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EcoOrchard – collecting existing knowledge and generating new knowledge on functional biodiversity of organic orchards Organic Eprints
Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; tasin, Marco; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura.
Organic fruit growers often suffer economic losses due to insect damages. The available natural pest control products are not always effective; and most important: many organic fruit growers would prefer not to use any pesticide at all. EcoOrchard, a CORE Organic Plus project (2015-18) aims to collect existing knowledge and generate new knowledge in order to use Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB) successfully in orchards. This includes experimental trials in seven countries on the potential of inter-row flower strips for control of key pests and natural enemy augmentation, the establishment of the EBIO-Network as a European-wide network of stakeholders for collecting, sharing and improving scientific and practical knowledge and experience in FAB...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards Organic Eprints
Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grebeau, D.; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Matray, Silvia; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Beatrice; Świergiel, Weronika; Telfser, Joseph; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette.
According to its principles and standards, organic farming particularly rely on natural processes and functional agro-biodiversity (FAB) to benefit from essential ecosystem services. However, these processes are mostly complex, hardly visible and site-specific, thereby making it difficult to assess and manage on-farm. A European survey has been carried out among organic farmers and emphasizes the variability among countries with a diversity of techniques targeting different functional groups according to farming contexts and farmers’ expectations. The different criteria used by farmers to evaluate FABtechniques efficiency and implementation potential clearly illustrate the difficulty to assess the agroecosystem as a whole.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Systems research and participatory research Fruit and berries Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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