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A first attempt to elucidate the amino acid sequence of some lichen lectins 85
Sacristán,M; Millanes,Am; Fontaniella,B; Legaz,Me; Vicente,C.
Secreted arginases from Evernia prunastri and Xanthoria parietina thalli, exhibiting lectin activity, have been purified to homogeneity. Analyses of both amino acid and glycoside composition are reported. Purified proteins have been subjected to tryptic digestion and some amino acid sequences have been analyzed. An undecapeptide from Evernia arginase, which shows some degree of homology with the domain to which Mn²+ binds, a heptapeptide and an undecapeptide from Xanthoria arginase have been analyzed, and homologies with some arginases from other fungi and plants have been found.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Evernia prunastri; Xanthoria parietina; Arginases; Lectins; Structure analysis.
Año: 2008 URL:
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A revision of Eupatorium (Compositae: Eupatorieae) from Michoacan 85
Garcia Sanchez,E; Ramirez Lopez,CB; del Rio Torres,REN; Martinez Pacheco,MM.
An important study in species of the genus Eupatorium, that inhabits other parts of the world, was conducted in the search for new molecules with pharmacological activities, thus showing that it is a potential source of novel secondary metabolites. We reviewed the number of Eupatorium species that have been described in the State of Michoacan, and that can be available for harvesting, to make a phytochemical screening. It was found that 69 Eupatorium spp are growing in 69% of the Michoacan territory. Within this group there are ten species used in Mexican traditional medicine. It was evident the difficulty in taxonomic classifying these species since several Eupatorium spp have synonyms. It appeared that the number of native members should be reduced in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Biodiversity; Eupatorium; Phytochemistry; Michoacan; Terpenes.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Aboveground biomass and concentration of nutrients in semiarid rangeland plant species: Influence of grazing and soil moisture 85
Gul,B; Islam,M; Ahmad,S; Gul,S.
Spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground biomass and nutritive value of rangeland species with respect to the influence of grazing and soil moisture were investigated. The research was conducted during two years at the Tomagh Research Station, near Sanjawi, Ziarat District, Balochistan, Pakistan. This area is protected from grazing since 1998; however, some of the area is open for grazing. Tree sites were selected for research purposes: a protected plain, a protected hilly, and an unprotected plain grazed area. Sampling was carried out during the spring, summer and autumn seasons. Results revealed that soil moisture was greater at the protected than unprotected sites. The aboveground plant biomass was 66% to 76% lower at unprotected than protected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Rangeland; Biomass production; Season; Semiarid; Grazing; Grass.
Año: 2016 URL:
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Abscisic acid biosynthesis and catabolism and their regulation roles in fruit ripening 85
Yang,FW; Feng,XQ.
Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a series of significant physiology roles in higher plants including but not limited to promote bud and seed dormancy, accelerate foliage fall, induce stomatal closure, inhibit growth and enhance resistance. Recently, it has been revealed that ABA also has an important regulator role in the growth, development and ripening of fruit. In higher plants ABA is produced from an indirect pathway from the cleavage products of carotenoids. The accumulation of endogenous ABA levels in plants is a dynamic balance controlled by the processes of biosynthesis and catabolism, through the regulation of key ABA biosynthetic gene and enzyme activities. It has been hypothesized that ABA levels could be part of the signal that trigger fruit ripening,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Abscisic acid (ABA); Biosynthesis; Catabolism; Regulation; Fruit; Ripening.
Año: 2015 URL:
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Accumulation of silver nanoparticles and its effect on the antioxidant capacity in Allium cepa L 85
Juárez-Maldonado,A; Rosales-Velázquez,JL; Ortega-Ortiz,H; Cabrera-De-la-Fuente,M; Ramírez,H; Benavides-Mendoza,A.
Nanotechnology is currently an important worldwide study field because it provides control on matter at a nanometric scale. In food and agricultural fields, the applications of this technology are in early stages. Onion is one of the main vegetables grown in the world. Onion is a low calorie food which contains a large amount of flavonoids. In this work, silver nitrate application in onion was evaluated. An onion crop was developed at the University Antonio Narro in Saltillo, Mexico. Two methods of silver nitrate application were used (a nutritive solution: 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg/L of AgNO3; and foliar spray: 0, 20 and 40 mg/L of AgNO3). The samples were taken at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting. Total antioxidant capacity, silver accumulation and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Nanotechnology; Onion; Silver nitrate; Nanoparticles.
Año: 2013 URL:
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Active fractions from four species of marine algae 85
Oranday,MA; Verde,MJ; Martínez-Lozano,SJ; Waksman,NH.
A bioassay-directed is utilized to detect substances with biological activity from Gracilaria tikvahiae, Ulva lactuca, Ulva fasciata and Sargassum fluitans. In a preliminary assessment, polar and non polar extracts of four species of marine protoctist form were screened for antibacterial and antifungal properties against seven microorganisms by the diffusion method, non polar extracts of Sargassumfluitans,and polar extracts of Gracilaria tikvahiae inhibited the growth of more than four microorganisms. Extracts were separated using chromatography column and fractions were tested againstStapylococcusaureus andCandida albicans. The eighty fraction of petroleum ether of S. fluitans exhibited high activity against C.albicans, MIC 0.16 µg/mL.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Año: 2004 URL:
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Actividad antagónica in vitro de cepas de Bacillus subtilis aisladas de suelos de la Península de Yucatán contra Macrophomina phaseolina y Meloidogyne incognita 85
Ruiz,SE; Cristóbal,AJ; Reyes,RA; Tun,SJ; García,RA; Pacheco,AJ.
La actividad antagónica de las cepas de Bacillus subtilis nativas de los suelos de la península de Yucatán fueron evaluadas en dos patógenos de suelo. Bacillus subtilis cbck36 y cbrf24 causaron la inhibición de más de 60% de crecimiento en la colonia de Machophomina phaseolina. El filtrado libre de células de B. subtilis cbr24 fue activo contra el segundo estado juvenil (J2) de Meloidogyne incognita (CL50 25,8% v/v).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Patógenos de suelo; Filtrado libre de células; Rizobacteria.
Año: 2014 URL:
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Actividad antibacteriana y antifúngica de mieles monoflorales de Quillaja saponaria, especie endémica de Chile 85
Montenegro,G; Salas,F; Peña,RC; Pizarro,R.
En mieles monoflorales de la especie chilena Quillaja saponaria se detectaron los compuestos fenólicos: ácido cumárico y ácido salicílico, la flavona naringenina y el flavonol kaempferol, utilizando cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Estos extractos mostraron actividad antibacteriana contra Pseudomonas aureginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus typhi, S. aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae tipo β, y Vibrio cholerae, y actividad antifúngica contra la levadura Candida albicans. En el extracto etanólico, adicionalmente, se identificaron algunos compuestos del aroma y de descomposición.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Miel; MIC; Quillaja saponaria; Manuka; Flavonas; Ácidos fenólicos; Compuestos fenólicos.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Actividad anti-inflamatoria de Ziziphus amole 85
Romero-Castillo,PA; Pérez Amador Barron,MC; Guevara Fefer,P; Muñoz Ocotero,V; Reyes Dorantes,A; Aguirre Garcia,F; Amaya Chavez,A.
Actualmente se ha despertado el interés científico por la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos con actividad antiinflamatoria, con menos efectos colaterales de los ya existentes en el mercado. En este sentido, las plantas medicinales pueden ser una fuente natural alternativa, como es el caso de Ziziphus amole (Sessé & Moc.) M.C. Johnst. o coróngoro, nativo de México. Se emplea en la medicina tradicional como antiinflamatorio, cicatrizante, analgésico, antidiarreico, en diabetes, asma y hemorroides. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto antiinflamatorio de los extractos crudos del coróngoro Z. amole en el modelo de inflamación aguda en edema auricular inducido por 13-acetato-12-O-tetradecanoilforbol (TPA) en ratón, y la actividad...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Coróngoro; Ziziphus amole; Modelo biológico; Edema auricular; 13-acetato-12-O-tetradecanoilforbol (TPA); Mieloperoxidasa (MPO).
Año: 2013 URL:
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Actualización de la Flora Orquídeológica del macizo montañoso Guamuahaya, Cienfuegos, Cuba 85
Alomá Moreno,O; Freuler,MJ.
El presente estudio de la familia Orchidaceae se desarrolló en la zona del Macizo montañoso Guamuahaya, en el período comprendido desde el año 2000 hasta marzo del 2013, visitándose 15 localidades de la provincia de Cienfuegos en 33 expediciones. Se listan 92 especies para el área estudiada, observándose los parámetros ecológicos en las zonas montañosas de los municipios Cumanayagua y Cienfuegos.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Flora orquideológica; Guamuhaya; Cuba.
Año: 2015 URL:
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AFLP polymorphism in restored provenances of Ceiba aesculifolia within an urban heat island 85
Olvera-Mendoza,EI; Lara-Cabrera,SI; Sáenz-Romero,C; Lindig-Cisneros,R.
To quantify the effect on genetic diversity of restoring tree populations in an area under the influence of an urban heat island, we evaluated the genetic diversity of 72 Ceiba aesculifolia individuals, from a restoration experiment established from 2170 to 2260 m a.s.l. Reintroduced individuals were compared with the provenance from which the seeds were obtained, and two external provenances, for a total of 123 individuals. Samples were analyzed with three AFLP primer combinations. Polymorphisms of 38.4 to 62.5% were obtained. Genetic diversity estimated with the Simpson index ranged from 0.14 to 0.2. The provenances in the restoration site had higher diversity than the provenance that originated the seeds. Groups formed with provenances with similar...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Genetic diversity; AFLP; Restoration ecology; Ceiba aesculifolia; Protected Natural Area.
Año: 2016 URL:
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Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of white poplar (Populus alba L.): (with 3 figures & 1 table) 85
Sánchez,N; Manzanera,JA; Bueno,MA.
A simple method is presented for the genetic transformation of white poplar (Populus alba L.). Root suckers and buds from branches of adult trees were established in vitro. Callus was induced on injured leaves cultured on medium supplemented with 0.45 µM thidiazuron and 0.1 µM a-naphthalene acetic acid. Non-transformed leaves and calli did not survive concentrations higher than 85 µM kanamycin or 18 mM hygromycin. The leaf explants were inoculated with the disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404/p35S GUS INT/pCAMBIA 2301 strain. Twenty % of the cultured callus explants was kanamycin-resistant two months after the co-inoculation experiment. The rate of adventitious bud induction on resistant calli was 17 %. The analysis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: BAP benzil aminopurine TDZ; Thidiazuron IBA; Indole butyric acid NAA; Naphthalene acetic acid KAN; Kanamycin.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Agrupamiento de genotipos de nopal (Opuntia spp.) de México por medio de la técnica de AFLPs y características del fruto 85
Espinoza Sánchez,EA; Silos Espino,H; Flores Benitez,S; Valera Montero,LL; Rodríguez Salazar,E; Gallegos Vázquez,C; Guevara Lara,F; González Chavira,M; Guzmán Maldonado,HS.
Para contribuir al conocimiento de la diversidad genética del nopal se analizaron 85 genotipos representativos de Opuntia (silvestres y cultivados) por medio de la técnica de AFLPs y características del fruto. El análisis de AFLPs con los iniciadores Mse ICAC/Eco RI-AAG generaron más fragmentos polimórficos (57,5 en promedio) por genotipo; se obtuvo un dendrograma que no mostró una clara relación de acuerdo a la taxonomía conocida. En complemento al perfil genético, y para permitir una referencia morfológica o química directa, agrupamos a los genotipos de acuerdo al contenido de °Brix de sus frutos, debido a que esta es una característica primordial para su identificación visual y aprovechamiento de consumo directo. Se...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Caracterización Molecular; Opuntia; AFLP; Dendrograma; Morfología del fruto.
Año: 2014 URL:
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Alkaloids in Solanum torvum Sw (Solanaceae): (With 2 Tables & 1 Figure) 85
Pérez-Amador,MC; Muñoz Ocotero,V; García Castañeda,JM; González Esquinca,AR.
A comparison was made between plants of Solanum torvum Sw that grow in Chiapas, Mexico, and plants of the same species originating from India. This was effected to establish either similarities or differences between these plants in total alkaloid contents and presence of solasodine, an important alkaloid for the partial synthesis of steroids. The total alkaloid content (0.12%) of the plants coming from Chiapas and India was the same. However, solasodine was found only in the plants of Chiapas. In addition, the total amount of glycoalkaloids (0.038%) and two glycosilated compounds derived from solasodine, solasonine (0.0043%) and solamargine (0.0028%), were determined.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Solanaceae; Solanum torvum; Alkaloids; Solasodine; Solamargine.
Año: 2007 URL:
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Allelopathic testing of Pedicularis kansuensis (Scrophulariaceae) on seed germination and seedling growth of two native grasses in the Tibetan plateau 85
Shang,ZH; Xu,SG.
Abstract. Pedicularis kansuensis is a dominating poisonous weed, and it might have allelopathic effects on other native grasses in al­pine meadows. An experiment was conducted to examine a range of concentrations of aqueous whole plant extracts (25, 12.5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.25 and 0.0 g/L) of P. kansuensis, prepared at the flowering stage on seed germination and seedling growth of two native grasses (Poa pra­tensis and Elymus nutans). High concentrations of aqueous extracts of P. kansuensis inhibited seed germination and seedling growth of P. pratensis (p< 0.05). Most aqueous extracts of P. kansuensis had a stimulatory (p< 0.05) effect on E. nutans. Our results suggest that the allelopathic ecology of P. kansuensis on other native grasses needs further...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Biological allelopathy; Aqueous extracts; Weeds; Native grasses; Alpine meadows.
Año: 2012 URL:
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An effective method for estimation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) crown root numbers at the heading stage in saline-sodic soils of Northeast China 85
Liu,M; Liang,Z-W; Huang,L-H; Wang,M-M; Yang,H-Y.
Saline-sodic stress is a major abiotic constraint responsible for rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield reductions in Northeast China. The rice root system is crucial for yield development, and it is usually recognized as the key for improving future crop productivity. However, most of the saline-sodic soils in these areas contain high levels of soluble Na2CO3 and NaHCO3, which results in a high pH (&gt;8.5), clay dispersion, soil swelling, and overall poor soil physical properties. Isolation, washing and measurement of the rice crown roots is highly time-demanding in this kind of soil. Our aim was to explore whether differences in shoot characters could be reliable indicators, and a low cost and easy method for estimating crown root numbers in rice. In this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Saline-sodic soil; Oryza sativa L; Crown root; Sampling time; Estimation method.
Año: 2016 URL:
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An efficient protocol for culturing meristems of sorghum hybrids 85
Sadia¹,B; Josekutty,PC; Potlakayala,SD; Patel,P; Goldman,S; Rudrabhatla,SV.
A robust protocol for culturing meristems of Sorghum is required to assist with rapid genetic improvement of the genus. Through meristem culture, an efficient method for rapid micropropagation was developed for Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. hybrids, namely NC+262, NC+6C21 and NC+6B50. Complete plants were regenerated directly from shoot meristems without an intervening callus phase. Regeneration frequencies varied between the studied genotypes and according to the growth regulator combinations present in the medium. The combination of BAP and TDZ showed a synergistic effect on shoot multiplication. The highest number of shoots per meristem (68 ± 2) was recorded for the genotype NC+262, followed by NC+6C21 (31.3 ± 0.8), and NC+6B50 (16 ± 1.7). MS medium...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Micropropagation; Sorghum bicolor; Tissue culture; Genetic improvement; Genotypes.
Año: 2010 URL:
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An evaluation of the extent and threat of bark harvesting of medicinal plant species in the Venda Region, Limpopo Province, South Africa 85
Tshisikhawe,MP; van Rooyen,MW; Bhat,RB.
The medicinal flora of the Venda region consists of a variety of species, which may potentially provide therapeutic agents to treat different diseases. Bark use for medicinal purposes has been reported for approximately 30% of the woody species (153 species) in the Venda region in southern Africa. However, only 58 plant species are commonly harvested for the medicinal properties in their bark and found in muthi shops in the region. These 58 species were scored for the possible threat of bark harvesting to the plant survival. Ethnobotanical studies indicate that the growing trade in indigenous medicinal plants in South Africa is posing a threat to the conservation and preservation of many plant species. Apart from pharmaceutical companies, trade in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Ethnobotanical trade; Medicinal plant species; Bark as a medicine source; Traditional healers.
Año: 2012 URL:
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Análisis de crecimiento de tres variedades de algodón (Gossypium hirsutum L.) en una región árida de México 85
Orozco-Vidal,JA; Yescas-Coronado,P; Segura-Castruita,MA; Valdez-Cepeda,R; Martínez-Rubín de Celis,E; Montemayor-Trejo,JA; Fortis-Hernández,M; Preciado-Rangel,P.
El desarrollo de tres variedades de algodón, dos de hoja normal (CIAN Precoz y la transgénica NuCotton 35B) y una de hoja okra (Fiber Max 832), fue evaluado mediante la técnica del análisis de crecimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la dinámica de crecimiento y la eficiencia de producción y distribución de biomasa en tres variedades de algodón a partir de muestreos vegetativos y reproductivos efectuados en diferentes días después de la siembra (dds). La siembra se realizó en el sistema de producción de surcos estrechos (0,76 m entre surcos, y 0,20 m entre plantas) para obtener una población de 65500 plantas/ha. Las variedades se distribuyeron en un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con seis repeticiones. En cuatro fechas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Tasa de crecimiento; Tasa de asimilación neta; Fotoasimilados; México árido.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Análisis de la concentración en estado estacionario del radical ascorbilo en plántulas de soja determinado por espectroscopía de resonancia paramagnética electrónica 85
Galatro,Andrea; Rousseau,Ivan; Puntarulo,Susana.
La Espectroscopía de Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica (EPR) se ha desarrollado como un campo multifacético que emplea distintas técnicas que tienen en común la base de la absorción resonante de microonda por sustancias paramagnéticas. Ciertos radicales libres como el radical ascorbilo (A&#8226;), muestran un espectro lo suficientemente estable de forma tal que pueden ser determinados directamente a temperatura ambiente. Los estudios incluidos en este trabajo demuestran claramente que esta metodología altamente sensible puede ser empleada exitosamente en sistemas biológicos. La exposición de plántulas de soja a radiación UV-B, fue estudiada como desencadenante de estrés oxidativo y se caracterizó el efecto sobre la concentración de radical...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Radical ascorbilo; EPR; Radiación UV-B; Estrés oxidativo.
Año: 2006 URL:
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