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Cryptic variation and recent bipolar range expansion within the Stumped-Toed Gecko Gehyra mutilata across Indian and Pacific Ocean islands Naturalis
Rocha, S.; Ineich, I.; Harris, D. James.
With an impressively wide distribution, Gehyra mutilata is present on almost all Indian and Pacific Ocean islands and in large regions of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Mitochondrial sequence data (~500 bp) from individuals covering large parts of its (mainly insular) distribution reveals deep cryptic variation and strong geographic structure, with two well differentiated lineages. Molecular data also reveals that the wide Indian and Pacific insular distribution of Gehyra is very recent and, at least across the Indian Ocean islands, most probably the result of human-aided dispersal, as no variation within this lineage was found. Further research is needed to determine geographic patterns of variation across Southeast Asia, the level of genetic variation,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 16s rRNA; Asia; Biogeography; Gehyra insulensis; Gehyra mutilata; Indian Ocean; Introductions; Island colonisations; Oceania; 42.82.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Molecular evidence of two cryptic species of Stramonita (Mollusca, Muricidae) in the southeastern Atlantic coast of Brazil Genet. Mol. Biol.
De Biasi,Juliana Beltramin; Tomás,Acácio Ribeiro Gomes; Hilsdorf,Alexandre Wagner Silva.
Abstract Snails of the genus Stramonita are commonly found in the rocky intertidal habitat of the western Atlantic Ocean coast. They belong to a monophyletic taxon that occurs along the tropical and warm-temperate Atlantic and eastern Pacific rocky shores. This genus comprises different valid species and members of the S. haemastoma complex. In the present study, samples of Stramonita were collected from three different regions of southeastern Brazil. Partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes, COI and 16S rRNA, were used to compare nucleotides sequences between Stramonita specimens. Levels of nucleotide divergence greater than 2% across the three sampled regions were used for differentiation at the species level. One of the identified species was S....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: COI; 16s rRNA; Mitochondrial DNA; Southern oyster drill; Brazilian coast.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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