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Community-Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Planktonic Ecosystems 5
Caputi, Luigi; Carradec, Quentin; Eveillard, Damien; Kirilovsky, Amos; Pelletier, Eric; Karlusich, Juan J. Pierella; Vieira, Fabio Rocha Jimenez; Villar, Emilie; Chaffron, Samuel; Malviya, Shruti; Scalco, Eleonora; Acinas, Silvia G.; Alberti, Adriana; Aury, Jean-marc; Benoiston, Anne-sophie; Bertrand, Arnaud; Biard, Tristan; Bittner, Lucie; Boccara, Martine; Brum, Jennifer R.; Brunet, Cedric; Busseni, Greta; Carratala, Anna; Claustre, Herve; Coelho, Luis Pedro; Colin, Sbastien; D'Aniello, Salvatore; Da Silva, Corinne; Del Core, Marianna; Dore, Hugo; Gasparini, Stephane; Kokoszka, Florian; Jamet, Jean-louis; Lejeusne, Christophe; Lepoivre, Cyrille; Lescot, Magali; Lima-mendez, Gipsi; Lombard, Fabien; Lukes, Julius; Maillet, Nicolas; Madoui, Mohammed-amin; Martinez, Elodie; Mazzocchi, Maria Grazia; Neou, Mario B.; Paz-yepes, Javier; Poulain, Julie; Ramondenc, Simon; Romagnan, Jean-baptiste; Roux, Simon; Manta, Daniela Salvagio; Sanges, Remo; Speich, Sabrina; Sprovieri, Mario; Sunagawa, Shinichi; Taillandier, Vincent; Tanaka, Atsuko; Tirichine, Leila; Trottier, Camille; Uitz, Julia; Veluchamy, Alaguraj; Vesela, Jana; Vincent, Flora; Yau, Sheree; Kandels-lewis, Stefanie; Searson, Sarah; Dimier, Cline; Picheral, Marc; Bork, Peer; Boss, Emmanuel; De Vargas, Colomban; Follows, Michael J.; Grimsley, Nigel; Guidi, Lionel; Hingamp, Pascal; Karsenti, Eric; Sordino, Paolo; Stemmann, Lars; Sullivan, Matthew B.; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Zingone, Adriana; Garczarek, Laurence; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Testor, Pierre; Not, Fabrice; D'Alcala, Maurizio Ribera; Wincker, Patrick; Bowler, Chris; Iudicone, Daniele; Gorsky, Gabriel; Jaillon, Olivier; Karp-boss, Lee; Krzic, Uros; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Pesant, Stephane; Raes, Jeroen; Reynaud, Emmanuel G.; Sardet, Christian; Sieracki, Mike; Velayoudon, Didier; Weissenbach, Jean.
Predicting responses of plankton to variations in essential nutrients is hampered by limited in situ measurements, a poor understanding of community composition, and the lack of reference gene catalogs for key taxa. Iron is a key driver of plankton dynamics and, therefore, of global biogeochemical cycles and climate. To assess the impact of iron availability on plankton communities we explored the comprehensive bio‐oceanographic and ‐omics datasets from Tara Oceans in the context of the iron products from two state‐of‐the‐art global scale biogeochemical models. We obtained novel information about adaptation and acclimation towards iron in a range of phytoplankton, including picocyanobacteria and diatoms, and identified whole sub‐communities co‐varying with...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Simplified Transformation of Ostreococcus tauri Using Polyethylene Glycol 5
Sanchez, Frédéric; Geffroy, Solene; Norest, Manon; Yau, Sheree; Moreau, Hervé; Grimsley, Nigel.
Ostreococcus tauri is an easily cultured representative of unicellular algae (class Mamiellophyceae) that abound in oceans worldwide. Eight complete 13–22 Mb genomes of phylogenetically divergent species within this class are available, and their DNA sequences are nearly always present in metagenomic data produced from marine samples. Here we describe a simplified and robust transformation protocol for the smallest of these algae (O. tauri). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment was much more efficient than the previously described electroporation protocol. Short (2 min or less) incubation times in PEG gave >104 transformants per microgram DNA. The time of cell recovery after transformation could be reduced to a few hours, permitting the experiment to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlorophyta; Prasinophyte; Mamiellophyceae; Ostreococcus; Plankton; Picoeukaryote; Ecosystem; Bioluminescence; Promoter; Luciferase; Gene expression.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Virus-host coexistence in phytoplankton through the genomic lens 5
Yau, Sheree; Krasovec, Marc; Benites, L. Felipe; Rombauts, Stephane; Groussin, Mathieu; Vancaester, Emmelien; Aury, Jean-marc; Derelle, Evelyne; Desdevises, Yves; Escande, Marie-line; Grimsley, Nigel; Guy, Julie; Moreau, Hervé; Sanchez-brosseau, Sophie; Van De Peer, Yves; Vandepoele, Klaas; Gourbiere, Sebastien; Piganeau, Gwenael.
Virus-microbe interactions in the ocean are commonly described by “boom and bust” dynamics, whereby a numerically dominant microorganism is lysed and replaced by a virus-resistant one. Here, we isolated a microalga strain and its infective dsDNA virus whose dynamics are characterized instead by parallel growth of both the microalga and the virus. Experimental evolution of clonal lines revealed that this viral production originates from the lysis of a minority of virus-susceptible cells, which are regenerated from resistant cells. Whole-genome sequencing demonstrated that this resistant-susceptible switch involved a large deletion on one chromosome. Mathematical modeling explained how the switch maintains stable microalga-virus population dynamics...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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