern, tropical Pacific. So, high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal records in core MD06-3054...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planktonic foraminiferal delta C-13; Ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean; Northwestern Pacific; Last deglaciation; Delta C-13 minimum event.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sediment provenance and evolution of the East Asian winter monsoon since 700 ka recorded by major elements in the West Philippine Sea 5
Xu, Zhaokai; Li, Tiegang; Yu, Xinke; Li, Anchun; Tang, Zheng; Choi, Jinyong; Nan, Qingyun.
To synthetically realize the character of major-element compositions as well as its significance for provenance and paleoenvironment recorded in core sediments of the West Philippine Sea over the last 700 ka, grain size and major elements of 221 bulk sediments, together with major-element compositions in the detrital phase of 16 typical samples, in core MD06-3047 collected from the Benham Rise were analyzed. Both discrimination plot and R-mode factor analysis indicate that vertical changes of major elements are mainly controlled by the sedimentation of nearby volcanic matter and the eolian dust input, whereas influences from marine biologic deposition and hydrothermal activity are minor. In particular, Al2O3 and K2O are representative of an eolian dust...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Major elements; Provenance; Eolian dust; East Asian winter monsoon; West Philippine Sea.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Yttrium and rare earth element partitioning in seawaters from the Bay of Bengal 5
Yu, Zhaojie; Colin, Christophe; Douville, Eric; Meynadier, Laure; Duchamp-alphonse, Stephanie; Sepulcre, Sophie; Wan, Shiming; Song, Lina; Wu, Qiong; Xu, Zhaokai; Bassinot, Frank.
The dissolved Yttrium (Y) and Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations of seawater samples collected along a north-south hydrological transect within the Bay of Bengal (BoB) have been analyzed to estimate contributions of the Ganges and Brahmaputra (G-B) river inputs to the dissolved REE distribution of the Northern Indian Ocean. Surface water masses of the BoB are characterized by Y/Ho ratios (84) intermediate between the G-B river suspended sediment (41) and water mass from the South Indian Ocean (93). Co-variation of MREE (Middle REE, Sm) and LREE (Light REE, La) concentrations suggests that the dissolved REEs in surface waters (upper 100 m depth) of the BoB (Sm/La = 0.21) appear to derive mainly from the freshwater discharge of the G-B river system. In...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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