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Eucalyptus grandis Hill.ex. Maiden injuries caused by Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor. 190
Santana, Dalva Luiz de Queiroz; Zanol, Keti M. R.; Botosso, Paulo Cesar; Mattos, Patricia Póvoa de.
The injuries of Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, 1977, were characterized through observations in field,  laboratory and greenhouse. The first injuries of C. spatulata in Eucalyptus grandis are caused during  oviposition. At the point where the egg is inserted, a   small black spot appears, which may grow larger, causing the bud death. The insect eliminates large  amount of honeydew, accumulating on leaves and  apical parts, which starts the proliferation of sooty mold,  and fitopathogenic fungi. Leaves of the attacked  lants become deformed, smaller than the  normal ones, distorted, or with flaws among the ribs and sooty mold reducing the photosynthetic capacity.  Due to damages provoked by the bites, oviposition,  sooty mold accumulation and other fungi,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest pests; Eucalyptus pests; Exotic pests; Psyllid Pragas florestais; Pragas exóticas; Pragas do eucalipto; Psilídeo..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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