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Convection regime between canopy and air in a greenhouse 63
Atarassi,Roberto Terumi; Folegatti,Marcos Vinicius; Brasil,René Porfírio Camponez do.
The use of covering materials in protected environments modifies the air movement close to the crop canopy compared to external environment, which changes the heat and mass transfer between canopy and air. Several researches have been made in greenhouses to estimate mass and heat flux using dimensionless numbers to characterize the type of convection (forced, free or mixed). The knowledge of which one is dominant allows simplifications and specific approaches. The dominant convection regime between canopy and air was determined in a naturally ventilated greenhouse cropped with sweet pepper. Forced convection was predominant, representing more than 70% of the time. During daytime, an increase of mixed convection was observed. It is thus appropriated the use...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heat flux; Leaf; Aerodynamic resistance.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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