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Ocorrência e sintomas da mancha de Ascochyta em feijão-vagem Bragantia
Tanaka,Maria Aparecida de Souza; Ito,Margarida Fumiko; Dudienas,Christina; Yuki,Valdir Atsushi.
A mancha de ascochita (Ascochyta phaseolorum Sacc.) foi identificada como uma das principais doenças do feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), na região de Itatiba (SP), em levantamento realizado de abril de 1991 a março de 92. Seus sintomas são manchas foliares arredondadas, tipicamente zonadas e de tamanho variável, necrosando, às vezes, extensas áreas do limbo e provocando desfolha prematura. Associado a esse sintoma foliar, o patógeno pode causar lesões nas hastes, pecíolos e vagens, assumindo proporções severas. As lesões necróticas das hastes podem estrangula-las e provocar a morte da planta acima da região afetada. Nas vagens, as lesões tendem a ser circulares e zonadas, como as das folhas, porém os anéis concêntricos são menos evidentes....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feijão-vagem; Doenças; Ascochyta phaseolorum Sacc..
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Only the B biotype of Bemisia tabaci is present on vegetables in São Paulo State, Brazil Scientia Agricola
Rocha,Kelly Cristina Gonçales; Marubayashi,Julio Massaharu; Navas-Castillo,Jesús; Yuki,Valdir Atsushi; Wilcken,Carlos Frederico; Pavan,Marcelo Agenor; Krause-Sakate,Renate.
Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) is one of the most important pests in cultivated areas of vegetables and ornamental crops around the world. Based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidize I (mtCOI) sequence, there is evidence that B. tabaci should be considered a cryptic species complex of 11 groups containing 24 species. Two of the groups, Middle East-Asia Minor 1 and Mediterranean include biotypes B and Q, respectively. In this study we evaluated the mtCOI sequence of B. tabaci populations collected in sites of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Using PCR-RFLP with Taq I, a typical biotype B profile was obtained for all specimens. Based on the comparison with mtCOI reference sequences we found four haplotypes all belonging to the Middle East-Asia Minor 1. They...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: RFLP; Cytochrome oxidase I gene; Sequencing; Whiteflies.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Oviposição de Bemisia tabaci (genn.) (Homoptera: aleyrodidae) em três variedades de soja sem chance de escolha Bragantia
Lourenção,André Luiz; Yuki,Valdir Atsushi.
A non-choice type of experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Campinas to study the oviposition of B. tabaci on two introductions (PI 171451 and PI 229358) and one commercial variety (Santa Rosa) of soybean. Previously these introductions were less oviposited by the whitefly in a free-choice type of experiment when compared to commercial varieties. The observed average number of eggs per square centimeter of leaf were 0.82, 0.42 and 0.41 for 'Santa Rosa' susceptible, PI 171451 (resistant) and PI 229358 (resistant), respectively. These results showed that the lower rate of for oviposition observed previously is maintained when the insect does not have a chance to oviposit on a susceptible variety.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Tomato yellow vein streak virus: relationship with Bemisia tabaci biotype B and host range Scientia Agricola
Firmino,Ana Carolina; Yuki,Valdir Atsushi; Moreira,Adriana Gonçalves; Rezende,Jorge Alberto Marques.
The Tomato yellow vein streak virus (ToYVSV) is a putative species of begomovirus, which was prevalent on tomato crops in São Paulo State, Brazil, until 2005. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the interaction between ToYVSV and its vector Bemisia tabaci biotype B and to identify alternative hosts for the virus. The minimum acquisition and inoculation access periods of ToYVSV by B. tabaci were 30 min and 10 min, respectively. Seventy five percent of tomato-test plants were infected when the acquisition and inoculation access periods were 24 h. The latent period of the virus in the insect was 16 h. The ToYVSV was retained by B. tabaci until 20 days after acquisition. First generation of adult whiteflies obtained from viruliferous females were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicon; Geminivirus; Begomovirus; Aleyrodidae; Transmission.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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