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Current knowledge on the environmental fate, potential impact, and management of growth-promoting steroids used in the US beef cattle industry NWISRL
Biswas, S; Shapiro, C.A.; Kranz, W.L.; Mader, T.L.; Shelton, D.P.; Snow, D.D.; Bartlett-Hunt, S.L.; Tarkalson, D.D.; vanDonk, S.J.; Zhang, T.C.; Ensley, S.M..
Growth promoting steroids and steroid-like compounds (GPSC) used by the US beef cattle industry are potential contaminants to water resources. Manure generated in concentrated animal feeding operations contains GPSCs that may enter the environment. Several studies have focused on off-site impacts of GPSC in aquatic life and suggest possible adverse impacts such as abnormal blood hormone levels, masculinization of females, feminization of males, altered sex ratios, intersexuality and reduced fertility. Other studies point to potential human health impacts including increased incidence of human cancers, sexual disorders, and decline in male: female ratio in human beings. However, the use of GPSCs in beef production provides benefits to both cattle producers...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Animal health; Animal.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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