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Assessment of Influence and Inter-Relationships of Soil Properties in Tropical Grasslands of Central India 111
goroshi, sheshakumar k.
The present experiment was carried out to assess influence and inter-relationships of soil properties in grasslands of three wildlife protected national parks in Central India. Aboveground biomass samples of grass and soil samples were collected during different seasons based on specified measurement protocol by the state forest department. Aboveground biomass of grass demonstrated a characteristic growth pattern throughout the year, increased and achieved maximum biomass during at the end of rainy season (September), while started decreasing and attained minimum biomass during pre-summer (March) season. Mean aboveground biomass in the study regions was varied from 2.03 (Bandhavgadh National Park) to 5.44 Mg ha-1 (Kanha National Park) with an average...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Grassland; Aboveground biomass; Soil moisture; Soil properties; Central India.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Avaliação da composição estrutural e biomassa viva acima do solo, em florestas sob efeito da fragmentação na Amazônia Ocidental. 14
O presente trabalho analisa a estrutura, biomassa viva e estoque de carbono de um fragmento em floresta tropical densa com faciações de floresta aberta, e duas florestas secundárias com idade de sucessão de 15 a 25 anos, na região de borda do fragmento, dimensionando os impactos ambientais sobre os elementos avaliados.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Fragmentação florestal; Biomassa aérea; Rio Branco (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Reservorios de carbono; Bosques tropicales; Fragmentación de hábitats; Biomasa aérea; Floresta tropical; Ecossistema; Degradação ambiental; Impacto ambiental; Biomassa; Carbono; Estoque; Tropical forests; Habitat fragmentation; Aboveground biomass; Carbon sinks; Environmental impact.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Comparison of carbon sequestration potential in agricultural and afforestation farming systems 63
Lin,Chinsu; Lin,Chun-Hsiung.
In the last few decades, many forests have been cut down to make room for cultivation and to increase food or energy crops production in developing countries. In this study, carbon sequestration and wood production were evaluated on afforested farms by integrating the Gaussian diameter distribution model and exponential diameter-height model derived from sample plots of an afforested hardwood forest in Taiwan. The quantity of sequestrated carbon was determined based on aboveground biomass. Through pilot tests run on an age-volume model, an estimation bias was obtained and used to correct predicted volume estimates for a farm forest over a 20-year period. An estimated carbon sequestration of 11,254 t C was observed for a 189ha-hardwood forest which is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Taiwan; Plantation on farm land; Carbon capture and storage; Aboveground biomass; Forest management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Dynamics of Forage Production in Pasture-woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains under Projected Climate Change Scenarios 7
Silvopastoral systems of the Swiss Jura Mountains serve as a traditional source of forage and timber in the subalpine vegetation belt, but their vulnerability to land use and climate change puts their future sustainability at stake. We coupled experimental and modeling approaches to assess the impact of climate change on the pasture-woodland landscape. We drew conclusions on the resistance potential of wooded pastures with different management intensities by sampling along a canopy cover gradient. This gradient spanned from unwooded pastures associated with intensive farming to densely wooded pastures associated with extensive farming. Transplanted mesocosms of these ecosystems placed at warmer and drier conditions provided experimental evidence that...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Aboveground biomass; Drought; Ecotone; Grassland; Pasture; Silvopastoral system; Subalpine; Transplantation; Woodland.
Ano: 2013
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Efecto de aclareos en el crecimiento de una plantación de Pinus patula Schl. et Cham. en Ixtlán, Oaxaca. 32
Rodríguez Ortíz, Gerardo.
La eficiencia de crecimiento (EC) es la relación entre el follaje o el área de albura del fuste y el incremento maderable del árbol. Con este índice es posible analizar la respuesta del crecimiento y fisiología del fuste a factores de calidad de sitio, la edad, el aclareo y la densidad del rodal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar y analizar los componentes de biomasa aérea y la eficiencia de crecimiento en árboles de Pinus patula Schl. et Cham. sujetos a aclareos en una plantación en Ixtlán, Oaxaca. En 2009 se realizaron muestreos destructivos en 30 árboles localizados en parcelas aclareadas y un testigo, para obtener muestras del componente aéreo. La biomasa de acículas por rama se estimó utilizando variables más susceptibles a las variaciones del...
Palavras-chave: Aclareos; Biomasa aérea; Albura; Area foliar; Eficiencia de crecimiento; Thinning; Aboveground biomass; Sapwood; Leaf area; Growth efficiency; Doctorado; Fisiología Vegetal.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Effect of fire on herbaceous "matorral" vegetation of Central Chile 118
Sabadin,Patricia; Gómez,Miguel; Ginocchio,Rosanna; Peña,Iván; Mujica,Ana María; Montenegro,Gloria.
This research aimed to determine the diversity and biomass of species in burned in the Jardín Botánico Nacional of Viña del Mar (JBN), region of Valparaíso, Chile (Lat. S 33° 02’ and Long. 71° 35’ O) from April to December 2012. Three sites were selected that were located on slopes with the same exposure: 1) site burned by fire in 2012, 2) site burned by fire in 2003, and 3) control site corresponding to an area without previous fires. Both shrub and herbaceous species were studied. The cover of shrubs, geophytes and therophytes was determined as well as the aboveground and belowground biomass of geophytes, with special attention paid to Oziroe arida. When O. arida was present, the diameter of its bulbs were studied. All information was...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aboveground biomass; Belowground biomass; Cover; Fires; Geophytes; Oziroe arida; Shrub species; Therophytes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Estimativa dos estoques de biomassa acima do solo em florestas públicas no estado do Acre: combinação de dados de campo, perfilamento a laser aerotransportado (LiDAR) e imagens de satélite. 14
Neste estudo, por meio da combinação de dados de campo (parcelas permanentes de amostragem), LiDAR aerotransportado e imagens do satélite Landsat-8 OLI, foram produzidos mapas de estoque de biomassa acima do solo (BSAS) de alta resolução. Os modelos foram aplicados às florestas estaduais (FE) do Antimary, Mogno, Rio Gregório e Rio Liberdade, no estado do Acre. Os modelos produzidos serão fonte de informação para assessorar gestores de meio ambiente na destinação de áreas para conservação (corte seletivo e extrativismo) e preservação. Esta publicação está de acordo com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 12 (Consumo e Produção Responsáveis) e 13 (Ação contra a Mudança Global do Clima). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Serviço ambiental; Biomasa aérea; Teledetección; Áreas de conservación; Bosques tropicales; Reservorios de carbono; Sistemas de control medioambiental; Mapas temáticos; Algorítimo Random Forest; Floresta Estadual do Antimary; Bujari (AC); Sena Madureira (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Selo ODS 12; Selo ODS 13; Biomassa; Parte Aérea; Estimativa; Floresta Tropical; Carbono; Estoque; Sensoriamento Remoto; Cartografia; Aboveground biomass; Remote sensing; Lidar; Conservation areas; Tropical forests; Carbon sinks; Environmental control systems; Cartography; Thematic maps.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Exploring TM image texture and its relationships with biomass estimation in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon 36
Lu,Dengsheng; Batistella,Mateus.
Many texture measures have been developed and used for improving land-cover classification accuracy, but rarely has research examined the role of textures in improving the performance of aboveground biomass estimations. The relationship between texture and biomass is poorly understood. This paper used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data to explore relationships between TM image textures and aboveground biomass in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Eight grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture measures (i.e., mean, variance, homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment, and correlation), associated with seven different window sizes (5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 19x19, and 25x25), and five TM bands (TM 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) were analyzed....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Texture; Aboveground biomass; TM image; Correlation; Amazon.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mapa de biomassa seca acima do solo da Terra Indígena Kaxinawá Nova Olinda, município de Feijó, estado do Acre. 14
OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; MELO, A. W. F. de; AMARAL, E. F. do; HAVERROTH, M..
O projeto da Embrapa Acre junto à TIKNO buscou estudar o etnoconhecimento e as práticas ligados aos recursos naturais e à agrobiodiversidade, promover sua valorização por meio de ações de intercâmbio e troca de saberes, investir em melhorias dos sistemas produtivos e extrativistas, na conservação de recursos genéticos e nos serviços ecossistêmicos. Esta publicação está de acordo com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 13 (Ação contra a Mudança Global do Clima), 15 (Vida Terrestre) e 17 (Parcerias e Meios de Implementação). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma coleção de 17 metas globais estabelecidas pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Uso de la tierra; Efecto invernadero; Gases de invernadero; Reservorios de carbono; Povos indígenas; Pueblos indígenas; Forest maps; Mapas forestales; Biomasa aérea; Servicios ecosistémicos; Sistema de Incentivos a Serviços Ambientais (Sisa); Terra Indígena Kaxinawá de Nova Olinda (TIKNO); Feijó (AC); ISA Carbono; Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Selo ODS 15; Selo ODS 13; Selo ODS 17; Uso da Terra; Efeito Estufa; Carbono; Planejamento Florestal; Biomassa; Parte Aérea; Mapa; Políticas Públicas; Land use; Greenhouse effect; Greenhouse gases; Carbon sinks; Indigenous peoples; Aboveground biomass; Public policy; Ecosystem services.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Phosphorus Fertilization Increases Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation Under Improved Fallow Management in a Slash-and-Mulch System in Eastern Amazonia, Brazil 90
Rangel-Vasconcelos,Lívia Gabrig Turbay; Kato,Osvaldo Ryohei; Vasconcelos,Steel Silva; Oliveira,Francisco de Assis.
ABSTRACT Improvement of fallow vegetation can have a positive impact on the productivity of slash-and-mulch systems in eastern Amazonia. Phosphorus fertilization can increase biomass and nutrient stocks in the fallow phase, thereby improving nutrient cycling and crop productivity. Here, we compared biomass and nutrient stocks under three fallow management strategies: (1) natural fallow (regrowth vegetation) - NF; (2) NF vegetation improved with leguminous trees (Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel and Inga edulis Mart.) - IF; and (3) NF vegetation improved with leguminous trees plus phosphorus fertilization - IF+P. We quantified above- and belowground biomass and N, P, K, Ca, and Mg stocks after 23 months of fallow. The IF+P increased aboveground (leaf + branch...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aboveground biomass; Fine roots; Inga edulis; Low-input agriculture; Sclerolobium paniculatum.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Phytomass mapping of the "seridó caatinga" vegetation by the plant area and the normalized difference vegetation indeces 63
Costa,Thomaz Corrêa e Castro da; Accioly,Luciano José de Oliveira; Oliveira,Maria Ap. José de; Burgos,Nivaldo; Silva,Flávio Hugo Barreto Batista da.
Phytomass is a critical information for economic and environmental activities like the establishment of policies for timber resources, forest management, studies of plant nutrient cycling, CO2 sink, among other. The phytomass of a Caatinga area was obtained by an empirical method using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of Landsat images, the plant area index (PAI) and the phytomass inventory. At a first stage, linear, logarithmic and non-linear models were developed and tested. Bush and tree specimens were considered in the study, so that most of the individuals that contribute to the spectral answer detected by satellite images were included. At a second stage, the orbital parameter NDVI was used to map the PAI, which was used to map the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: CO2; LAI; Aboveground biomass; Desertification.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Variation of botanical composition, forage production and nutrient values along a grassland degradation gradient in the alpine region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 85
Wen,L; Dong,SK; Li,YY; Pulver,C; Li,XY; Shi,JJ; Wang,YL; Ma,YS; Liu,DM.
The alpine grassland in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is an extensive rangeland ecosystem sustaining a sparse population of traditional nomadic pastoralists in China. However, global climate change and anthropologic disturbances have severely degraded the alpine grasslands, and the consequences of this degradation are largely unknown. Forage is the only food source for livestock in the alpine region, and livestock is the major income source for nomadic herders. Therefore, it is critical to assess the forage quantity and quality along the current grassland degradation gradient. In this study, we examined the botanical composition, biomass of different functional groups, and forage grass nutritive values, and classified forage grasses according to their...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aboveground biomass; Alpine grassland; Degradation gradient; Forage nutrient; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Vegetation composition.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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