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Artificial neural network for prediction of the area under the disease progress curve of tomato late blight 63
Alves,Daniel Pedrosa; Tomaz,Rafael Simões; Laurindo,Bruno Soares; Laurindo,Renata Dias Freitas; Silva,Fabyano Fonseca e; Cruz,Cosme Damião; Nick,Carlos; Silva,Derly José Henriques da.
ABSTRACT: Artificial neural networks (ANN) are computational models inspired by the neural systems of living beings capable of learning from examples and using them to solve problems such as non-linear prediction, and pattern recognition, in addition to several other applications. In this study, ANN were used to predict the value of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for the tomato late blight pathosystem. The AUDPC is widely used by epidemiologic studies of polycyclic diseases, especially those regarding quantitative resistance of genotypes. However, a series of six evaluations over time is necessary to obtain the final area value for this pathosystem. This study aimed to investigate the utilization of ANN to construct an AUDPC in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phytophthora infestans; ANN; AUDPC; Artificial intelligence; Plant breeding.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Comparative study between ANN and master curve technique for the thin layer drying kinetic study of paddy and modeling of its critical drying temperature by using ANN-PSO approach 111
Chakraborty, Sourav; Sarma, Mousumi; Bora, Jinku; Faisal, Shah; Hazarika, Manuj Kumar.
Abstract: Thin layer drying kinetic analysis of paddy dried under low temperature conditions (20-40°C), was carried out by using six different types of models. Among which, Midilli model showed best fitted result with highest R2 and lowest RMSE and SSE values. It was observed that the drying rate constant k increased with the increase in drying temperature. For finding the effect of temperature, Midilli model was generalized by using two approaches namely globalization of drying rate constant and master curve technique. Master curve technique gave better fit with a R2 value of 0.998 than the global drying constant model. ANN modeling was also used to find out proper drying kinetics of paddy. Best architecture for the ANN modeling was 2-55-1, which showed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thin layer drying; Paddy; Low ambient temperature; Master curve technique; ANN; ANN-PSO..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Comparison of predictive performance of data mining algorithms in predicting body weight in Mengali rams of Pakistan 96
Celik,Senol; Eyduran,Ecevit; Karadas,Koksal; Tariq,Mohammad Masood.
ABSTRACT The present study aimed at comparing predictive performance of some data mining algorithms (CART, CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID, MARS, MLP, and RBF) in biometrical data of Mengali rams. To compare the predictive capability of the algorithms, the biometrical data regarding body (body length, withers height, and heart girth) and testicular (testicular length, scrotal length, and scrotal circumference) measurements of Mengali rams in predicting live body weight were evaluated by most goodness of fit criteria. In addition, age was considered as a continuous independent variable. In this context, MARS data mining algorithm was used for the first time to predict body weight in two forms, without (MARS_1) and with interaction (MARS_2) terms. The superiority...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ANN; Artificial intelligence; Data mining; Decision tree; MARS algorithm.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Feed forward neural network and its reverse mapping aspects for the simulation of ginger drying kinetics 111
Choudhary, Arun Kumar; Chakraborty, Sourav; Kumari, Sonam; Hazarika, Manuj K.
In the present study, simulation and modeling features of hot air based ginger drying kinetics were investigated by applying artificial neural system (ANN) and its reverse mapping aspects. Mapping of moisture ratio (MR) of the drying process as a function of temperature of drying (TD), slice thickness (ST) and drying time (DT) was accomplished based on the ANN architecture. A tale strategy of reverse neural system was built up to anticipate the drying process of ginger slices under given TD and ST for desired moisture content. Further, proportional odd displaying (POM) approach was applied for the tangible assessment of the dried samples. The ANN architecture, 3-5-1 was chosen as the best for modeling drying behavior of the ginger slices. Simulation of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ginger drying; ANN; Reverse ANN; Proportional odd modeling; Simulation.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Modeling of stem form and volume through machine learning 42
Abstract Taper functions and volume equations are essential for estimation of the individual volume, which have consolidated theory. On the other hand, mathematical innovation is dynamic, and may improve the forestry modeling. The objective was analyzing the accuracy of machine learning (ML) techniques in relation to a volumetric model and a taper function for acácia negra. We used cubing data, and fit equations with Schumacher and Hall volumetric model and with Hradetzky taper function, compared to the algorithms: k nearest neighbor (k-NN), Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for estimation of total volume and diameter to the relative height. Models were ranked according to error statistics, as well as their dispersion was verified....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial intelligence; Data mining; Random forest; ANN.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Specific draft modeling for combined and simple tillage implements using mathematical, regression and ANN modeling in silty clay loam soil 111
zaki, hassan; khorasani, Mohammad Esmail; aghili nategh, nahid; Sheikhdavoodi, Mohammad; andekaiezadeh, Korosh.
Specific draft is one of the important parameters in the design of tillage tools and estimation of energy consumption in tillage operations, which makes it useful. For this reason, it’s prediction and modeling about different working conditions (depth of plowing and advance velocity) provide the possibility to determine the proper working conditions of tillage implements. In this study, two groups of tillage implements with different geometry including combined tillage implements (combined tiller and chisel packer) and simple tillage implements (moldboard plow, disk plow, chisel plow and offset disk harrow) are used. Also 3 speeds (3, 4.5 and 6 km / h) and 3 different depths (15, 20 and 25 cm) in silty clay loamy soil (47% silt, 22% sand and 31% clay) with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Specific Draft; Tillage tools; Regression; ANN; Depth; Forward speed.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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