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Pelagic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea: A review of Good Environmental Status (GES) determination for plankton components and identification of gaps and priority needs to improve coherence for the MSFD implementation 5
Varkitzi, I.; France, J.; Basset, A.; Cozzoli, F.; Stanca, E.; Zervoudaki, S.; Giannakourou, A.; Assimakopoulou, G.; Venetsanopoulou, A.; Mozetic, P.; Tinta, T.; Skejic, S.; Vidjak, O.; Cadiou, Jean-francois; Pagou, K..
At present there is no consistent approach for the definition of Good Environmental Status (GES) and targets in the Mediterranean Sea, especially for Biodiversity Descriptors, according to the Article 12 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The use of plankton indicators in the Mediterranean Sea refers mostly to pelagic habitats in coastal waters and to case studies connected with environmental pressures, e.g. in the Adriatic, Aegean etc. The aim of this review is to study the existing biodiversity indicators for different plankton groups in order to compare GES definitions for the Biodiversity Descriptor and identify the relevant gaps and priority needs to improve coherence for the MSFD implementation across the Mediterranean. For these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plankton indicators; Pelagic habitats; Biodiversity; Mediterranean sea; MSFD; GES assessment.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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