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A drift study of vertical distribution and mortality of Engraulis anchoita eggs and larvae. 20
Sánchez, R.P.; de Ciechomski, J.D.; Lasta, C.A.; Guerrero, R.A..
Lagrangian changes in distribution and survival within an anchovy egg and larvae patch were studied by means of multiple opening/closing sampling following a free drifting buoy. The buoy was equipped with a radar reflector and flashing light, and it was connected to a current cross drogue floating at 15 m depth, which corresponded to the main egg and larvae concentration within the patch. The drifter was launched on the Buenos Aires continental shelf, off Necochea during the spring spawning peak of 1983. Three discrete depths (within, below and above the thermocline)were repeatedly sampled close to the drogue with a Motoda sampler. Egg and larval abundances in the vicinity of the drogue were monitored at 3/4 hour intervals for a period of three days. Each...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Vertical migrations; Feeding; Environmental effects; Ichthyoplankton surveys; Vertical distribution; Survival; Abundance; Drifting data buoys; Fishery surveys; Feeding; Fish larvae; Survival; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Abondance relative et estimation de la biomasse des petits pélagiques des eaux tunisiennes 20
Ben Abdallah, L.; Hattour, A.; Guennegan, Y..
Deux campagnes de prospection sur les petits pélagiques s'inscrivant dans le cadre du Programme National Mobilisateur (PNM), "Evaluation de ressources pélagiques et démersales des eaux tunisiennes" (1996-1999) ont été menée en étroite collaboration avec l’Institut Français de Recherche et d’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER). Ces campagnes ont pour objectifs de préciser l'abondance relative des petits pélagiques et leur variabilité spatiaux-temporelles mais également de quantifier les potentiels exploitables des stocks des animaux aquatiques préalablement définis, et surtout de familiariser l’équipe des scientifiques tunisiens, aux méthodes numériques et informatiques utilisées en participant à la lecture des échogrammes et aux traitements des données des...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Biomass; Pelagic fisheries; Potential yield; Stock assessment; Biomass; Stock assessment; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Abondonce relative et estimation de la biomasse des petits pelagiques des eaux tunisiennes 20
Hattour, A.; Ben Abdallah, L.; Guennegan, Y..
Within the frame of the National Program (PNM), 'Assessment of Marine Tunisian Resources' (1996-1999), two prospecting surveys on small pelagic fishes, have been led in narrow collaboration with French Institute IFREMER. Their objectives were to specify the relative fishes abundance, their spatial-temporal variability but also to quantify the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of this resource. A third important goal was to familiarize a Tunisian scientist team, with numerical methods and data processing used during the cruises (reading of echograms, treatments of data, etc.) in stocks assessment. It is known that the indirect stocks assessment methods of small pelagic species is not reliable, reason for which we opted to apply echo - integration techniques....
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Biomass; Fishery surveys; Pelagic fisheries; Potential yield; Stock assessment; Biomass; Stock assessment; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Abundacia del Jaguar (Panthera onca) y de sus presas en el municipio de tomasopo, San Luis Potosí 32
Ávila Najera, Dulce María.
Durante el 2007 y 2008 en el ecotono (bosque de encino y bosque tropical) ubicado en el Ejido de San Nicolás de los Montes enclavado en la Huasteca Potosina se estudió la abundancia y densidad del jaguar (Panthera onca) y la abundancia relativa (IAR) de seis de sus presas potenciales, armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), coatí (Nasua narica), pecarí de collar (Pecari tajacu), venado temazate (Mazama temama), venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) y tuza real (Cuniculus paca). La abundancia del jaguar se estimó con base en trampeo fotográfico, la densidad por medio del programa de cómputo CAPTURE. El IAR se calculó con tres metodologías (transectos parcelas y trampas-cámara). Además, por medio de encuestas se determinó el índice de importancia...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Abundancia; Jaguar; Presas; Valor cultural; Conocimiento; Abundance; Jaguar; Prey; Cultural value; Knowledge.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Abundance and distribution of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) grown in single- and mixed-cropping systems 106
Kanitta Pankeaw; Aran Ngampongsai; Surakrai Permkam; Onkamol Rukadee.
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Mangosteen; Thrips; Abundance; Distribution; Single cropping systems; Mixed cropping systems; มังคุด; เพลี้ยไฟ; ระบบการปลูกพืชเชิงเดี่ยว; ระบบการปลูกพืช; การแพร่กระจาย.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in relation to ammonium in a Chinese shallow eutrophic urban lake 58
Qiu,Shanlian; Chen,Guoyuan; Zhou,Yiyong.
The measures of most-probable-number and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were used to analyze the abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in sediment of a Chinese shallow eutrophic urban lake (Lake Yuehu). Among the 5 sampling sites, ammonia concentration in interstitial water was positively proportional not only to the content of organic matter, but also to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria numbers (at a magnitude of 10(5) cells g-1 dry weight) in sediment significantly. Furthermore, the diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were determined by means of PCR primers targeting the amoA gene with five gene libraries created and restriction pattern analysis. The 13 restriction patterns were recorded with 4 ones being common among all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; Abundance; AmoA; Diversity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Abundance, distribution and feeding patterns of a temperate reef fish in subtidal environments of the Chilean coast: the importance of understory algal turf 97
Cheilodactylus variegatus is an abundant carnivorous demersal reef fish that lives in the shallow subtidal of the north-central Chilean coast. Characteristically, these environments are dominated by kelp forests of Lessonia trabeculata. This species preys on a great variety of benthic invertebrates, and shows particularly high consumption rates on amphipod crustaceans. In our study, two widely separated populations of C. variegatus were considered (central and northern Chile). Individuals that form part of these populations show considerable differences in their distribution, abundance and trophic behavior. In the northern zone, the species is abundant and both juveniles and adults are distributed along the whole bathymetric gradient. This contrasts with...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cheilodactylidae; Shallow subtidal; Understory macroalgae; Carnivorous fish; Amphipods; Distribution; Abundance; Chile.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Abundance of the reef-building Petaloconchus varians (Gastropoda: Vermetidae) on intertidal rocky shores at Ilha Grande Bay, southeastern Brazil 42
ABSTRACT The reef-building vermetid Petaloconchus varians occurs in the western Atlantic Ocean, from the Caribbean Sea to the southern coast of Brazil. The present study evaluated the abundance of P. varians on intertidal rocky shores in Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro State), and characterized their reefs, describing the species density, besides the weight and the belt width of the reefs. Petaloconchus varians reefs were recorded at 25 sites, with rocky shores exposed to different wave action (very sheltered, sheltered, semi-exposed and exposed) and slopes (10° to 46°). Clusters of individuals constructed large reefs along the middle intertidal zone, creating a wide belt (38 cm to 2 m). The density of P. varians and the weight of the reefs ranged from 620...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Molluscs; Rio de Janeiro; Southwestern Atlantic Ocean; Wave exposure.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Abundance of two Dendrocincla woodcreepers (aves: Dendrocolaptidae) in relation to forest structure in Central Amazonia 36
Cintra,Renato; Maruoka,Adrianny Erika; Naka,Luciano Nicolas.
Few studies have been conducted to verify how the structure of the forest affects the occurence and abundance of neotropical birds. Our research was undertaken between January 2002 and July 2004 at the Reserva Ducke, near Manaus (02º55',03º01'S; 59º53',59º59'W) in central Amazonia, to verify how the forest structure affects the occurrence and abundance of two bird species: the Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa and the White-chinned Woodcreeper Dendrocincla merula. Bird species occurrence was recorded using lines of 20 mist-nets (one sample unit), along 51 1-km transects distributed along 9 pararel 8 km trails covering an area of 6400 ha. Along these transects, we placed 50 x 50m plots where we recorded forest structure components (tree...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Distribution; Birds; Dendrocolaptidae; Dendrocincla; Amazon forest.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Abundancia del jaguar (Panthera onca) y de sus presas en el municipio de Tamasopo, San Luis Potosí. 32
Ávila Nájera, Dulce María.
Durante el 2007 y 2008 en el ecotono (bosque de encino y bosque tropical) ubicado en el Ejido de San Nicolás de los Montes enclavado en la Huasteca potosina se estudió la abundancia y densidad del jaguar Panthera onca) y la abundancia relativa (IAR) de seis de sus presas potenciales, armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), coatí (Nasua Narica), pecarí de collar (Pecari tajacu), venado temazate (Mazama temama), venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) y tuza real (Cuniculus paca). La abundancia del jaguar se estimó con base en trampeo fotográfico, la densidad por medio del programa de cómputo CAPTURE. El IAR se calculó con tres metodologías (transectos parcelas y trampas-cámara). Además, por medio de encuestas se determinó el índice de importancia cultural...
Palavras-chave: Abundancia; Jaguar; Presas; Valor cultural; Conocimiento; Abundance; Prey; Cultural value; Knowledge; Maestría; Ganadería; Fauna silvestre.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Abundancia del jaguar (Panthera onca) y de sus presas en el municipio de Tamasopo, San Luis Potosí. 32
Avila Nájera, Dulce María.
Durante el 2007 y 2008 en el ecotono (bosque de encino y bosque tropical) ubicado en el Ejido de San Nicolás de los Montes enclavado en la Huasteca potosina se estudió la abundancia y densidad del jaguar Panthera onca) y la abundancia relativa (IAR) de seis de sus presas potenciales, armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), coatí (Nasua Narica), pecarí de collar (Pecari tajacu), venado temazate (Mazama temama), venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) y tuza real (Cuniculus paca). La abundancia del jaguar se estimó con base en trampeo fotográfico, la densidad por medio del programa de cómputo CAPTURE. El IAR se calculó con tres metodologías (transectos parcelas y trampas-cámara). Además, por medio de encuestas se determinó el índice de importancia cultural...
Palavras-chave: Abundancia; Jaguar; Presas; Valor cultural; Conocimiento; Abundance; Prey; Cultural value; Knowledge; Maestría; Ganadería; Fauna silvestre.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Abundância e sazonalidade das espécies de Hydropsychidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) capturadas em armadilha luminosa no Estado do Paraná, Brasil 104
Marinoni,Luciane; Almeida,Gisele Luziane de.
During one year of the project called "Survey of the Entomological Fauna in Paraná State" (henceforth PROFAUPAR), 126,340 adult specimens of Trichoptera were collected with light trap. The individuais of the family Hydropsychidae were identified and a list of species is presented. Eighteen species in four genera were identified. From this, S. (R.) discalis Flint, 1972,5. (R.) paramnsis Flint, 1983;S (R.) spinulosa Flint, 1972 are for the first time registered for Brazil and Leptonema sparsum (Ulmer, 1905), Macrostemum hyalinum (Pictet, 1836), S. (Smicridea) albosignata Ulmer, 1907; S. (Rhyacophylax) dentifera Flint, 1983; S. (R.) iguazu Flint, 1983; S. (R.) piraya Flint, 1983; S. (R.) unguiculaia Flint, 1983; S. (R.) vermiculata Flint, 1978 and S. (R.)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Trichoptera; Hydropsychidae; Abundance; Seasonality; Species rich-ness; Light trap; Paraná; Brazil.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Abundância e sazonalidade das espécies de Leptoceridae (Insecta, Trichoptera) capturadas com armadilha luminosa no Estado do Paraná, Brasil 104
Almeida,Gisele Luziane de; Marinoni,Luciane.
From 126,340 adult specimens of Trichoptera captured with light trap during one year of the project called "Survey of the Entomological Fauna in Paraná State" (Paraná, Brazil), 6,375 belong to the family Leptoceridae. The individuals of the family were identified and a list of species is presented. The following species are recorded for the first time to Paraná State: Achoropsyche duodecimpunctata (Navas. 1916); Nectopsyche aureovittala Flint, 1983; Nectopsyche fuscomaculata Flint, 1983; Nectopsyche muhni (Navas, 1916); Nectopsyche separata (Banks, 1920); Nectopsyche ortizi Holzenthal, 1995; Nectopsyche splendida (Navas, 1917) and Tripleclides gracilis (Burmeister, 1839). Discussion on individual abundance and species seasonality are also presented.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Trichoptera; Leptoceridae; Abundance; Seasonality; Species richness; Light trap; Paraná; Brazil.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Abundância relativa e distribuição espaço-temporal de Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest) e Cynoscion leiarchus (Cuvier) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) no manguezal do Itacorubi, Santa Catarina, Brasil 104
Hostim-Silva,Maurício; Ribeiro,Gisela Costa; Clezar,Leandro; Ledo,Blanca Sierra de.
Attempting to contribute with the knowledge about the bioecological aspects concerning the youth forms of M. furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) and C. leiarchus (Cuvier, 1830) from Itacorubi mangrove, 15 samplings were taken from January 1988 to March 1989. Using casting and entangle nets, a total of 308 individuais from these species were captured. Their abundanee were: M. furnieri N = 197 (64,0%); C. leiarchus N = 111 (36,0%). The relative frequency and range of total weights and lengths were studied. Concerning spatial distribution of the species, it was observed that M. furnieri occurred in all areas and C. leiarchus was not captured only in "D" area (Sertão River). During the anual cycle the two species occurred jointly. The results emphasize other authors...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sciaenidae; Mangrove; Abundance; Distribution.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Abundancia relativa y distribución de tallas de corvina rubia Micropogonias furnieri y pescadilla de red Cynoscion striatus en la Zona Comun de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya y en el Rincón. Noviembre, 1994. 20
Carozza, C.R.; Cotrina, C.P..
The study aims to discriminate juvenile and adult concentration areas of white croacker Micropogonias furnieri and striped weakfish Cynoscion striatus in two different areas: Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) and El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina). The length structure and the relative abundance of these two species were analyzed with data from a research cruise carried out by R/V Dr.E.L.Holmberg during November 1994. Data of relative abundance in t/nm2 were considered to define distribution and concentration areas. 49 samples of white croaker and 41 striped weakfish from AUCFZ a, inside the area of Río de la Plata and in front of Montevideo coast, at depths lesser than 8 meters, while the adults were located in the northern coast of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Fishery surveys; Size distribution; Coastal fisheries; Coastal fisheries; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Abundancia, reproducción y distribucion de tallas del gatuzo Mustelus schmitti en la Zona Comun de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya y en el Rincón. Noviembre, 1994 20
Cousseau, M.B.; Carozza, C.R.; Macchi, G.J..
Relative abundance, length distributions and reproductive condition of Mustelus schmitti are analyzed with samples obtained in the cruise H-13/94. Our results are compared with those obtained in other cruises. The samples were collected in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) and El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Reproduction; Fishery surveys; Size distribution; Reproduction; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Abundância, riqueza e diversidade de abelhas Euglossinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) em florestas contínuas de terra firme na Amazônia Central, Brasil 104
Oliveira,Marcio Luiz de; Campos,Lúcio Antônio de Oliveira.
The fauna of Euglossinae bees were studied in two areas of "terra firme" continuous forest in the Central Amazon. Brazil. During one year (september/1989-august/1990) the collections were done fortnightly, using traps with eight kinds of seents baits. The traps were placed in the understory and in the tree crowns. The continuous forest of "terra firme" near Manaus are among those with the highest speeies richness of Euglossinae in the Neotropics. The species richness was higher than that found in other studies carried out in Brazil also. One study area had higher species richness and abundance, while species diversity was higher in another one. The diversity was different significally between the two areas.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apidae; Euglossinae; Abundance; Amazon; Diversity.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Abundancia y distribucion de huevos y larvas de la merluza argentina (Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933) en un area de desove intensivo en el litoral norpatagonico. 20
Bellizia, L.L.; Pan, J.; Venerus, L.A..
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi represents nowadays the main fishery resource of the Argentine Sea, in spite of the fact that the percentage of captures related to total fishery production has fallen down 30% in the last decade. The abundance and distribution of hake eggs and larvae in an intense spawning area in front of Isla Escondida (Chubut province), are analyzed. This phenomena was studied from a comparative-historical point of view allowing to apppreciate the evolution of a resource at present undergoing an overfishing pressure, capable of pushing it to collapse. Since 1973 maximum egg densities diminished and, if total egg production is considered a reliable index for recruitment prediction, no signs of overcoming stocks can be seen. On the other...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Abundance; Spawning; Spawning; Fish larvae.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Abundancia y distribucion de huevos y larvas de la merluza argentina (Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933) en un area de desove intensivo en el litoral norpatagonico. 20
Bellizia, L.L.; Pan, J.; Venerus, L.A..
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi represents nowadays the main fishery resource of the Argentine Sea, in spite of the fact that the percentage of captures related to total fishery production has fallen down 30% in the last decade. The abundance and distribution of hake eggs and larvae in an intense spawning area in front of Isla Escondida (Chubut province), are analyzed. This phenomena was studied from a comparative-historical point of view allowing to apppreciate the evolution of a resource at present undergoing an overfishing pressure, capable of pushing it to collapse. Since 1973 maximum egg densities diminished and, if total egg production is considered a reliable index for recruitment prediction, no signs of overcoming stocks can be seen. On the other...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Abundance; Spawning; Spawning; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Abundancia y distribución de la tonina Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) en dos áreas del archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba. 20
Pérez-Cao, H..
Entre los años 2000 - 2003 se evaluó la abundancia y distribución de delfines toninas en áreas del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey, específicamente en zonas adyacentes a Cayo Coco y en la zona norte de Matanzas. Se realizaron 12 salidas de campo, seis en cada área, recorriéndose un total de 2 007,8 millas náuticas, para un total de 322 h 79 min. Durante estas salidas se registraron cada 30 minutos variables oceanográficas a lo largo de transectos lineales y utilizando la técnica de fotoidentificación se cuantificaron los avistamientos de delfines, registrando el número de individuos, tamaño de grupo, la conducta y número de crías. Para el análisis se hizo una diferenciación por subzonas (5 subzonas), estaciones (lluvia y seca), y horario del día (mañana y...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Abundance; Distribution; Marine mammals.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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