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Backwash sediment record of the 2009 South Pacific Tsunami and 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake Tsunami 5
Riou, Brieuc; Chaumillon, Eric; Chagu, Catherine; Sabatier, Pierre; Schneider, Jean-luc; Walsh, John-patrick; Zawadzki, Atun; Fierro, Daniela.
Following recent tsunamis, most studies have focused on the onshore deposits, while the offshore backwash deposits, crucial for a better understanding of the hydrodynamic processes during such events and offering an opportunity for sedimentary archives of past tsunamis, have mostly been omitted. Here, we present a unique sedimentary record of the backwash from two historical tsunamis sampled in a sheltered bay in American Samoa, namely the 2009 South Pacific Tsunami and the 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake Tsunami. Although not always concomitant with a marked grain size change, backwash deposits are identified by terrestrial geochemical and mineralogical signatures, associated with basal soft sediment micro-deformations. These micro-deformations, including...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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