Registros recuperados: 11 | |
Schweizer, C.R.. |
The Vaterlandisches Museum in Prague was officially founded in 1822 by Caspar and Franz Sternberg as a manifestation of Bohemian nationalism. It aimed at 1) the education of the public, 2) the sponsorship of Bohemian scientific and cultural research, and 3) the economical utilization of scientific knowledge. Under these aspects also the development of the oryctognostic collection of the museum should be regarded. In 1818, private mineral collections were donated. After its official opening in 1822, the united collections were split into two parts, a systematic and a local native collection. The first was basically distinguished by a prominent sortiment of gems, particularly by the typical garnet species and varieties, furthermore by the meteorites of... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317357 |
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Hammer, P.. |
The German word 'Kobold' is the term for gnomes and goblins. It appeared for the first time in connection with minerals in Agricola's Bermannus (1530). The first practical use was in the form of zaffer or cobalt-blue. Zaffer will not melt alone, but accompanied by vitreous substances it melts into an azure colour and so used as 'Smalte' for glazed earthenware, for glass and china. Since 1470 the Saxony ore mountains, especially the Schneeberg district, was the most important supplier of cobalt ores. Main products of the 'Blaufarbenwerke' were zaffers (Safflor) cobaltoxides of different colours and smalte (Smalte) a mixture of cobaltoxides with quartz. The Electoral-Saxon blue colour was greatly appreciated. The Dutch managed in their country eight... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317288 |
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Cernajsek, T.. |
The "Geologischen Bundesanstalt" (GBA: Austrian Geological Survey) still holds hidden treasures. A good example is a collection of bills and other papers labelled "Schloenbach-Reisestipendien-Stiftung" (SF: Schloenbach Foundation for travel grants) accidentally found in the attic. Also in the register of the archives of the GBA, many references to the SF are found. In the "Verhandlungen der Geologischen Reichsanstalt" from 1873 to 1921 the Director of the survey reported on the finances of the SF. The collapse of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy meant the end of the SF and the similar, but younger, "Robert-Jaeger-Preisstiftung" and "Friedrich-Teller-Studienfonds". Georg Justin Carl Schloenbach was born in 1841 in Liebenhalle (Hannover, Germany). His father,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317325 |
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Celková, Mária. |
The members of the Habsburg royal family visited Banská Štiavnica several times. As Banská Štiavnica belonged to a number of significant mining towns in the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, emperors paid attention to its development and progress in mining. The imperial visits were always connected with pompous arrangements for the emperors and their entourage. Since then many collection items have been preserved and are displayed in the Kammerhof of the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica. The article contains the list of all collections items exhibited in the museum. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317301 |
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Bouheiry, A.. |
A short introduction provides some information about the Iron Library, a foundation of Georg Fischer Ltd, at Schaffhausen, which was established in 1949, to enable scientists and students the study of its historic collection, which is mainly concentrated on mining and metals, but includes all other related fields. Some outstanding details about the collection will be presented. The main topic of the contribution will be the research of Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) in the Swiss Alps. His research interests were similar to those of the well known universal scientist Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) and Johann Jakob Wagner (1641-1695), considered to be pioneers of the Alpine research in Switzerland. It is followed by biographical statements about Johann... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317361 |
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Winkler Prins, C.F.. |
It was decided 'en petit comite' to present the Peter Schmidt award for 2003 to Joanne Lerud, a dear friend who attended many of the 'Erbe Symposia' and made valuable contributions to them. The award is especially for organising in such an excellent way the Fifth International Symposium 'Cultural Heritage in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy: Libraries - Archives - Museums' at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden (Colorado). The award is not valuable in a material way, but I hope it will be a precious souvenir of the mining history in The Netherlands and of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis in Leiden. It consists of a piece of rock with Carboniferous plant fossils (Alethopteris decurrens (Artis) Zeiller and Lepidophloios laricinus... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317348 |
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Klemun, M.. |
This paper deals with a famous private natural history collection of the court, transformed to a public collection of the state. Associated is a very important question: how cultural and political structures became a dimension of a collection. In order to establish a Court Natural History Cabinet of its own, separate from other collections ("Physical Cabinet," The Coin and Antique Collection), Emperor Franz Stephan von Lothringen (17081765) decides in the middle of the 18th century to buy the famous 'museo' of Jean de Baillou, who had worked as a director of gardens and mines in Tuscany. The Collection of de Baillou consisted mainly of minerals, which were collected in Italy (some came from famous places all over the world), and fossils, particularly... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317347 |
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Hoek Ostende, L.W. van den. |
Having been described in 1904 by Dubois as a locality for fossil mammals, the Tegelen clay-pits are nowadays considered a 'classical' locality. It is the type locality of the Tiglian, a warm period of the Early Pleistocene or Late Pliocene. The pits are primarily known for their mammalian remains, but have also yielded seeds, pollen and freshwater snails. A century of collecting has resulted in extensive collections of large mammals in various museums, the most important of which are the Teylers Museum, Haarlem and the National Museum of Natural History Naturalis in Leiden. The latter museum also holds a large collection of microvertebrates, collected during campaigns in the 1970s. These campaigns showed that, in spite of the numerous fossils, the Tegelen... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317287 |
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Karner, S.. |
The installation of a „Haus der Geschichte Österreichs im 20. Jahrhundert" is incorporated in the programme of the Austrian Government, based on a preliminary study by the author. It should be realised in 2006 and will include the history of the Austrian Republic from 1918 to the present, emphasising the history of the First and Second Republic, and the Third Reich. Original sources will be collected and made available to schools, officials, the media and private persons. The development of Austria is seen as part of the development of Europe and, as such, also as part of the history of the World. Emphasis is placed on subjects to which Austria had an obligation, such as documents on the persecution and killing of Jews, Roma and Sinti, as well as the exile... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317299 |
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Car, J.; Dizdarevic, T.. |
The environmental conditions in the Idrija Mercury Mine and its broader surroundings were strongly affected in the first half of the 19th century by two disastrous pit fires. The fire could only be extinguished by flooding of the pit. The consequences of such flooding was extensive poisoning with mercury vapours, not only among those miners who participated in the fire extinguishing effort and later in the rehabilitation of the pit, but also among the inhabitants of Idrija. During rehabilitation works, the highly polluted water was discharged directly into the Idrijca River, killing all the fish species thriving there. After 1835 the Mine gradually intensified its production. The dumping of increasingly larger quantities of smelting wastes directly into... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.01. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317324 |
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Registros recuperados: 11 | |