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Role of innovation in growth of countries 31
Tejinder, Sara.
The paper discusses the role of innovative capability in growth of a country by arguing that in the long run, a nation’s higher order competitive advantage can be built only with innovation. The paper also identifies eight determinants of innovation capability of a country. The discussion of these eight determinants should be useful for policy makers in countries attempting to promote economic growth by improving the productivity of the firms in their countries.
Tipo: Journal Article Palabras clave: Innovation; Economic growth; Productivity of the firms; Innovative firms; Innovation capability of a country.; International Development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; O10; 021; 031; 038.
Año: 2010 URL:
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The Sixth Framework Program as an Affiliation Network: Representation and Analysis 31
Billand, Pascal; Frachisse, David; Massard, Nadine.
In this paper, we compare two different representations of Framework Programs as affiliation network: “One-mode networks”' and “Two-mode networks”'. The aim of this article is to show that the choice of the representation has an impact on the analysis of the networks and on the results of the analysis. In order to support our proposals, we present two forms of representation and different indicators used in the analysis. We study the network of the 6th Framework Program using the two forms of representation. In particular, we show that the identification of the central nodes is sensitive to the chosen representation. Furthermore, the nodes forming the core of the network vary according to the representation. These differences of results are important as...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Affiliation Network; Innovation Policies; Centrality; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; 031; 038; L14.
Año: 2008 URL:
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