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Geophysical Model Function for the AMSR2 C-Band Wind Excess Emissivity at High Winds ArchiMer
Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta V.; Reul, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand.
Measurements of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) onboard GCOM-W1 satellite at 6.925 and 7.3 GHz and both linear polarizations over tropical cyclones (TCs) during 2012 – 2014 are used to derive a new geophysical function relating the brightness temperature to the sea surface wind speed (SWS) in extreme conditions. . Similar sensitivity to SWS at close C-band frequencies allowed to correct for the atmospheric contributions to the microwave radiance and estimate the brightness temperature (TB) at the surface under the TCs, combining theoretical modeling and measured TB analyses. Estimated oceanic TBs were regressed against the wind speeds from the Best Track Archive to derive the new geophysical model function (GMF) for the wind speed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atmosphere; Geophysical measurements; Oceans; Passive microwave remote sensing; Tropical cyclones (TCs).
Ano: 2016 URL:
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New approach for severe marine weather study using satellite passive microwave sensing ArchiMer
Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta V.; Mitnik, Leonid M.; Chapron, Bertrand.
A methodology, based on model simulations and neural networks inversion, is proposed to jointly retrieve sea surface wind speed, sea surface temperature, atmospheric water vapor content, cloud liquid water content, and total atmospheric absorption at 10.65GHz using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 measurements. In particular, estimation of the total atmospheric absorption at 10.65GHz, which can be done with high accuracy due to the not so strong influence of liquid water and especially water vapor, helps to refine a new filter to considerably reduce masking ocean areas for severe weather systems, characterized by high wind speeds and moderate atmospheric absorption, appropriate for studying winter extratropical cyclone and polar low systems. A...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite passive microwave; Weather filter; High winds; AMSR-2; Atmospheric absorption.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Polar Lows Over the Eastern Part of the Eurasian Arctic: The Sea-Ice Retreat Consequence ArchiMer
Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta V.; Gurvich, Irina A.; Chapron, Bertrand.
With the sea-ice decline over the eastern part of the Eurasian Arctic (EEA), polar mesocyclones (MCs) and their most intensive representatives-polar lows (PLs)-can occur over more open-water areas. Visible and infrared MODIS images, active and passive microwave spaceborne instruments, and ERA Interim reanalysis data are combined and used to analyze the synoptic situations and to infer the factors influencingMC appearance and evolution over the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, and the Chukchi Sea. In recent years, the Arctic more often loses its summer sea-ice cover, and PLs may more commonly emerge within open-water Eastern Arctic regions during fall and summer months. This conclusion is derived basing on the analysis of more than 150 MCs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic; Geoscience; Mesoscale cyclones.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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