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Azaspiracid accumulation, detoxification and biotransformation in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) experimentally fed Azadinium spinosum 5
Jauffrais, Thierry; Marcaillou-le Baut, Claire; Herrenknecht, Christine; Truquet, Philippe; Sechet, Veronique; Nicolau, Elodie; Tillmann, Urban; Hess, Philipp.
Azadinium spinosum (Elbrächter and Tillmann), a small marine dinoflagellate, has been recently described as a de novo producer of azaspiracid-1 and -2 (AZA1 and -2) diarrhoeic toxins. A culture of A. spinosum was established in our laboratory and optimised for pilot-scale production of this organism, to evaluate and understand AZA1 and -2 accumulation and biotransformation in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) fed with A. spinosum. Adult mussels were continuously exposed to A. spinosum over 1 week in 160 L cylindrical conical tanks. Three different diets were tested for contamination: 5000, 10 000 cells mL−1 of A. spinosum and a mixture of 5000 cells mL−1 of A. spinosum with 5000 cells mL−1 of Isochrysis aff. galbana (T-Iso, CCAP 927/14). During the subsequent...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Azaspiracid; Azadinium spinosum; Marine biotoxins; AZA; Tissue distribution; Histology; Bivalve molluscs; Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry.
Año: 2012 URL:
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Dissolved azaspiracids are absorbed and metabolized by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) 5
Jauffrais, Thierry; Kilcoyne, Jane; Herrenknecht, Christine; Truquet, Philippe; Sechet, Veronique; Miles, Christopher O.; Hess, Philipp.
The relationship between azaspiracid shellfish poisoning and a small dinoflagellate, Azadinium spinosum, has been shown recently. The organism produces AZA1 and -2, while AZA3 and other analogues are metabolic products formed in shellfish. We evaluated whether mussels were capable of accumulating dissolved AZA1 and -2, and compared the toxin profiles of these mussels at 24 h with profiles of those exposed to live or lysed A. spinosum. We also assessed the possibility of preparative production of AZA metabolites by exposing mussels to semi-purified AZA1. We exposed mussels to similar concentration of AZAs: dissolved AZA1+2 (crude extract) at 7.5 and 0.75 µg L-1, dissolved AZA1+2 (7.5 µg L-1) in combination with Isochrysis affinis galbana, and lysed and live...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Dissolved marine biotoxins; AZA; Tissue distribution; Bivalve molluscs; LC-MS/MS; Azaspiracid.
Año: 2013 URL:
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Effect of environmental and nutritional factors on growth and azaspiracid production of the dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum 5
Jauffrais, Thierry; Sechet, Veronique; Herrenknecht, Christine; Truquet, Philippe; Savar, Veronique; Tillmann, Urban; Hess, Philipp.
Azadinium spinosum, a small dinoflagellate isolated from the North Sea, is a producer of azaspiracids (AZAs), a group of biotoxins associated with human illness following ingestion of contaminated shellfish. Using batch and continuous cultures of A. spinosum, the present study investigated the effects of different environmental and nutritional factors (salinity, temperature, photon flux density, aeration, culture media, nitrogen sources, phosphate source, and N/P ratios) on growth, maximum cell concentration, and AZA cell quota. Azadinium spinosum grew in a wide range of conditions; from 10 ̊C to 26 ̊C and salinities from 30 to 40, under irradiances ranging from 50 μmol m−2 s−1 to 250 μmol m−2 s−1, with or without aeration. Growth and maximum cell...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: AZA; Chemostat; Dinophyceae; Nutrients; N/P ratio; Photobioreactor.
Año: 2013 URL:
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