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How Does Protein Malnutrition or Food Deprivation Interfere with the Growth of the Epiphyseal Plate in Animals? International Journal of Morphology
da Silva,Karina de Carvalho; Silva,Camilla Rodrigues de Souza; Costa,Rita de Cássia da Silva; de Moraes,Sílvia Regina Arruda.
the aim of this study was to conduct a literature review of impacts of protein malnutrition and/or early food deprivation on the formation of the growth plate in young animals. A search was performed using the databases PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and the Cochrane Library, without language restrictions or any limit as to year. Initially, 150 articles were identified, however, after application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria only five remained. In three studies the nutritional stress was due to protein malnutrition, another due to fasting and the fifth was due to food restriction. All the studies had some methodological omissions. The studies included in this review-demonstrated corroboration in the results obtained, regardless of whether the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Epiphyseal plate; Bone growth; Protein malnutrition; Food deprivation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Quality and Language of Learning Objects Used in the Teaching of Human Anatomy International Journal of Morphology
da Silva,Karina de Carvalho; Santana,Otacílio Antunes; de Moraes,Sílvia Regina Arruda.
The traditional method of teaching Human Anatomy is based on the use of cadavers, text books and the use of images from an atlas. Learning anatomy by means of a cadaver contributes to the understanding of the shape, location and relationship of various organs and structures of the human body. However, the use of cadaverous material presents difficulties in terms of acquisition, conservation, quality and quantity. Thus, to improve the teaching of anatomy other learning objects such as anatomical models, videos and software, have been used. Each of these objects has its qualities as facilitators of knowledge, a fact represented by the impact that they have on the learning of anatomy translated into an improvement in student grades. However, such learning...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Human anatomy; Learning objects; Anatomy teaching; Anatomical models; Softwares.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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