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Development of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for the Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter from Remote Sensing over Clear to Very Turbid Waters ArchiMer
Han, Bing; Loisel, Hubert; Vantrepotte, Vincent; Meriaux, Xavier; Bryere, Philippe; Ouillon, Sylvain; Dessailly, David; Xing, Qianguo; Zhu, Jianhua.
Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter, SPM, from space has long been used to assess its spatio-temporal variability in various coastal areas. The associated algorithms were generally site specific or developed over a relatively narrow range of concentration, which make them inappropriate for global applications (or at least over broad SPM range). In the frame of the GlobCoast project, a large in situ data set of SPM and remote sensing reflectance, R-rs(lambda), has been built gathering together measurements from various coastal areas around Europe, French Guiana, North Canada, Vietnam, and China. This data set covers various contrasting coastal environments diversely affected by different biogeochemical and physical processes such as sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Specific backscattering coefficient; Empirical algorithm; Semi-analytic algorithm; Coastal waters; Suspended particulate matter; Ocean color.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Error Analysis on ESA's Envisat ASAR Wave Mode Significant Wave Height Retrievals Using Triple Collocation Model ArchiMer
Wang, He; Zhu, Jianhua; Yang, Jingsong.
Nowadays, spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has become a powerful tool for providing significant wave height (SWH). Traditionally, validation of SAR derived SWH has been carried out against buoy measurements or model outputs, which only yield an inter-comparison, but not an "absolute" validation. In this study, the triple collocation error model has been introduced in the validation of Envisat ASAR derived SWH products. SWH retrievals from ASAR wave mode using ESA's algorithm are validated against in situ buoy data, and wave model hindcast results from WaveWatch III wave model, covering a period of six years. From the triple collocation validation analysis, the impacts of the collocation distance and water depth on the error of ASAR SWH are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Envisat ASAR; Significant wave height; Validation; Triple collocation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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GF-3 SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval: The First View and Preliminary Assessment ArchiMer
Wang, He; Yang, Jingsong; Mouche, Alexis; Shao, Weizeng; Zhu, Jianhua; Ren, Lin; Xie, Chunhua.
Gaofen-3 (GF-3) is the first Chinese civil C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) launched on 10 August 2016 by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), which operates in 12 imaging modes with a fine spatial resolution up to 1 m. As one of the primary users, the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) operationally processes GF-3 SAR Level-1 products into ocean surface wind vector and plans to officially release the near real-time SAR wind products in the near future. In this paper, the methodology of wind retrieval at C-band SAR is introduced and the first results of GF-3 SAR-derived winds are presented. In particular, the case of the coastal katabatic wind off the west coast of the U.S. captured by GF-3 is discussed. The preliminary accuracy assessment of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GF-3; Synthetic aperture radar (SAR); Ocean surface wind; Validation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Verification and recalibration of HY-2A microwave radiometer brightness temperature ArchiMer
Zhao, Yili; Li, Huimin; Chen, Chuntao; Zhu, Jianhua.
HY-2A is the first one of the Chinese HY-2 ocean satellite series carrying a microwave radiometer (RM) to measure sea surface temperature, sea surface wind speed, atmospheric water vapor, cloud liquid water content, and rain rate. We verified the RM level 1B brightness temperature (T-B) to retrieve environmental parameters. In the verification, T-B that simulated using the ocean-atmosphere radiative transfer model (RTM) was used as a reference. The total bias and total standard deviation (SD) of the RM level 1B T-B, with reference to the RTM simulation, ranged -20.6-4.38 K and 0.7-2.93 K, respectively. We found that both the total bias and the total SD depend on the frequency and polarization, although the values for ascending and descending passes arc...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HY-2A; Microwave radiometer; Brightness temperature (T-B); Verification; Calibration.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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