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Adjustments in population and reproductive dynamics of native and non-native congeneric species during 26 years after invasion 83
Rodrigues,Amanda Cantarute; Santos,Natália Carneiro Lacerda dos; Baumgartner,Matheus Tenório; Gomes,Luiz Carlos.
ABSTRACT We aimed to improve the understanding of the establishment of Serrasalmus marginatus (non-native), which was followed by a decrease in the abundance of Serrasalmus maculatus (native) in the upper Paraná River floodplain. We estimated age, mortality rate, length and age at first maturity and variations in gonad development in three time-periods along a 26-year truncated time scale for both species. Population and reproduction parameters of both species showed substantial fluctuations among periods. Most age classes were sampled in all time-periods, but with considerable difference in abundance, with predominance of older individuals in the second time-period and younger individuals in the third time-period for both species. The mortality rates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Age structure; Biological invasions; Length at first maturity; Mortality; Serrasalmus.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Age and growth of the Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933 in the Brazilian South-Southeast Region during 1996-2001 83
Vaz-dos-Santos,André M.; Rossi-Wongtschowski,Carmen Lúcia D. B..
This is the first detailed study on the age and growth of the Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi in Brazilian waters. A total of 3,651 specimens obtained from surveys and sampling landings using trawlers and long-lines in the South-Southeast Region (21ºS to 34ºS) between 1996 and 2001 were analyzed. Readings of sliced and burned otoliths were conducted on 686 individuals (397 females, 129 males and 160 young - sex not identified), identifying opaque and translucent zones. Marginal increment and edge type percentage methods were used for validation, resulting in one ring per year, formed during summer-autumn. Fish with no more than eight rings and six years of age were found, the two first rings after the core being formed during the first year....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Merluccius hubbsi; Growth parameters; Otolith; Age structure; South-Southeastern region of Brazil.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Age verification of north Atlantic sprat 5
Moore, Claire; Lynch, Deirdre; Clarke, Maurice; Officer, Rick; Mills, Jane; Dufour, Jean-louis; Brophy, Deirdre.
Sprat is a pelagic species of increasing commercial interest in European waters, yet little is known about its biology or the drivers of its population fluctuations. As a result, the species is currently without an analytical assessment or forecast across much of the North East Atlantic. The objectives of this study were to: verify otolithbased age estimation of sprat; assess the precision, bias and reproducibility of these age estimates; and, determine the age structure of sprat within one North East Atlantic management unit (Celtic Seas ecoregion). Samples were collected over three years (2011, 2013 & 2014) from both commercial catches and scientific surveys. Counts of daily increments in otoliths were used to establish when the first annulus was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sprat; Age verification; Otolith; Marginal increment analysis; Age structure.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Caracterización de la estructura de la población y uso de hábitat del zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus) y el Chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons) en el parque estatal sierra de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México. 32
Saavedra Alpizar, Oscar.
La calidad del hábitat de muchas especies animales podría ser mejor evaluada mediante características poblacionales diferentes a la abundancia, dado que ésta puede ser engañosa. En este estudio se contrastó la proporción de sexos, la estructura de edades y algunos índices de condición corporal, como indicadores de la calidad del hábitat de dos aves de sotobosque comunes durante el invierno en las zonas montañosas del Valle de México: el zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus), una ave migratoria y estenotópica, y el chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons), residente y generalista de hábitat. Se capturaron y anillaron aves mediante una estrategia de esfuerzo constante con redes de niebla, de octubre de 2007 a abril de 2008, en una parcela de 20 ha de...
Palavras-chave: Calidad del hábitat; Estructura de edades; Proporción de sexos; Condición corporal; Abundancia habitat quality; Age structure; Sex ratio; Corporal condition; Abundance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Caracterización de la estructura de la población y uso de hábitat del zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus) y el Chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons) en el parque estatal sierra de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México. 32
Saavedra Alpizar, Oscar.
La calidad del hábitat de muchas especies animales podría ser mejor evaluada mediante características poblacionales diferentes a la abundancia, dado que ésta puede ser engañosa. En este estudio se contrastó la proporción de sexos, la estructura de edades y algunos índices de condición corporal, como indicadores de la calidad del hábitat de dos aves de sotobosque comunes durante el invierno en las zonas montañosas del Valle de México: el zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus), una ave migratoria y estenotópica, y el chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons), residente y generalista de hábitat. Se capturaron y anillaron aves mediante una estrategia de esfuerzo constante con redes de niebla, de octubre de 2007 a abril de 2008, en una parcela de 20 ha de...
Palavras-chave: Calidad del hábitat; Estructura de edades; Proporción de sexos; Condición corporal; Abundancia habitat quality; Age structure; Sex ratio; Corporal condition; Abundance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Caracterización de la estructura de la población y uso de hábitat del zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus) y el Chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons) en el parque estatal sierra de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México. 32
Saavedra Alpizar, Oscar.
La calidad del hábitat de muchas especies animales podría ser mejor evaluada mediante características poblacionales diferentes a la abundancia, dado que ésta puede ser engañosa. En este estudio se contrastó la proporción de sexos, la estructura de edades y algunos índices de condición corporal, como indicadores de la calidad del hábitat de dos aves de sotobosque comunes durante el invierno en las zonas montañosas del Valle de México: el zorzal cola rufa (Catharus guttatus), una ave migratoria y estenotópica, y el chipe gorra rufa (Basileuterus rufifrons), residente y generalista de hábitat. Se capturaron y anillaron aves mediante una estrategia de esfuerzo constante con redes de niebla, de octubre de 2007 a abril de 2008, en una parcela de 20 ha de bosque...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Calidad del hábitat; Estructura de edades; Proporción de sexos; Condición corporal; Abundancia; Habitat quality; Age structure; Sex ratio; Corporal condition; Abundance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Cтруктура популяций массовых видов планктонных остракод Южной Атлантики (1976-1979 гг.) 13
Драпун, И. Е..
Анализировали соотношение полов ( ♀/♂) и возрастную структуру в популяциях 16 видов планктонных остра­код (сем. Halocyprididae) из разных районов Южной Атлантики на основе зоопланктонных материалов, соб­ранных в 1976 - 1979 гг. в трех рейсах научных судов. В популяциях планктонных остракод, как правило, преобладали самки, превышая количество самцов в среднем в два - три раза. Величины соотношения полов, заметно отклоняющиеся от 1. а также неравномерное в большинстве случаев распределение в популяциях одновозрастных групп, вероятно, свидетельствуют о периодичности размножения, характерной для боль­шинства видов остракод. Наблюдаемое разнообразие форм возрастных пирамид у массовых видов остракод указывает на возможные различия в их биологии, в частности, на...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Планктонные остракоды; Возрастная структура; Соотношение полов; Юж­ная Атлантика; Planktonic ostracods; Halocyprididae; Age structure; Sex ratio; South Atlantic Sex ratio Sex ratio
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Fenologia de Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) em Eichhornia azurea (Pontederiaceae) no norte do Pantanal de Mato Grosso 82
Silva,Fatima R J da; Marques,Marinêz I; Battirola,Leandro D; Lhano,Marcos G.
Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) has Eichhornia crassipes, E. azurea, Pontederia cordata and P. lanceolata (Pontederiaceae) as the known host plants. This grasshopper species is cited as a possible agent of biological control for native aquatic macrophytes E. azurea and E. crassipes. This study, carried out from March, 2006 to February, 2007, aimed to evaluate the phenology and age structure of the population of C. aquaticum associated with E. azurea in Piuval bay, Pantanal of Poconé, MT, and to identify possible relationships of its life cycle to abiotic factors such as insolation, temperature and precipitation. Monthly collections of 50 individuals were carried out according to the protocol defined by the "Host - Insect Coevolution on Waterhyacinth" project....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abiotic factor; Age structure; Aquatic macrophyte; Grasshopper.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pelagic ostracods (Halocyprididae) of the Brandsfield Strait, Antarctica 13
Drapun, I. E..
Results of the study of pelagic ostracods (Halocyprididae) from the western Bransfield Strait are discussed. The data were obtained using zooplankton samples collected in March 2002 during the 7th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition. Maximum sampling depths varied from 200 to 1000 m. Eight halocyprid species were found. Three species were dominant throughout the entire sampling depth: Metaconchoecia isocheira (in the layers 0 – 500 and >500 m it contributed 44 and 31 % respectively to the halocyprid population), Alacia belgicae (28 and 23 %), and Alacia hettacra (24 and 21 %). The fourth species, Boroecia antipoda, was dominant >500 m (21 %). The other species found were Metaconchoecia skogsbergi, Proceroecia brachyaskos, Disconchoecia aff. elegans and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Pelagic ostracods; Halocyprididae; Quantitative distribution; Age structure; Bransfield Strait; Antarctica; Пелагические остракоды; Halocyprididae; Количественное распределение; Возрастная структура; Пролив Брансфилда; Антарктика Quantitative distribution.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Size limits regulation for Tuna: should we also consider the protection of large fish? 5
Fromentin, Jean-marc.
A recent body of literature has demonstrated that older females produce larvae and offsprings that have much higher survival and growth than do younger adults and that they furthermore play a key role in the adaptability, persistence and productivity of the exploited fish populations. These findings, that have been shown for several pelagic, groundfish and rockfish species, are, thus, worth to consider for tuna and tuna-like species. The aim of this modest and brief paper is solely to draw the attention from the SCRS to this issue which may have considerable impacts on management regulations.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Age structure; Genetic diversity; Recruitment success; Sustainability; Management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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