Yuncker, T.G.. |
Herba parva delicata subcaespitosa repens, caule pergracili sat conferte piloso, pilis erectis; foliis alternis vel supremis oppositis elliptico-obovatis, apice rotundatis, basi acutis vel subobtusis, supra crispo-pubescentibus subtus glabris vel dissite pubescentibus ciliolatis palmatim 3-5-nerviis; petiolo pergracili; spicis terminalibus axillaribusve gracillimis; drupa obliquo-ovoidea, apice obliqua, stigmate subapicali. A very small, delicate, subcespitose, herbaceous plant, the stems scarcely 1 mm. in diameter when dry, pilose with spreading hairs, commonly densely so in young growth, branching, the sterile branches comparatively short and stolon-like, the fruiting branches ascending 3-5 cm. Leaves alternate, or the uppermost appearing opposite, the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534703 |
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Yuncker, T.G.. |
Herbs, shrubs, or small trees, sometimes scandent; stems slightly to strongly nodose, the vascular bundles distinct and sometimes scattered. Leaves simple, entire, alternate or less frequently opposite or verticillate, mostly petiolate; stipules, when present, commonly adnate to the petiole. Flowers very small, bisexual in most American species, lacking a perianth, sessile in the axils of bracts of various forms, in more or less fleshy spikes, or, in the genus Ottonia (not present in our area) pedicellate in spike-like racemes; stamens commonly 2 to 5 (1—10), the anthers longitudinally dehiscent; pistil 1, 1-celled, the ovule basal; stigmas 1—5, sessile or on a style. Fruit a drupe with thin pericarp and small seed, the embryo embedded in endosperm. A... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1966 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/503214 |
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