Registros recuperados: 3.920 | |
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Korovchinsky, N.M.; Sergeeva, N.G.. |
The recently described Pseudopenilia bathyalis Sergeeva, 2004, found in the depths of the Black Sea and initially attributed to family Sididae (Crustacea: Cladocera: Ctenopoda), have after reinvestigation been placed in Pseudopenilidae, a new family of the cladoceran order Ctenopoda. The following set of the main diagnostic features characterize Pseudopenilidae: comparatively large antennules with long sensory seta and five aesthetascs; long and massive second antennae with two-segmented branches armed with long, one-segmented, needle-shaped setae without setules; maxillules without long setae; lack of second maxillae; closed brood pouch; six pairs of similar thoracic limbs without gnathobases and filtering setae; small epipodites present only on thoracic... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Ano: 2008 |
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Онищенко, О. М.. |
51 штамм Alteromonas-подобных бактерий, изолированных из воды и беспозвоночных Черного моря, а также 11 типовых штаммов родов Pseudoalteromonas, Alteromonas, Marinomonas, Shewanella исследованы по 97 фенотипическим признакам и сгруппированы в 8 фенонов методами нумерического анализа. Черноморские изоляты отнесены к видам Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens, P. citrea, P. aurantia, P. haloplanktis, P. undina. Спектр их антагонистической активности отличался на различных по составу питательных средах: на богатой среде "В" антагонизм наблюдался в отношении спороносных бактерий и Candida albicans, на синтетической среде "ВМ" - в отношении P. aeruginosa, и в меньшей степени - дрожжей рода Candida. |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Bacteria; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_765. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://repository.ibss.org.ua/dspace/handle/99011/561 |
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Piontkovski, S.A.; Fonda-Umani, S.; Stefanova, K.; Kamburska, L.; Olazabal, A. De. |
The response of the zooplankton community to different types of atmospheric anomalies was analysed by the comparison of sampling series from the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. It was shown that the global scale atmospheric anomalies (exemplified by the North Atlantic Oscillation) could affect zooplankton communities entirely. An impact finds its way through the changes in the integrative characteristics of the zooplankton community (i.e. total copepod abundance and total mesozooplankton biomass). The mesoscale atmospheric anomalies (exemplified by the 2003 European Heat Wave) could affect zooplankton communities partially. Changes in integrative characteristics were not well pronounced. Instead, a community has responded through changes in the abundance... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://repository.ibss.org.ua/dspace/handle/99011/2436 |
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Registros recuperados: 3.920 | |