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Asian monsoon modulation of nonsteady state diagenesis in hemipelagic marine sediments offshore of Japan ArchiMer
Chang, Liao; Bolton, Clara T.; Dekkers, Mark J.; Hayashida, Akira; Heslop, David; Krijgsman, Wout; Kodama, Kazuto; Paterson, Greig A.; Roberts, Andrew P.; Rohling, Eelco J.; Yamamoto, Yuhji; Zhao, Xiang.
We have identified millennial-scale variations in magnetic mineral diagenesis from Pacific Ocean sediments offshore of Japan that we correlate with changes in organic carbon burial that were likely driven by Asian monsoon fluctuations. The correlation was determined by identifying offsets between the positions of fossil diagenetic fronts and climatically induced variations in organic carbon burial inferred from magnetic and geochemical analyses. Episodes of intense monsoon activity and attendant sediment magnetic mineral diagenesis also appear to correlate with Heinrich events, which supports the existence of climatic telecommunications between Asia and the North Atlantic region. Several lines of evidence support our conclusions: (1) fluctuations in...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Special issue on "Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism" ArchiMer
Oda, Hirokuni; Yamamoto, Yuhji; Zhao, Xixi; Bijaksana, Satria; Liu, Qingsong.
This special issue is based primarily on Session SE04 “Recent advances in paleo-, rock and environmental magnetism” held during the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2014 Meeting (28 July–1 August in Sapporo, Japan). The special issue focuses on various topics in environmental, rock, and paleomagnetism including applications, instruments, and databases and is not limited to the presentations at the Session. In total, 13 articles were published in the special issue, which are described below in several categories.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tephra; Magnetic Mineral; Iron Sulfide; Natural Remanent Magnetization; Isothermal Remanent Magnetization.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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