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Agriculture in a Water-Scarce World AgEcon
Gilmour, Brad; Jotanovic, Aleksandar; Gurung, Rajendra Kumar; Polcyn, Tania; Deng, Hugh.
With a relatively small population and 7% of the world's available freshwater resources, Canada is well placed for a world of water scarcity where the real value of water in its many uses becomes more and more apparent. However, action is necessary to ensure that Canada continues to benefit from the social, economic and environmental goods and services derived from water resources. Experience and analysis suggests that policy and incentives play critical roles in the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. In particular, properly valuing water in all its forms and uses appears to be critical. Analysis abroad has underlined the benefits of clearly delineating the roles of regulators, resource managers, infrastructure operators and service...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Water; Governance; Scarcity; Incentives; Sustainability; Valuation; Accountability; Transparency; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Relations/Trade; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Devolution and Accountability Effects in the Public Provision of Water Services in Indonesia AgEcon
Meirelles, Patricia; Rodriguez, Catherine.
This paper separately evaluates how devolution and accountability, two distinct aspects of the decentralization reforms implemented in Indonesia in the year 2001, influenced the public provision of water services. Using household level data it is found that the devolution of responsibility does not necessarily affect the provision of public services. Our findings show that the quality of publicly provided water decreased only in cities in which devolution was accompanied by a change in accountability. Robustness checks suggest that these results are driven by changes in the accountability framework rather than trends in the health services.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Indonesia; Decentralization; Accountability; Devolution; Water; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O2; I18; H2; H54.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Governança e responsabilização institucional. Infoteca-e
MANOS, M. G. L.; SIQUEIRA, E. R. de; TAVARES, S. C. C. de H.; JESUS, I. R. D. de.
Neste capítulo, são analisadas as contribuições, em curso na Embrapa, no sentido de alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da Agenda 2030 da ONU, no que se refere à meta 16.7 - Governança e responsabilização institucional: garantir a tomada de decisão responsiva, inclusiva, participativa e representativa em todos os níveis. A responsabilização institucional pode ser também entendida como accountability, conceito complexo que engloba seus vários sentidos, principalmente as noções de responsabilização, responsividade e prestação de contas (Cruz, 2015). Todavia, a presente análise está pautada no conceito de accountability ligado ao modelo teórico da administração pública denominado "Novo Serviço Público" - aquele que, segundo Rocha (2010,...
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Estratégias de governança; Responsabilidade institucional; Accountability; Impacto Social; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Tomada de Decisão; Instituição Pública; Social impact; Sustainable development; Decision making; Public sector; Governance.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Governance and the Capacity to Manage Resilience in Regional Social-Ecological Systems Ecology and Society
Lebel, Louis; Chiang Mai University;; Anderies, John M; Arizona State University;; Campbell, Bruce; Northern Territory University;; Folke, Carl; Stockholm University;; Hatfield-Dodds, Steve; CSIRO;; Hughes, Terry P; James Cook University;; Wilson, James; University of Maine;
The sustainability of regional development can be usefully explored through several different lenses. In situations in which uncertainties and change are key features of the ecological landscape and social organization, critical factors for sustainability are resilience, the capacity to cope and adapt, and the conservation of sources of innovation and renewal. However, interventions in social-ecological systems with the aim of altering resilience immediately confront issues of governance. Who decides what should be made resilient to what? For whom is resilience to be managed, and for what purpose? In this paper we draw on the insights from a diverse set of case studies from around the world in which members of the Resilience Alliance have observed or...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Governance; Resilience; Adaptive capacity; Institutions; Accountability; Deliberation; Participation; Social justice; Polycentric institutions; Multilayered institutions.
Ano: 2006
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Governance of Aquatic Agricultural Systems: Analyzing Representation, Power, and Accountability Ecology and Society
Ratner, Blake D.; WorldFish;; Cohen, Philippa; ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University; WorldFish;; Barman, Benoy; WorldFish;; Mam, Kosal; WorldFish;; Nagoli, Joseph; WorldFish;; Allison, Edward H.; School of International Development, University of East Anglia; WorldFish;
Aquatic agricultural systems in developing countries face increasing competition from multiple stakeholders over rights to access and use natural resources, land, water, wetlands, and fisheries, essential to rural livelihoods. A key implication is the need to strengthen governance to enable equitable decision making amidst competition that spans sectors and scales, building capacities for resilience, and for transformations in institutions that perpetuate poverty. In this paper we provide a simple framework to analyze the governance context for aquatic agricultural system development focused on three dimensions: stakeholder representation, distribution of power, and mechanisms of accountability. Case studies from Cambodia, Bangladesh, Malawi/Mozambique,...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Accountability; Bangladesh; Cambodia; Civil society; Coastal zone management; Environmental governance; Livelihoods; Malawi; Mozambique; Power; Social-ecological resilience; Solomon Islands; Stakeholder representation; Wetlands.
Ano: 2013
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Irrigation decision-making processes and conditions: a case study of Sri Lanka's Kirindi Oya Irrigation Settlement Project AgEcon
Nijman, Charles.
Detailed study of decision-making processes and managerial conditions of the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project in Sri Lanka, adopting a management perspective in the analysis of the performance of this major irrigation system in Sri Lanka. This paper is a companion document to "Irrigation management processes and conditions" by the same author.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Irrigation management; Decision making; Farmer-agency interactions; Accountability; Case studies; Sustainability; River basin development; Water allocation; Water requirements; Project appraisal; Indicators; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Coelho, Felipe Soares; Oliveira, Cyntia Meireles De; Silva, Daniel Ferreira Da; Villela, Severino Delmar Jun Queira.
Como medida para se aumentar a margem de lucro na pecuária, é preciso antes, que se tenha o valor de quanto custa produzir uma @ na propriedade e baseando-se neste dado, definir estratégias que venham aumentar a rentabilidade da atividade. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar os custos médios de produção na pecuária de corte no ano de 2006 que representaram a realidade do município de Curvelo. Os dados foram coletados com base na contabilidade e escrituração zootécnica de três fazendas, as quais desenvolvem a atividade de cria. Os itens que tiveram maior participação no custo foram, folha de pagamento (36,38%), suplementos minerais e protéicos (21,56%) e pró-labore (12%). Vacinas, vermífugos e remédios, 4,25%, adubos e fertilizantes ,4,02%,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Contabilidade; Cria; Empreendimento; Accountability; Create; Rural farm; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Looking Beyond the Incumbent: The Effects of Exposing Corruption on Electoral Outcomes AgEcon
Chong, Alberto E.; De La O, Ana; Karlan, Dean S.; Wantchekon, Leonard.
Does information about rampant political corruption increase electoral participation and the support for challenger parties? Democratic theory assumes that offering more information to voters will enhance electoral accountability. However, if there is consistent evidence suggesting that voters punish corrupt incumbents, it is unclear whether this translates into increased support for challengers and higher political participation. We provide experimental evidence that information about copious corruption not only decreases incumbent support in local elections in Mexico, but also decreases voter turnout, challengers' votes, and erodes voters' identifcation with the party of the corrupt incumbent. Our results suggest that while flows of information are...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Corruption; Accountability; Elections; Voting; Information; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Political Economy; Public Economics; D72; D73; D82; D83.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Social Responsibility as a Driver for Local Sustainable Development AgEcon
Costantino, Elena; Marchello, Maria Paola; Mezzano, Cecilia.
The increased interconnection among local and global players induced by globalization, as well as the need for a complete application of the “subsidiarity principle”, calls for a re-thinking of the “corporate social responsibility” concept. This new concept broadens the perspective of the single company interacting with its own stakeholders in relation to specific social and environmental impacts, to a network of organizations, with different aims and natures, collaborating on relevant sustainability issues. In this paper, the authors will provide a definition of “Territorial Social Responsibility”, sustaining the multi-stakeholder approach as a driver toward local sustainable development. Firstly, theoretical approaches to sustainable development at the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Local Sustainable Development; Territorial Social Responsibility; Participation; Local Governance; Accountability; Sustainability Reporting; Multi-Stakeholder Approach; Networks; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; M14; O10.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Connor, Larry J..
Major changes affecting Agricultural Economics include: level and sources of funding, increased accountability, a renewed emphasis on teaching, increasing university and college linkages, an evolving student base, and the continuing adoption of educational technology. Major implications include: broader faculty teaching involvement, agribusiness program development, expanding multidisciplinary majors, Ph.D program modifications for teacher preparation, expanding professional M.S. degrees, graduate program size and specialization reductions, alternative financing of graduate education, and faculty training in teaching methods. Teaching represents a major growth opportunity for Agricultural Economics, but it remains to be seen whether the discipline takes...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Accountability; Funding; Environmental; Undergraduate; Graduate; Multidisciplinary; Portfolio; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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