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GM-CSF or flagellin improves the efficacy of recombinant rabies viruses for both parental and oral immunizations MV&Z
Fu, Z.; Zhou, M.; Zhang, G.; Ren, G..
Our previous studies indicated that recombinant rabies viruses expressing chemokines and cytokines (including GM-CSF) could enhance the immunogenicity by inducing innate immunity and recruiting/activating dendritic cells and B cells. In this study, bacterial flagellin was cloned into the rabies virus genome and recombinant virus rLBNSE-Flic was rescued. To compare the immunogenicity of rLBNSEFlic with recombinant virus expressing GM-CSF (rLBNSE-GMCSF), mice were immunized with each of these recombinant rabies viruses by i.m. or the oral route. The parental virus (rLBNSE) without expression of any foreign molecules was included for comparison. The i.m.-immunized mice were bled at three weeks after the immunization for the measurement of virus neutralizing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Mesozooplankton structure and functioning during the onset of the Kerguelen phytoplankton bloom during the KEOPS2 survey ArchiMer
Carlotti, F.; Jouandet, M. -p.; Nowaczyk, A.; Harmelin-vivien, M.; Lefevre, D.; Richard, P.; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, M..
This paper presents results on the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of mesozooplankton in the naturally fertilized region to the east of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) visited at early bloom stage during the KEOPS2 survey (15 October to 20 November 2011). The aim of this study was to compare the zooplankton response in contrasted environments localized over the Kerguelen Plateau in waters of the east shelf and shelf edge and in productive oceanic deep waters characterized by conditions of complex circulation and rapidly changing phytoplankton biomass. The mesozooplankton community responded to the spring bloom earlier on the plateau than in the oceanic waters, where complex mesoscale circulation stimulated initial more or less ephemeral...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Neutralization antibodies in combination of MCP-1 are as effective as live-attenuated rabies virus in preventing mice from developing rabies MV&Z
Fu, Z.; Huang, J.; Li, G.; Zhang, G.; Zhou, M..
Rabies virus (RABV) is a neurotropic virus that causes fatal disease in humans and animals. Currently there is no cure for rabies once clinical signs appear. It has been hypothesized that once the virus enters the central nervous system (CNS), neutralizing antibodies in the periphery cannot cross the blood– brain barrier (BBB) into the CNS. Previous studies have demonstrated that treatment with live-attenuated RABV via the intracerebral route 5 days after infection with wild-type viruses can lead to the clearance not only the attenuated, but also the wild-type virus. Direct administration of liveattenuated RABV stimulated high levels of neutralization antibodies and enhanced the BBB permeability. However, direct intracerebral administration of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Surface currents and upwelling in Kerguelen Plateau regions ArchiMer
Zhou, M.; Zhu, Y.; D'Ovidio, F.; Park, Y.-h.; Durand, I.; Kestenare, E.; Sanial, V.; Van-beek, P.; Queguiner, B.; Carlotti, F.; Blain, S..
Mean currents, horizontal diffusivity and upwelling on the Kerguelen Plateau and the deep basin east of the Kerguelen Islands were studied using 48 World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Standard Surface Velocity Program (SVP) drifters deployed during the 2011 austral spring KEOPS II (KErguelen Ocean Plateau compared Study II) cruise. These drifter data were analyzed based on autocovariances for temporal scales, least-squares fitted streamfunctions for estimating mesoscale mean currents, wind stress fields and Ekman pumping, and Taylor's single particle diffusivity for estimating horizontal dispersion of surface waters. The results have revealed the shelfbreak current on the southern and eastern shelf slopes of the Kerguelen Islands, transport of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The biogeochemical structuring role of horizontal stirring: Lagrangian perspectives on iron delivery downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau ArchiMer
D'Ovidio, F.; Della Penna, A.; Trull, T. W.; Nencioli, F.; Pujol, M. -i.; Rio, M.-h; Park, Y. -h.; Cotte, C.; Zhou, M.; Blain, S..
Field campaigns are instrumental in providing ground truth for understanding and modeling global ocean biogeochemical budgets. A survey however can only inspect a fraction of the global oceans, typically a region hundreds of kilometers wide for a temporal window of the order of (at most) several weeks. This spatiotemporal domain is also the one in which the mesoscale activity induces through horizontal stirring a strong variability in the biogeochemical tracers, with ephemeral, local contrasts which can easily mask the regional and seasonal gradients. Therefore, whenever local in situ measures are used to infer larger-scale budgets, one faces the challenge of identifying the mesoscale structuring effect, if not simply to filter it out. In the case of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Use of Ra isotopes to deduce rapid transfer of sediment-derived inputs off Kerguelen ArchiMer
Sanial, V.; Van Beek, P.; Lansard, B.; Souhaut, M.; Kestenare, E.; D'Ovidio, F.; Zhou, M.; Blain, S..
The Southern Ocean is known to be the largest high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the global ocean due to iron limitation. However, a large phytoplankton bloom develops annually downstream of the Kerguelen Islands, a bloom which is sustained partly by iron released from the sediments deposited onto the shelves. In the framework of the KEOPS-2 project, we used radium isotopes (Ra-224, T-1/2 = 3.66 d; Ra-223, T-1/2 = 11.4 d; Ra-228, T-1/2 = 5.75 yr) to provide information on the origin of iron fertilization and on the timescales of the transfer of sedimentderived inputs (including iron and other micronutrients) towards offshore waters. Significant Ra-224 and Ra-223 activities were found in the near vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands, in agreement...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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