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Acclimatization to chronic intermittent hypoxia in mine workers: a challenge to mountain medicine in Chile Biol. Res.
Farias,Jorge G; Jimenez,Daniel; Osorio,Jorge; Zepeda,Andrea B; Figueroa,Carolina A; Pulgar,Victor M.
In the past two decades, Chile has developed intense mining activity in the Andes mountain range, whose altitude is over 4,000 meters above sea level. It is estimated that a workforce population of over 55,000 is exposed to high altitude hypobaric hypoxia. The miners work under shift systems which vary from 4 to 20 days at the worksite followed by rest days at sea level, in a cycle repeated for several years. This Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia (CIH) constitutes an unusual condition for workers involving a series of changes at the physiological, cellular and molecular levels attempting to compensate for the decrease in the environmental partial pressure of oxygen (PO2). The mine worker must become acclimatized to CIH, and consequently undergoes an acute...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: High Altitude; Mine Workers; Intermittent Hypoxia; Acclimatization; Chilean Model.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Aclimatização de Cattleya (Orchidaceae), em substratos alternativos ao xaxim e ao esfagno - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v30i4.5299 Agronomy
Lone, Alessandro Borini; UEL; Barbosa, Cristiane Muniz; UEL; Takahashi, Lúcia Sadayo Assari; UEL; Faria, Ricardo Tadeu de; UEL.
O xaxim desfibrado e o esfagno são os substratos mais utilizados pelos produtores brasileiros para aclimatização de orquídeas, porém ambos correm o risco de serem extintos e a coleta está proibida pelo Ibama. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de substratos alternativos no desenvolvimento de plântulas de Cattleya intermédia, durante a etapa de aclimatização. Os substratos testados foram: xaxim desfibrado; esfagno; casca de arroz carbonizada; casca de pínus + fibra de coco (1:1 v v-1); casca de pínus; fibra de coco. Após dez meses, foram avaliados: comprimento de parte aérea; comprimento da maior raiz; número de pseudobulbos; número de raízes; massa fresca total; pH do substrato; condutividade elétrica do substrato. Verificou-se...
Palavras-chave: Agronomia Cattleya; Substratos; Aclimatização. Cattleya; Substrates; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Aclimatización de plantas de paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) en 13 sustratos Colegio de Postgraduados
Sánchez Bolón, Judith.
La aclimatización es el periodo donde las plantas propagadas in vitro tienen cambios de ambiente, tipo de sustrato, entre otros factores controlados por el hombre, que determinan la sobrevivencia. Se evaluaron mezclas de materiales orgánicos (composta de cachaza y bagazo de caña de azúcar, suelo y turba) e inorgánicos (tezontle y agrolita) para determinar el porcentaje de sobrevivencia en la fase de aclimatización y crecimiento de plantas de Paulownia tomentosa propagadas in vitro. Las variables evaluadas fueron el porcentaje de sobrevivencia, altura de planta y formación de hojas, área foliar, longitud de raíz y tallo, relación raíz parte aérea, morfología de la raíz, peso de biomasa fresca y seca, concentración nutrimental del tejido vegetal y...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Paulownia tomentosa; Aclimatización; Propagación in vitro; Sustratos; Maestría; Edafología; Acclimatization; Propagation in vitro; Substrates.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Adaptability and leaf anatomical features in oil palm seedlings produced by embryo rescue and pre-germinated seeds Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Luis,Zanderluce G.; Bezerra,Kadja Milena G.; Scherwinski-Pereira,Jonny Everson.
Changes in the leaf structure of plants grown in different conditions have been reported, such as increase in size and density of stomata and reduction in stomatal control, amount of epicuticular wax, and mesophyll thickness, with a high diversity of intercellular spaces. However, these changes are highly variable depending on the physiological and morphological characteristics of each species. The objective of this work was to analyze the adaptability and anatomical plasticity of oil palm seedlings produced after embryo rescue and pre-germinated seeds. Expanded leaves were prepared for evaluation of morphometric data and anatomical structures. It was verified that the environmental conditions in vitro negatively influenced the stomata density, epidermal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elaeis guineensis; Arecaceae; Germination; Embryo culture; Acclimatization; Plantlets metabolism.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Adventitious shoots from nodule cluster cultures of Vriesea reitzii: an endemic and endangered bromeliad from atlantic forest Ciência Rural
Rech Filho,Arlindo; Vesco,Lírio Luiz Dal; Guerra,Miguel Pedro.
The Atlantic Forest is a biome with megadiversity and a number of bromeliads take part of it. This is the case of Vriesea reitzii, an endemic bromeliad threatened with extinction. Tissue culture techniques are valuable tools for the mass propagation of bromeliads, thus reducing pressure in the natural habitat. The aim of the present work was to establish an in vitro protocol based on the induction and proliferation of nodule cluster cultures of this species. Plantlets maintained in MS liquid culture medium plus NAA (2µM) and BAP (4µM) had the basal regions of leaves excised and then inoculated in gelled with agar (7g L-1) MS culture medium plus with Dicamba (2.5; 5; 10; 20 e 30µM) and Kin (2µM) or free of plant growth regulators. Nodule cluster cultures...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromeliads; Microshoots; In vitro regeneration; Conservation; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Anatomical analysis of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) leaves cultivated in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo Rev. Bras. Bot.
Batagin-Piotto,Katherine Derlene; Almeida,Cristina Vieira de; Piotto,Fernando Angelo; Almeida,Marcílio de.
The present work characterized and compared the anatomical structures of the leaves of Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae) plants grown under different cultivation conditions (in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo) with the goal of identifying the origins of the difficulties encountered in acclimatizing micro-plants. The Quant program was used to determine leaf tissue thicknesses and areas, and histochemical tests were performed on leaf sections and analyzed using light microscopy. Stomatal and trichome densities were determined using the epidermal impression method and by scanning electronic microscopy. Our results indicated that there were no discernible alterations of the anatomical characteristics of the leaves of micro-plants cultivated under differing conditions...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acclimatization; Adaptation; Plant anatomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Bioprospecting and selection of growth-promoting bacteria for Cymbidium sp. orchids Scientia Agricola
Gontijo,Júlia Brandão; Andrade,Gracielle Vidal Silva; Baldotto,Marihus Altoé; Baldotto,Lílian Estrela Borges.
ABSTRACT: Inoculants containing bacteria which promote growth in plants can increase productivity and both the economic and the environmental cost in plant crop systems. Similarly, in the flower and ornamental plant sector, the use of diazotrophic bacteria is a promising approach for improving orchid propagation from tissue culture to the ex vitro environment. We isolated diazotrophic bacteria from the roots and leaves of Cymbidium sp. The isolates were used to inoculate Cymbidium sp. plantlets during acclimatization in the nursery. After 150 days, plants were collected and their morphological and nutritional characteristics assessed. Eight bacterial strains were isolated containing traits that promote plant growth: Bacillus thuringiensis, Burkholderia...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Orchidaceae; Diazotrophic bacteria; Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria; Endophytic bacteria; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Carbohydrates on the growth of Cattleya schilleriana Reichb.f. seedlings (Orchidaceae) Ciência Rural
Galdiano Júnior,Renato Fernandes; Mantovani,Cibele; Lemos,Eliana Gertrudes de Macedo.
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of carbohydrate supplementation on the propagation of the orchid Cattleya schilleriana. The 120-d-old seedlings were subcultured in fructose-, glucose-, or sucrose-supplemented (0, 15, 30, and 45g L-1) ½ MS culture medium (half-strength macronutrient concentrations), using a completely random design with four repetitions per treatment. After 120d of treatment, root number and length, leaf number and length, and fresh weight were evaluated, and seedling survival was evaluated after 75d of acclimatization in a greenhouse. The in vitro growth data were submitted to regression analysis, whereas the percentage survival data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s test. Both in vitro growth and ex...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: In vitro culture; Native orchid; Glucose; Sucrose; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Crescimento de mudas micropropagadas da bananeira cv. Nanicão, em diferentes substratos e fontes de fertilizante - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v30i3.3545 Agronomy
Nomura, Edson Shigueaki; APTA-Pólo Vale do Ribeira; Lima, Juliana Domingues; UNESP; Garcia, Valéria Augusta; APTA; Rodrigues, Domingues Sávio; APTA.
Com objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos combinados a fontes de fertilizantes no crescimento de mudas de bananeira micropropagadas cv. Nanicão (Musa spp. AAA), foi instalado um experimento em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 5 x 3, com quatro repetições. Os substratos utilizados foram: S1 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + Rendmax Floreira®; S2 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + Organifol®; S3 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + Organifol® 9% SiO; S4 - Technes Vivatto®; S5 - Areia grossa + casca de arroz carbonizada + Rendmax Floreira®. As fontes de fertilizantes foram: SA - sem adubo; LL - adubo de liberação lenta - Osmocote® 3M 14-14-14 (5,0 kg m-3) misturado ao substrato; e LN - adubo...
Palavras-chave: Agronomia Musa ssp.; Aclimatação; Produção de mudas Fitotecnia Musa spp.; Acclimatization; Seedling production.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cultivo in vitro de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Colegio de Postgraduados
Vázquez Baxcajay, Liberia.
Stevia es un género de plantas fanerógamas perteneciente a la familia de las asteráceas, tiene 407 especies; una de sus especies es Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, nombrada así por Moisés de Santiago Bertoni. Para el establecimiento in vitro de Stevia rebaudiana se aplicaron cinco tratamientos de desinfestación y se obtuvo al usar Cloro® (1.8 % cloro activo), Ridomil y Fungimycin previo a la siembra in vitro y al agregar al medio Cefotaxima (500 mgL-1) se obtuvo un porcentaje de contaminación de 50 % permitiendo una supervivencia de 47 %. En la inducción de callo se mostro que al combinar 1.5 mgL-1 2,4-D/AIA la capacidad de formación de callo del explante de hoja es de 25 %. El tratamiento de cinetina (1.3 gL-1) en el proceso micropropagación de Stevia mostro...
Palavras-chave: In vitro; Micropropagación; Aclimatación; Stevia; Micropropagation; Acclimatization; Maestría; Fisiología Vegetal.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilization on post vitro growth of micropropagated Zingiber officinale roscoe Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Santos,Rosilda dos; Girardi,Carla Giovana; Pescador,Rosete; Stürmer,Sidney Luiz.
The rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) are widely used for their medicinal and flavoring properties, whereas the influence of root symbionts on their growth is poorly understood. In this study, the effects of phosphate fertilization and inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (isolates Glomus clarum RGS101A, Entrophospora colombiana SCT115A and Acaulospora koskei SPL102A) on survival, growth and development of micropropagated ginger were investigated. After transplanting to post vitro conditions, the ginger microplants were subjected to the following treatments: a) AMF mixture, b) P addition (25 mg kg-1), c) AMF + P, and d) non-mycorrhizal control without P addition. After eight months of growth, survival ranged from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acclimatization; Root colonization; Fungal communities.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Essai d’acclimatation du tilapia du nil "Oreochromis niloticus" dans la retenue du barrage Lebna (Cap bon, Tunisie) OceanDocs
Derouiche, E.; Azaza, M.S.; Kraiem, M.M..
Ce travail consiste à tester l’acclimatation d’une espèce thermophile, le tilapia du Nil Oreochromis niloticus dans la retenue du barrage Lebna (Cap Bon), moyennant un système extensif de grossissement. Les résultats montrent que le tilapia introduit directement en pleine retenue a pu se maintenir et supporter les mauvaises conditions hivernales en adoptant une stratégie d’hibernation. Par ailleurs, avec le retour des conditions favorables (T>20°C), ce Cichlidé a montré une bonne condition, une meilleure croissance qu’en élevage dans les bassins et cette fraction de population a pu proliférer.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Acclimatization; Brackishwater fish; Environmental conditions; Fish culture; Growth; Hibernation; Population dynamics; Rearing; Water reservoirs; Testing; Tilapia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Exposure to solar radiation drives organismal vulnerability to climate: evidence from an intertidal limpet ArchiMer
Chapperon, Coraline; Volkenborn, Nils; Clavier, Jacques; Seite, Sarah; Seabra, Rui; Lima, Fernando P..
Understanding the physiological abilities of organisms to cope with heat stress is critical for predictions of species’ distributions in response to climate change. We investigated physiological responses (respiration and heart beat rate) of the ectotherm limpet Patella vulgata to heat stress events during emersion and the role of seasonal and microclimatic acclimatization for individual thermal tolerance limits. Individuals were collected from 5 microhabitats characterized by different exposure to solar radiation in the high intertidal zone of a semi-exposed rocky shore in winter and summer of 2014. Upper thermal tolerance limits (heat coma temperatures - HCTs, and heart rate Arrhenius break temperatures - ABTs) were determined for individuals from each...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Patella vulgata; Heat stress; Acclimatization; Thermal tolerance; Microhabitat; Intertidal.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Ex-vitro establishment of Phalaenopsis amabilis seedlings in different substrates - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v33i3.3950 Agronomy
Venturieri, Giorgini Augusto; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Arbieto, Elsa Aurora Mendoza de; Estagiária voluntária do Lab. de Evolução Aplicada UFSC/CCB-BEG.
Eight substrates were evaluated for ex-vitro establishment of Phalaenopsis amabilis seedlings. They were: Fibraflor® (commercial substrate), Turfa Fértil FG2® (commercial substrate), vermiculite, coconut fiber from the pericarp, decomposed pine bark, organic compost, sphagnum and shredded xaxim, in the establishment of seedlings of Phalaenopsis amabilis L., in combination, with and without immersion of the seedlings, after they were removed from the growth flasks, in Manzate 800 at a dosage of 1 g L1. The evaluated parameters were: the sum of the lengths of the two largest leaves, the sum of the lengths of the three largest roots and the percentage of surviving seedlings, evaluated at 190 days after planting. It was observed that there were...
Palavras-chave: Mancozeb; Acclimatization; Ex-vitro; Damping off Ciências Agrárias Produção de Mudas Floricultura Mancozeb; Acclimatization; Ex-vitro; Damping off.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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High pCO2 promotes coral primary production ArchiMer
Biscéré, T.; Zampighi, M.; Lorrain, Anne; Jurriaans, S.; Foggo, A.; Houlbrèque, F.; Rodolfo-metalpa, R..
While research on ocean acidification (OA) impacts on coral reefs has focused on calcification, relatively little is known about effects on coral photosynthesis and respiration, despite these being among the most plastic metabolic processes corals may use to acclimatize to adverse conditions. Here, we present data collected between 2016 and 2018 at three natural CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea where we measured the metabolic flexibility (i.e. in hospite photosynthesis and dark respiration) of 12 coral species. Despite some species-specific variability, metabolic rates as measured by net oxygen flux tended to be higher at high pCO2 (ca 1200 µatm), with increases in photosynthesis exceeding those of respiration, suggesting greater productivity of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Coral reefs; Acclimatization; Metabolic flexibility; CO2 seeps.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Highly contrasted responses of Mediterranean octocorals to climate change along a depth gradient ArchiMer
Pivotto, I. D.; Nerini, D.; Masmoudi, M.; Kara, H.; Chaoui, L.; Aurelle, D..
Climate change has a strong impact on marine ecosystems, including temperate species. Analysing the diversity of thermotolerance levels within species along with their genetic structure enables a better understanding of their potential response to climate change. We performed this integrative study on the Mediterranean octocoral Eunicella cavolini, with samples from different depths and by means of a common garden experiment. This species does not host photosynthetic Symbiodinium, enabling us to focus on the cnidarian response. We compared the thermotolerance of individuals from 20 m and 40 m depths from the same site and with replicates from the same colony. On the basis of an innovative statistical analysis of necrosis kinetics and risk, we demonstrated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Adaptation; Acclimatization; Eunicella cavolini; Mediterranean sea; Population genetics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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In situ hybridization of somatolactin transcripts in the pituitary glands from acclimatized carp (Cyprinus carpio) Biol. Res.
We isolated and cloned a carp somatolactin SL DNA fragment, of which 78% of the nucleotides were identical to the corresponding salmon SL sequence. The results obtained upon Northern blot hybridization of carp pituitary RNA allowed the identification of two transcripts as described for other fish. When the content of SL transcripts in pituitary sections from summer- and winter- acclimatized carp was quantified by in situ hybridization assays, we found no significant differences between the two seasons. In salmonids, plasma SL reaches higher levels in summer than in winter in synchrony with the water temperature cycle; in the eurythermal carp, however, the complex adaptive responses imposed by seasonal environmental changes do not seem to include the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Acclimatization; In situ hybridization; Somatolactin expression; Pituitary; Carp; Fish.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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In vitro culture of Phyllanthus stipulatus (Euphorbiaceae) Rev. Bras. Bot.
An efficient micropropagation protocol was developed for the medicinal plant Phyllanthus stipulatus (Euphorbiaceae) using nodal segments for axillary shoot proliferation. Maximum multiplication rates (8-9 shoots per explant) was achieved on MS media supplemented with either 2.5-5.0 muM IBA. The best basal media for axillary shoot proliferation when 0.62 muM BA was supplemented were MS, MS/2 and AR (4-5 shoots per explant). Rooting was achieved with 100% of the microshoots on MS medium without growth regulators. Regenerated plants were successfully acclimatized and about 88% of plantlets survived under ex vitro conditions. Flowering was observed in 81% of the ex vitro grown plantlets after 12 weeks of acclimatization. High frequency callus initiation and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Shoot culture; Acclimatization; Ex-vitro flowering; Callus culture; Root culture.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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In vitro propagation of five Alocasia species Horticultura Brasileira
Bhatt,Arvind; Stanly,Christine; Keng,Chan Lai.
The influence of cytokinin, N6-benzyladenine, on shoot proliferation of five Alocasia species (A. amazonica, A. cuprea, A. robusta, A. longiloba and A. chaii) was investigated. In vitro propagation of these species was established using shoot tip explants. Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA (N6-benzyladenine) ranging from 0, 2, 5, 10 mg/L was then used to establish the optimum medium for shoot proliferation for all the species. MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L BA was optimum for the shoot proliferation. All the tested species showed varying results for shoot number and shoot height. A comparison between agar-gelled medium and shake flask system using liquid medium was carried out to evaluate the shoot...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alocasia amazonica; A. cuprea; A. robusta; A. longiloba; A. chaii; Culture medium; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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In vitro propagation of lemon verbena: a plant native of South America Biological Sciences
Pinheiro, Marcos Vinícius Marques; Fontana, Daniele Cristina; Santos, Jullie dos; Pretto, Matheus Milani; Azevedo, Gabrieli Cristina Vitalli de; Schmidt, Denise.
In vitro propagation increases the supply and commercialisation of products of interest. For this, optimising the growing conditions and the composition of the culture medium is crucial to benefit the full development of the plants. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the in vitro propagation of Aloysia triphylla on different culture media, with varying agar and sucrose concentrations. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomised design, 3×3×3 factorial scheme, with three culture media (MS, JADS and WPM), three sucrose concentrations (8, 10 and 12 g L-1) and three agar concentrations (15, 30 and 45 g L-1), with three replicates each and experimental units composed of one plant per replicate. After 25 days of cultivation, the fresh and dry mass...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aloysia triphylla; Morphological disorders; Hyperhidricity; Acclimatization.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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