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Adopt a Bacterium – an active and collaborative learning experience in microbiology based on social media 58
Piantola,Marco Aurélio Floriano; Moreno,Ana Carolina Ramos; Matielo,Heloísa Alonso; Taschner,Natalia Pasternak; Cavalcante,Rafael Ciro Marques; Khan,Samia; Ferreira,Rita de Cássia Café.
ABSTRACT The “Adopt a Bacterium” project is based on the use of social network as a tool in Microbiology undergraduate education, improving student learning and encouraging students to participate in collaborative learning. The approach involves active participation of both students and teachers, emphasizing knowledge exchange, based on widely used social media. Students were organized in groups and asked to adopt a specific bacterial genus and, subsequently, submit posts about “adopted genus”. The formative assessment is based on posting information on Facebook®, and the summative assessment involves presentation of seminars about the adopted theme. To evaluate the project, students filled out three anonymous and voluntary surveys. Most of the students...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Microbiology education; Active learning; Social Media.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Managing the Resilience of Lakes: A Multi-agent Modeling Approach 7
Janssen, Marco A; Indiana University;; Carpenter, Stephen R; University of Wisconsin-Madison;
We demonstrate an approach for integrating social and ecological models to study ecosystem management strategies. We focus on the management of lake eutrophication. A model has been developed in which the dynamics of the lake, the learning dynamics of society, and the interactions between ecology and society are included. Analyses with the model show that active learning is important to retain the resilience of lakes. Although very low levels of phosphorus in the water will not be reached, active learning reduce the chance of catastrophic high phosphorus levels.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Active learning; Eutrophication; Integrated modeling; Lake dynamics; Lake management; Multi-agent modeling; Phosphorus; Resilience; Restoration; Simulation.
Ano: 1999
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Optimisation de l’identification et du dénombrement du microphytoplancton avec le système couplé de numérisation et d’analyse d’images FlowCAM – Zoo/PhytoImage (système innovant) 5
Grosjean, Philippe; Wacquet, Guillaume.
This report details the work accomplished to enhance the Zoo/PhytoImage software to optimize its use for the analysis of phytoplankton samples in general, but more particularly, in the framework of an operational survey of coastal seawater (REPHY, IFREMER). Zoo/PhytoImage allows to analyze “numerically recorded” plankton samples, that is, by using digital images gathered with specialized devices such as the FlowCAM, or the FastCAM (see report 3). A machine learning approach allows to automatically classify the digitized particles into various taxonomic groups. Once this is done, global statistics are calculated on each sample, including the number of particles, the biomass, and the size spectrum per taxonomic group. Two major changes are introduced in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; REPHY; Analyse d'image; Classification supervisée; Dénombrement de cellules; Apprentissage actif; Manche; Atlantique.; Phytoplankton; REPHY; Image analysis; Machine learning; Cells enumeration; Active learning; The Channel; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Resilience, Flexibility and Adaptive Management - - Antidotes for Spurious Certitude? 7
Gunderson, Lance; Emory University;
In many cases, a predicate of adaptive environmental assessment and management (AEAM) has been a search for flexibility in management institutions, or for resilience in the ecological system prior to structuring actions that are designed for learning. Many of the observed impediments to AEAM occur when there is little or no resilience in the ecological components (e.g., when there is fear of an ecosystem shift to an unwanted stability domain), or when there is a lack of flexibility in the extant power relationships among stakeholders. In these cases, a pragmatic solution is to seek to restore resilience or flexibility rather than to pursue a course of broad-scale, active adaptive management. Restoration of resilience and flexibility may occur through novel...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Active learning; Adaptive management; AEAM; Ecological resilience; Flexibility; Florida Everglades; Policy crisis; Restoration; Stability domain; Stakeholders; Surprise; Uncertainty..
Ano: 1999
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Teaching and Learning Through Cooperative Research Ventures 31
Lindsey, Patricia J..
Classroom-based learning can be enhanced for advanced agricultural economics and agribusiness undergraduate students by engaging them as partners in an applied research project. The approach described combines research, outreach and resident instruction in a single activity that produces and extends knowledge while educating students. Many of the changes suggested for agricultural, agricultural economics and agribusiness instruction are encompassed by this approach.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Teaching methods; Case studies; Land grant mission; Active learning; Outreach; Agribusiness; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Teaching with Technology to Engage Students and Enhance Learning 31
Lass, Daniel A.; Morzuch, Bernard J.; Rogers, Richard T..
Teaching technology effects on student learning in a large lecture introductory statistics course were tested. Findings show in-class personal response systems and on-line homework/quizzes significantly improve student exam scores. We infer proven small class techniques, participating in class and doing homework via technologies, can restore sound pedagogy in larger classes. The experiment was conducted using just one class, but factors usually unaccounted for in assessment research were controlled, especially the instructor and other materials. The technologies investigated here can provide learning benefits to students even in larger courses often criticized for their inability to provide students quality learning experiences.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Teaching; Technology; Statistics; Active learning; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; A22; C9; C21; I21.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Version évolutive de l’outil opérationnel de numérisation et d’analyse semi-automatique d’images de phytoplancton, utilisant le matériel FlowCAM et le logiciel ZooPhytoImage. Nouvelles perspectives 5
Wacquet, Guillaume; Grosjean, Philippe; Colas, Florent; Hamad, Denis; Artigas, Luis Felipe.
The coupled system FlowCAM/ZooPhytoImage has become a real operational tool in 2014. However, to be fully adapted to the observations of phytoplankton performed in the context of the REPHY observation network and in order to better respond to present and future requests concerning the evaluation of quality of coastal and marine waters within the European requirements, such as the WFD and MSFD, new functionalities must be integrated into existing tools. Therefore, different axis of development have been proposed by UMONS and Ifremer to adapt both the digitization device and the Zoo/PhytoImage software to the constraints defined by the REPHY. First, version 5 of Zoo/PhytoImage contains recent innovations such as the development of routines to automatically...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plancton; Analyse automatisée; Analyse d'image; Classification supervisée; Apprentissage actif; Dénombrement de cellules; Plankton; Automated analysis; Image processing; Supervised classification; Active learning; Cells counting.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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