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Accessing camera trap survey feasibility for estimating Blastocerus dichotomus (Cetartiodactyla, Cervidae) demographic parameters 76
Peres,Pedro Henrique F.; Polverini,Maxihilian S.; Oliveira,Márcio L.; Duarte,José Maurício B..
ABSTRACT Demographic information is the basis for evaluating and planning conservation strategies for an endangered species. However, in numerous situations there are methodological or financial limitations to obtain such information for some species. The marsh deer, an endangered Neotropical cervid, is a challenging species to obtain biological information. To help achieve such aims, the study evaluated the applicability of camera traps to obtain demographic information on the marsh deer compared to the traditional aerial census method. Fourteen camera traps were installed for three months on the Capão da Cruz floodplain, in state of São Paulo, and ten helicopter flyovers were made along a 13-kilometer trajectory to detect resident marsh deer. In addition...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerial survey; Capture-recapture; Distance sampling; Population estimate; Sex ratio.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Aerial and snorkelling census techniques for estimating green turtle abundance on foraging areas: A pilot study in Mayotte Island (Indian Ocean) 5
Roos, David; Pelletier, Dominique; Ciccione, Stéphane; Taquet, Marc; Hughes, George.
Monitoring the abundance of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) is necessary to assess population trends and risks of collapse. This note presents a study aimed at comparing three techniques for the direct estimation of green turtle numbers in their foraging habitats (seagrass beds and reef flats). The experiment was carried out at Mayotte Island, Western Indian Ocean. The techniques involved were surveys by snorkel, and aerial surveys using a microlight aircraft and a paramotor. Each technique had shortcomings and advantages. While each technique provided estimations of turtle numbers only surveys by snorkel permitted identification of species and sex, whenever visibility and turtle behaviour permitted. Along the shorelines, and over foraging areas, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraging habitats; Snorkelling survey; Aerial survey; Abundance estimation; Chelonia mydas; Green turtle.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Aerial surveys of bluefin tuna in the Western Mediterranean sea: retrospective, prospective, perspective 5
Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Farrugio, Henri; Poisson, Francois; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
While the current stock status of bluefin tuna (BFT) has been considered as declining, there remain considerable data limitations for its stock assessment in the Mediterranean Sea. The collection of fishery-independent data reveals to be crucial to compensate for the lack of Mediterranean purse seine CPUE indices as well as to overcome a potential halt in the bluefin tuna fishery that would impede the monitoring of the stock and the comparison to reference points. Here we present a retrospective of aerial surveys that have been carried out since 2000. It includes the protocol as well as a retrospective of temporal and spatial distribution of detected schools. We then propose several perspectives that could improve the data collection method itself and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic bluefin tuna; Aerial survey; Index of abundance; Gulf of Lions; Strip transect.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Assessing the number of moored fishing aggregating devices through aerial surveys: A case study from Guadeloupe 5
Guyader, Olivier; Robert, Bauer; Reynal, Lionel.
Moored fish aggregating devices (MFADs) are increasingly being used in small-scale tropical fisheries to access pelagic fish species that are otherwise difficult to harvest in large numbers. Little attention has yet been paid to monitoring MFADs in coastal areas, however. This is most likely due to the small-scale nature of most fisheries that utilize them and the presumed lower impact of those fisheries on fish stocks and their ecosystems. In this paper, we examined the abundance and density of MFADs around Guadeloupe, using aerial line transect surveys. Estimated MFAD densities were found to be high compared with previously reported densities in this area, especially within the 22–45 km range offshore. We examine and discuss possible reasons for these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Small-scale fisheries management; Dolphinfish; Yellowfin tuna; Aerial survey; Fish aggregating devices (FAD).
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Densidades, tamanho de grupo e reprodução de emas no Pantanal Sul. 14
Este estudo sobre a ecologia das emas no Pantanal foi uma primeira experiência na região, e teve o objetivo de avaliar as possibilidades de utilização da espécie nas fazendas do Pantanal da Nhecolândia. A população estimada, através de um levantamento aéreo, foi de 6.500 emas adultas, em todo o Pantanal. Na fazenda Nhumirim foram encontrados 73 grupos de emas durante o estudo, e o número de grupos variou ao longo do ano, de 2 a 17 indivíduos. A razão sexual foi de 1 macho para 3,6 fêmeas. Os ninhos foram feitos pelos machos, em áreas abertas e em áreas fechadas. Nos 2 anos do estudo foram encontrados 26 ninhos, e o número de ovos variou de 5 a 25. O principal predador dos ninhos foi o tatu-peba. A população de emas no Pantanal está bem conservada e existe...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Levantamento aéreo; Densidade; Tamanho de grupos; Greater rhea; Aerial survey; Size group; Ecologia; Ema; Ninho; População; Pantanal; Ecology; Population; Nests.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Determining bluefin tuna habitat through frontal features in the Mediterranean sea 5
Royer, Francois; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Farrugio, Henri; Gaspar, Philippe.
The distribution patterns of bluefin tuna schools observed during the STROMBOLI EU project (2000-2002) were analysed in relation to oceanographic conditions. High-resolution radiometers (AVHRR and SeaWiFS) were used on a daily basis to derive maps of environmental variability. An edge detection technique was especially applied to estimate the position of frontal features. Using a variety of geostatistical and point process techniques, we were able to show that the distribution of bluefin schools was partially driven by the occurrence of transient fronts in the Gulf of Lions. This is believed to be mainly a trophic association, since enhanced convergence and retention processes occur at fronts, possibly leading to higher prey densities (e.g. anchovies). The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Aerial survey; Gulf of Lions; Sea surface temperature; Ocean colour; Fronts.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Levantamento aéreo de ninhos de tuiuiú, Jabiru mycteria, no Pantanal Sul. 14
Neste estudo foram feitos vários levantamentos utilizando avião tipo ultraleve, entre os meses de julho a setembro de 1993 a 1996. O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial reprodutivo de tuiuiú,em uma região de rios intermitentes, Pantanal da Nhecolândia. Em 1993, o número médio de ovos foi de 3 ovos (DP= 0,90; 2 - 4 ovos). No entanto, em 1994, não foi observado ninhos ativos na área de estudo. Em 1995, o número de ovos variou de 2 a 5 ovos (x= 4; DP=1,1), e o número de jovens no ninho variou de 1 a 5 (x=3; DP=1,4). No entanto, em 1996 não foi observado ninhos ativos na área de estudo, somente ninhos vazios e antigos. O uso da ferramenta ultraleve para estudos locais da biologia reprodutiva de Jabiru mycteria, em áreas abertas foi totalmente viável.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Tuiuiú; Levantamento aéreo; Nest; Aerial survey; Ninho; Reprodução; Jabiru mycteria; Pantanal; Reproduction.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Preliminary results of aerial surveys of bluefin tuna in the western Mediterranean sea 5
Fromentin, Jean-marc; Farrugio, Henri; Deflorio, Michèle; De Metrio, Gregorio.
One of the aims of the EU project STROMBOLI (2000-2002) was to conduct an aerial survey for bluefin tuna in the western Mediterranean Sea to test the feasibility of computing an index of abundance from direct observation. This approach has at least two advantages: (i) to provide fishery-independent information and observation, and (ii) to compensate for the lack of Mediterranean purse seine CPUE indices. The first surveys were done in June-July 2000 over the Balearic and Sicilian areas, where and when adult bluefin tuna used to concentrate for spawning, but the results were disappointing (spawners can hardly be detected from a plane). In contrast, the results obtained from the surveys for juveniles of BFT in the Gulf of Lions and in the Ligurian and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic bluefin tuna; Aerial survey; Index of abundance; Gulf of Lions; Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Sea.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Ultralight aircraft surveys reveal marine turtle population increases along the west coast of Reunion Island 5
Jean, Claire; Ciccione, Stephane; Ballorain, Katia; Georges, Jean-yves; Bourjea, Jerome.
Reunion Island in the south-west Indian Ocean once had significant nesting populations of marine turtles but they declined rapidly after human colonization. In 1996, after regular sightings of turtles offshore, an aerial survey programme was initiated to monitor the occurrence of marine turtles and their distribution along the west coast of the island Between 1998 and 2008, along a 30-km coastline transect between Saint Leu and Saint Paul, a total of 1,845 marine turtle sightings were recorded during 146 flights with an ultralight aircraft The mean number of turtle sightings per survey increased significantly between 1998 and 2008, and a variety of sizes were recorded throughout the year Marine turtles were found over coral reef zones and on the outer reef...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Abundance; Aerial survey; Conservation; Indian Ocean; Marine turtles; Reunion Island.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Update of the French aerial survey index of abundance for 2018 5
Rouyer, Tristan; Brisset, B; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
The French aerial survey over the Gulf of Lions provide an important fisheries independent index for the stock assessment of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (EABFT, Thunnus thynnus). The present manuscript reminds the methodology employed for the survey and provides the update of the index for the year 2018, which displays a decrease compared to previous years. The year 2018 was characterized by relatively warm waters and a lack of strong northern wind events in the Gulf of Lions; the potential effect of the environmental conditions on the decrease observed is shortly discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna; Northwest Mediterranean Fisheries independent abundance index; Aerial survey.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Update of the index of abundance of juvenile bluefin tuna in the western Mediterranean sea until 2011 5
Fromentin, Jean-marc; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Brisset, Blandine.
Here we present an update of the aerial surveys that have been carried out by IFREMER in the western Mediterranean Sea since 2000. This collection of data enables the monitoring of the bluefin juvenile population since the Gulf of Lyon is considered as a nursery for young individuals. The detections of juvenile bluefin tuna are carried out along the same transects between 2000-2003 and then 2009-2011 and are used to calculate a fishery-independent index of bluefin tuna abundance. This index can therefore be included in the stock assessment procedure as an abundance index of juveniles.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic bluefin tuna; Thunnus thynnus; Aerial survey; Index of abundance; Gulf of Lyon; Strip transect.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Updated geographic range maps for giraffe, Giraffa spp., throughout sub‐Saharan Africa, and implications of changing distributions for conservation 5
O'Connor, David; Stacy‐dawes, Jenna; Muneza, Arthur; Fennessy, Julian; Gobush, Kathleen; Chase, Michael J.; Brown, Michael B.; Bracis, Chloe; Elkan, Paul; Zaberirou, Abdoul Razazk Moussa; Rabeil, Thomas; Rubenstein, Dan; Becker, Matthew S.; Phillips, Samantha; Stabach, Jared A.; Leimgruber, Peter; Glikman, Jenny A.; Ruppert, Kirstie; Masiaine, Symon; Mueller, Thomas.
Giraffe populations have declined in abundance by almost 40% over the last three decades, and the geographic ranges of the species (previously believed to be one, now defined as four species) have been significantly reduced or altered. With substantial changes in land uses, loss of habitat, declining abundance, translocations, and data gaps, the existing geographic range maps for giraffe need to be updated. We performed a review of existing giraffe range data, including aerial and ground observations of giraffe, existing geographic range maps, and available literature. The information we collected was discussed with and validated by subject‐matter experts. Our updates may serve to correct inaccuracies or omissions in the baseline map, or may reflect actual...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aerial survey; Africa; Decline; Endangered; Geographic range; Giraffe; Spatial ecology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Uso de levantamentos aéreos para o manejo de populações silvestres. 14
Propósitos de manejo de populações silvestres; Problemas de escala em manejo de populações silvestre; Limites de uma população; Escala de manejo; Aplicabilidade; Áreas factíveis de levantamentos aéreos no Brasil; Tipos de aparelhos usados; Levantamentos aéreos; Precisão e acurácia; Análise de dados; Estimativa simples; Estimativa ponderada; Estimativa com probabilidade proporcional ao tamanho.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Animal silvestre; Levantamento aéreo; Management; Aerial survey; Manejo; População; Population; Wildlife.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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