Zitter, T. A. C.; Grall, Celine; Henry, Pierre; Ozeren, M.s.; Cagatay, M. Namik; Sengor, A.m.c.; Gasperini, Luca; Mercier De Lepinay, Marion; Geli, L. |
An overview is given of mass wasting features along the slopes of the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, based on new data and previously published information. The Sea of Marmara is characterized by active tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault and by eustatic sea level changes controlling the connections both to the Mediterranean and Black Sea (i.e. lacustrine and marine conditions during sea-level low and high stands, respectively). High resolution bathymetric data, subsurface echo-sounder and seismic reflection profiling, seafloor visual observations, as well as stratigraphic analysis of sediment cores have been used to identify, map and date submarine slope failures and mass wasting deposits. Gravity mass movements are widespread on the steep slopes of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sea of Marmara; Mass wasting; Seafloor morphology; Sea-level; Normal faulting. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00112/22351/20029.pdf |
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Tryon, M. D.; Henry, P.; Cagatay, M. N.; Zitter, T. A. C.; Geli, Louis; Gasperini, L.; Burnard, P.; Bourlange, S.; Grall, Celine. |
As part of the 2007 Marnaut cruise in the Sea of Marmara, an investigation of the pore fluid chemistry of sites along the Main Marmara Fault zone was conducted. The goal was to define the spatial relationship between active faults and fluid outlets and to determine the sources and evolution of the fluids. Sites included basin bounding transtensional faults and strike-slip faults cutting through the topographic highs. The basin pore fluids are dominated by simple mixing of bottom water with a brackish, low-density Pleistocene Lake Marmara end-member that is advecting buoyantly and/or diffusing from a relatively shallow depth. This mix is overprinted by shallow redox reactions and carbonate precipitation. The ridge sites are more complex with evidence for... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pore fluid; Fluid seeps; Marine hydrogeology; Methane seeps; Sea of Marmara; North Anatolian Fault. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00017/12809/9759.pdf |
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