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Etat de la prolifération de la crépidule (Crepidula fornicata L.) dans le secteur de Granville (Golfe Normano-Beton - 1985) ArchiMer
Quiniou, Francoise; Blanchard, Michel.
An area located between the Mont-St-Michel Bay and Jersey was monitored from 1984 to 1985. Limpet densities have been evaluated through quantitative sampling and underwater video. At the same time, some planktonic samplings have enabled the monitoring of the evolution of larval abundances. Maxima, planktonic and benthic density areas superpose each other. Moreover, the study of the populations shows that the number of young colonies is increasing, thus clearly indicating that Crepidula fornicata populating is booming in the Norman-Breton gulf.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Evolution; Distribution spatiale; Golfe Normano breton; Adulte; Larve; Crepidula fornicata.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Evaluation des ressources halieutiques par les campagnes scientifiques françaises - Façade "Manche est" et façade "Loire-Gironde" ArchiMer
Delpech, Jean-paul; Mahe, Kelig; Mehault, Sonia; Rostiaux, Emilie; Biais, Gerard; Coppin, Franck; Vaz, Sandrine.
This report is a result of a contract between Ifremer and the French Ministry of Industry. The aim was to map the distribution of the fisheries resources from french scientific surveys. Two areas have been selected: - the "Eastern Channel" area, including 7 administrative departments : Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados and Manche. - the "Loire-Gironde" area, including 4 administrative departments : Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Gironde.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Eastern Channel; Juvenile; Adult; Abundance index; Specific richness; Mapping; Fisheries; Scientific survey; Golfe de Gascogne; Manche est; Juvénile; Adulte; Indice d'abondance; Richesse spécifique; Cartographie; Campagne halieutique.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Relations biométriques chez l'araignée de mer Maja squinado : longueur de référence, distinction juvénile-adulte, taille-poids. ArchiMer
Le Foll, Didier; Latrouite, Daniel; Noel, Philippe.
For the analysis of spider crab populations it is necessary to split the size composition by sex and between age groups, and to convert length to weight. In some cases different length measurements need to be correlated in order to compare the results from different authors. Morphometricaly it is easy to use the abdominal flap to distinguish between male and female, and between immature and adult females, but for immature and adult males it is necessary to use Somertons method to analyse the relation between carapace length and claw width. The relation between carapace length and weight is normally established at moult stage 4, and it obtained separately for males, females, immature and adults spider crabs. When measuring carapace length the present length...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adult; Biometry; Western Channel; Juvenile; Biology; Maja brachydactyla; Spider crab; Adulte; Juvénile; Manche; Maja brachydactyla; Biométrie; Araignée.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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