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First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania) 5
Leicher, Niklas; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Sulpizio, Roberto; Giaccio, Biagio; Wagner, Bernd; Nomade, Sebastien; Francke, Alexander; Del Carlo, Paola.
A tephrostratigraphic record covering the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-15 was established for the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania). Major element analyses (energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS)) were carried out on juvenile fragments extracted from 12 tephra layers (OH-DP-0115 to OH-DP-2060). The geochemical analyses of the glass shards of all of these layers suggest an origin in the Italian volcanic provinces. They include the Y-3 (OH-DP-0115, 26.68-29.42 ka cal BP), the Campanian Ignimbrite-Y-5 (OH-DP-0169, 39.6 +/- 0.1 ka), and the X-6 (OH-DP-0404, 109 +/- 2 ka) from the Campanian volcanoes, the P-11 of Pantelleria (OH-DP-0499, 133.5 +/- 2 ka), the Vico B (OH-DP-0617, 162 +/- 6 ka) from...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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North-south palaeohydrological contrasts in the central Mediterranean during the Holocene: tentative synthesis and working hypotheses 5
Magny, Michel; Combourieu Nebout, Nathalie; De Beaulieu, Jacques-louis; Bout-roumazeilles, Viviane; Colombaroli, D.; Desprat, Stephanie; Francke, A.; Joannin, Sebastien; Ortu, Elena; Peyron, Odile; Revel, Marie; Sadori, Laura; Siani, Giuseppe; Sicre, Marie-alexandrine; Samartin, S.; Simonneau, A.; Tinner, Willy; Vanniere, Boris; Wagner, B.; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Brugiapaglia, E.; Chapron, Emmanuel; Debret, Maxime; Desmet, Marc; Didier, Jean; Essallami, Latifa; Galop, D.; Gilli, A.; Haas, J.n.; Kallel, Nejib; Millet, L.; Stock, Andy; Turon, Jean-louis; Wirth, S..
On the basis of a multi-proxy approach and a strategy combining lacustrine and marine records along a north-south transect, data collected in the central Mediterranean within the framework of a collaborative project have led to reconstruction of high-resolution and well-dated palaeohydrological records and to assessment of their spatial and temporal coherency. Contrasting patterns of palaeohydrological changes have been evidenced in the central Mediterranean: south (north) of around 40 degrees N of latitude, the middle part of the Holocene was characterised by lake-level maxima (minima), during an interval dated to ca. 10 300-4500 cal BP to the south and 9000-4500 cal BP to the north. Available data suggest that these contrasting palaeohydrological...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Tephrochronology and the extended intimate (integration of ice-core, marine and terrestrial records) event stratigraphy 8-128 ka b2k 5
Blockley, Simon P. E.; Bourne, Anna J.; Brauer, Achim; Davies, Siwan M.; Hardiman, Mark; Harding, Poppy R.; Lane, Christine S.; Macleod, Alison; Matthews, Ian P.; Pyne-o'Donnell, Sean D. F.; Rasmussen, Sune O.; Wulf, Sabine; Zanchetta, Giovanni.
The comparison of palaeoclimate records on their own independent timescales is central to the work of the INTIMATE (INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records) network. For the North Atlantic region, an event stratigraphy has been established from the high-precision Greenland ice-core records and the integrated GICCO5 chronology. This stratotype provides a palaeoclimate signal to which the timing and nature of palaeoenvironmental change recorded in marine and terrestrial archives can be compared. To facilitate this wider comparison, without assuming synchroneity of climatic change/proxy response, INTIMATE has also focussed on the development of tools to achieve this. In particular the use of time-parallel marker horizons e.g. tephra layers...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Event-stratigraphy; Tephrochronology; INTIMATE; Greenland ice cores; Palaeoenvironment; Palaeoclimate.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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