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Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems: A Network Analysis AgEcon
Kaine, Geoff; Doyle, Brendan; Reeve, Ian; Lees, Jim.
Röling and others argue that research and extension should not be seen as separate processes involving distinct institutions which must somehow be linked. Rather, scientists, specialists, extension workers, consultants and producers should be seen as participants in a single agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS). This perspective on research, extension and adoption as activities that occur within a network offers new insights into the way in which technology transfer occurs, and new ideas as to how to increase the rate of adoption of new ideas and techniques in farming. In this study, we use network management theory and applied network analysis to operationalise the concept of an AKIS and to test the relationships between system...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural extension; Technology transfer; Network analysis.; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Analysis of Factors Affecting on Risk Management of Wheat Production Among Wheat Farmers (Razavieh Region, Khorasan-E-Razavi Province, Iran) AgEcon
Sookhtanlo, Mojtaba; Sarani, Valiollah.
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the Factors Affecting on risk management in wheat production among farmers of Razavieh region (Khorasan-E-Razavi province, Iran). Statistical population of the study was 1520 farmers that they had water cultivation. By using of stratified proportional random sampling 156 respondents were selected from 8 villages. For the calculation of the risk-aversion coefficient degree among farmers, the Safety First Rule model was used. The findings revealed that the dominant respondents (65%) were risk-averse. The results of exploratory factorial analysis showed that five factors determined about 74.267 % from total variance for wheat farmers' risk management that consist of: economy & marketing management factor,...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Wheat farmers; Risk-aversion; Risk management; Drought; Agricultural extension; Farm Management; Risk and Uncertainty; GA; IN.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Bourdillon, Michael; Hebinck, Paul; Hoddinott, John; Kinsey, Bill; Marondo, John; Mudege, Netsayi; Owens, Trudy.
This study is part of a larger effort to explore the impact of agricultural research on poverty reduction. It examines the diffusion and impact of hybrid maize in selected resettlement areas of rural Zimbabwe, paying particular attention to varieties made widely available from the mid-1990s onwards. While “Zimbabwe’s Green Revolution” of the early 1980s was characterized by the widespread adoption of hybrid maize varieties and significant increases in yields, the subsequent diffusion of newer varieties occurred more slowly and had a more modest impact. Several factors account for this. Government now plays a much-reduced role and one that increasingly focuses on “better farmers.” Private-sector institutions that have entered the maize sector operate mainly...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Poverty; Agricultural research; Sustainable livelihoods; Vulnerability; Agricultural extension; Social capital; Hybrid maize; Zimbabwe; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Assessing the Impact of the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in the Uganda Rural Livelihoods AgEcon
Benin, Samuel; Nkonya, Ephraim M.; Okecho, Geresom; Pender, John L.; Nahdy, Silim; Mugarura, Samuel; Kato, Edward; Kayobyo, Godfrey.
The National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) program of Uganda is an innovative public-private extension service delivery approach, with the goal of increasing market oriented agricultural production by empowering farmers to demand and control agricultural advisory services. Although initial evaluations of NAADS have been quite favourable, these evaluations have been primary qualitative in nature. This study quantifies the initial impacts of NAADS in the districts and sub-counties where the program was operating by 2005. It is based on descriptive analyses of results of a survey of 116 farmer groups and 894 farmers in sixteen districts where the program was operating at the time and four districts where NAADS had not yet begun operating to control...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Impact assessment; Agricultural extension; Uganda; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Lourenzani, Wagner Luiz.
Family-based agriculture plays an important socio-economical role in Brazilian agribusiness. Its development is considered a precondition for an economically efficient and fair society. There are numerous variables influencing the performance of rural business. Several variables can not be controlled by the farmers, but, there are some variables which can be controlled, as farm management. Problems related to farm business sustainability revel inefficiencies in farm management in general, and more specifically in family based agriculture. Therefore the proposal of a rural extension course in management, acts over this deficiency, providing tools for family-based agriculture. This paper presents a methodological framework of a managerial capacitation...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural extension; Managerial capacitation; Family-based agriculture..
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Communication Processes in Agro-environmental Policy Development and Decision-Making: Case Study Sachsen-Anhalt AgEcon
Prager, Katrin; Nagel, Uwe Jens.
The development of a decision support approach with regard to agro-environmental programmes is part of a larger research project on agricultural transformation and structural change processes. Research objective are improved communication processes and an enhanced quality of political decision-making. The investigation is based on the assumption that the success of agro-environmental programmes depends largely on their acceptance by all major stakeholders. This implies an early integration of varying interests in the decision-making process. Introducing participatory approaches into a bureaucratic setting poses particular problems. In order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, the introduction of interactive modelling approaches has to be...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Communication processes; Agro-environmental programmes; Decision-making support; Conflict resolution; Participation and acceptance; Rural areas; Agricultural extension; Sustainable agriculture; Structural change; Transformation processes; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Development and adoption of improved chickpea varieties in Myanmar Open Agri
Than, A.M..
Palavras-chave: Chickpeas; On-farm research; Breeds (animals); Agricultural extension; Soil water content; Germplasm; Yields; Area; Weather hazards; Demand.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Development in the Midst of Drought: Evaluating an Agricultural Extension and Credit Program in Nicaragua. AgEcon
Mullally, Conner.
This paper measures the impact of year one of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Rural Business Development program for small rice farming households on the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. The program was rolled out in the 2009-2010 agricultural year, which was the driest year on record in the region, likely due to an El Niño event. Estimated impacts show that the program at best had no effect, and at worst led to a 10 percent reduction in yields. These impacts are estimated using an econometric model which uses selection on observables as its identifying assumption, and robustness checks suggest that this is a reasonable approach in this case. Inference accounts for spatial correlation across households of the unobserved determinants of agricultural...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Development; Impact evaluation; Agricultural extension; Rural credit; Spatial; International Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Do Pesticide Hazards to Human Health and Beneficial Insects Cause or Result from IPM Adoption? Mixed Messages from Farmer Field Schools in Nicaragua AgEcon
Labarta, Ricardo A.; Swinton, Scott M..
This paper analyzes the interaction between farmer training in pest management and effects on acute pesticide poisoning and populations of beneficial insects in Nicaragua. Using farm level data from Nicaraguan bean growers, including graduates of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), other integrated pest management (IPM) outreach methods, and farmers without exposure to IPM, we found that small farmers are influenced by pesticide-related acute illness experiences when adopting IPM practices and making decisions about pesticide use. However, exposure to IPM extension programs failed to reduce the use of highly toxic pesticides and increased the number of self-reported acute illness symptoms during the most recent bean crop season. IPM training did result in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ecosystem service; Integrated pest management; Agricultural extension; Nicaragua; Farm Management; Q16.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Empirical validity of the evaluation of public policies: models of evaluation and quality of evidence AgEcon
Berriet-Solliec, Marielle; Labarthe, Pierre; Laurent, Catherine E.; Baudry, Jacques.
There is a wide range of evaluation methods. On the basis of which criteria should one method be chosen? On what scientific foundations are the results of numerous evaluations based? How can reliability and empirical validity be tested? The relevance of such questions is heightened in new fields of action such as agri-environmental policy. This paper aims to demonstrate that theoretical advances on level and types of evidence (existence, causality, effectiveness) can help resolve these issues. The main evaluation methods are classified into three main categories, according to their main goal (to learn, measure, understand) and linked to the debate on types of evidence. The analysis is illustrated by comparing evaluation methods in the field of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Evidence; Agricultural extension; Agri-environment; Agricultural and Food Policy; B49 H83 Q18 Q58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Environmental lobbying with imperfect public monitoring of environmental quality AgEcon
Beard, Rodney; Mallawaarachchi, Thilak; Salerno, Gillian.
In this paper we present a two stage game of political lobbying for policies designed to enhance environmental quality. Unlike previous work which has tended to assume perfect monitoring of environmental quality in lobbying games we allow for imperfect monitoring of environmental quality. We characterize perfect public (politico-economic) equilibria in the game for the case of both perfect and imperfect monitoring of environmental quality and compare these with imperfect private monitoring of environmental quality. Results are discussed with respect to farmer behaviour in the context of non-point source pollution and implications for the political consequences of farm extension programmes highlighted.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Game theory; Public choice; Imperfect public monitoring; Imperfect private monitoring; Non-point source pollution; Agricultural extension; Public education; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Escuelas de campo y adopción de tecnología en agricultura de laderas Colegio de Postgraduados
Orozco Cirilo, Sergio.
En la Sierra Mazateca de Oaxaca, el Colegio de Postgraduados diseñó y operó el Proyecto Manejo Sustentable de Laderas (PMSL) y generó en parcelas experimentales la tecnología: Milpa Intercalada entre Árboles Frutales (MIAF). En seguida inició su transferencia mediante el método de Escuelas de Campo (EC). Las EC son una metodología de extensión participativa que permite aprender-haciendo, orientada a desarrollar capacidades analíticas, pensamiento crítico y creatividad. Nuestra hipótesis principal consistió en afirmar que los índices de adopción tecnológica final de la tecnología MIAF por parte de campesinos participantes en EC, se relacionan directamente con el aumento en su nivel de conocimiento tecnológico y ello impacta favorablemente sus...
Palavras-chave: Agricultura de laderas; Capacitación; Adopción de tecnología; Extensión agrícola; Técnicas participativas; Divulgación; Educación de adultos. Hillside agriculture; Training; Adoption of technology; Agricultural extension; Participative techniques; Divulgation; Adult education..
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Escuelas de campo y adopción de tecnología en agricultura de laderas Colegio de Postgraduados
Orozco Cirilo, Sergio.
En la Sierra Mazateca de Oaxaca, el Colegio de Postgraduados diseñó y operó el Proyecto Manejo Sustentable de Laderas (PMSL) y generó en parcelas experimentales la tecnología: Milpa Intercalada entre Árboles Frutales (MIAF). En seguida inició su transferencia mediante el método de Escuelas de Campo (EC). Las EC son una metodología de extensión participativa que permite aprender-haciendo, orientada a desarrollar capacidades analíticas, pensamiento crítico y creatividad. Nuestra hipótesis principal consistió en afirmar que los índices de adopción tecnológica final de la tecnología MIAF por parte de campesinos participantes en EC, se relacionan directamente con el aumento en su nivel de conocimiento tecnológico y ello impacta favorablemente sus...
Palavras-chave: Agricultura de laderas; Capacitación; Adopción de tecnología; Extensión agrícola; Técnicas participativas; Divulgación; Educación de adultos. Hillside agriculture; Training; Adoption of technology; Agricultural extension; Participative techniques; Divulgation; Adult education..
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Escuelas de campo y adopción de tecnología en agricultura de laderas Colegio de Postgraduados
Orozco Cirilo, Sergio.
En la Sierra Mazateca de Oaxaca, el Colegio de Postgraduados diseñó y operó el Proyecto Manejo Sustentable de Laderas (PMSL) y generó en parcelas experimentales la tecnología: Milpa Intercalada entre Árboles Frutales (MIAF). En seguida inició su transferencia mediante el método de Escuelas de Campo (EC). Las EC son una metodología de extensión participativa que permite aprender-haciendo, orientada a desarrollar capacidades analíticas, pensamiento crítico y creatividad. Nuestra hipótesis principal consistió en afirmar que los índices de adopción tecnológica final de la tecnología MIAF por parte de campesinos participantes en EC, se relacionan directamente con el aumento en su nivel de conocimiento tecnológico y ello impacta favorablemente sus...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Agricultura de laderas; Capacitación; Adopción de tecnología; Extensión agrícola; Técnicas participativas; Divulgación; Educación de adultos.; Doctorado; EDAR; Estrategías para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; Hillside agriculture; Training; Adoption of technology; Agricultural extension; Participative techniques; Divulgation; Adult education..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia. AgEcon
Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Merrey, Douglas J.; Kamara, Abdul B.; van Koppen, Barbara; Penning de Vries, Frits W.T.; Boelee, Eline.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Water harvesting; Irrigation systems; Irrigation programs; Gender; Agricultural extension; Farmers; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Farmer field school’s training on knowledge level of citrus growers regarding improved production practices Ciência Rural
Victor,Akash Nougha; Luqman,Muhammad; Shiwei,Xu; Wen,Yu; Majeed,Muhammad Zeeshan.
ABSTRACT: The major objective of this paper was to assess the impact of the Farmer field school (FFS) training program on the knowledge level of farmers (citrus growers) regarding improved citrus production practices. Distract Sargodha was the targeted research area for this study being the leading producer of citrus in Pakistan. Quantitative data were collected through interview schedule and analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was conclude that young people were more tend towards getting training under FFS program than old age farmers. Educated farmers were in majority in FFS farmers while; conversely illiterate farmers were in majority in the category of non-FFs farmers. In category of FFS farmers livestock farming was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Farmer field school; Agricultural extension; Integrated pest management; Citrus production practices.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Farmers' knowledge regarding organic vegetables cultivation in northeast Thailand Thai Agricultural
Shimul Mondal; Theerachai Haitook; Suchint Simaraks; Arunee Promkhambut.
The study was conducted to determine farmers’ knowledge on organic vegetables cultivation. The study also attempted to describe some selected characteristics of organic vegetables cultivation and explore the relationships with knowledge on organic vegetables cultivation. A survey method of face-to-face interview using semi structured questionnaire was used to collect data from organic vegetable growers in Samsung, Khon Kaen, and Northeast Thailand which was selected by using simple random sampling method. Data were collected by semi structured interview schedule from 51 randomly selected households. Data revealed that highest proportion (70.6%) of organic vegetables’ grower had relatively low knowledge while 29.4 % of them had medium knowledge and had 0%...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Organic vegetables; Vegetables production; Vegetables cultivation; Knowledge; Social context; Communication; Farming experience; Agricultural extension; Social participation; Northeast; ผักอินทรีย์; ผักออร์แกนิก; การปลูกผัก; องค์ความรู้; บริบทชุมชน; ประสบการณ์; การสื่อสาร; ชุมชน; การมีส่วนร่วมทางสังคม; การส่งเสริมการเกษตร; ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Identificação de demandas tecnológicas da cafeicultura junto a técnicos da extensão rural em Rondônia. Infoteca-e
ROSA NETO, C.; ARAUJO, L. V. de; SILVA, F. de A. C..
Este documento registra os resultados do trabalho realizado junto a uma amostra de técnicos da Emater-RO, visando a identificação de demandas tecnológicas da cafeicultura, a partir da percep-ção desses técnicos, com base na sua vivência e experiência no processo de assistência técnica aos produtores assistidos pela Emater-RO. Apresentadas de forma concisa e objetiva, essas de-mandas representam subsídios importantes para a Embrapa no estabelecimento de suas priorida-des de pesquisa para o setor cafeeiro do estado.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agricultural extension; Emater (RO); Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Cafeicultura; Pratica Cultural; Extensão Rural; Adoção de Inovações; Transferência de Tecnologia; Coffee beans; Plant cultural practices; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Extension agents.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Adato, Michelle; Haddad, Lawrence James; Hazell, Peter B.R..
The extent to which agricultural research has reduced poverty has become an increasing concern of policymakers, donors, and researchers. Until recently, poverty reduction was a secondary goal of agricultural research. The primary focus was on increasing food supplies and reducing food prices, a strategy that was successful in increasing the yields of important food staples. When increased productivity is combined with increased agricultural employment, lower food prices, and increased off-farm employment, agricultural research can be credited with significant reductions in rural poverty. However, these benefits do not necessarily materialize, and thus it is essential to understand how agricultural technologies influence and are influenced by the diverse...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Poverty; Agricultural research; Sustainable livelihoods; Vulnerability; Agricultural extension; Bangladesh; China; India; Mexico; Kenya; Zimbabwe; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Overview of water and soil nutrient management under smallholder rain-fed agriculture in East Africa. AgEcon
Mati, Bancy Mbura.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Soil conservation; Water conservation; Water harvesting; Terraces; Tillage; Ridging; Cropping systems; Bunds; Sugarcane; Spate irrigation; Pitcher irrigation; Water storage; Soil fertility; Fertilizers; Non-governmental organizations; Farmers’ associations; Agroforestry; Agricultural extension; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Industrial Organization; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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