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Air and fuel supercharge in the performance of a diesel cycle engine Ciência Rural
Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Schlosser,José Fernando; Martini,Alfran Tellechea; Santos,Gustavo Oliveira dos; Estrada,Javier Solis.
ABSTRACT: This paper aimed to evaluate the performance of a Diesel cycle engine, changing the configurations for the air and fuel supply system. Variables analyzed were torque, power, specific fuel consumption and thermal efficiency in four different engine configurations (aspirated, aspirated + service, turbocharged + service and turbocharged). For that, there were dynamometer experiments by power take-off of an agricultural tractor. The experimental outline used was entirely randomized, in a bifatorial design with three repetitions. Results indicated that the engine supercharge, compared to its original configuration, provided a significant increase of torque and power. Only the addition of turbo does not caused a significant effect in the engine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural tractor; Turbocharger; Injection pump; Fuel consumption.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Schlosser,José F.; Farias,Marcelo S. de; Estrada,Javier S.; Santos,Gustavo O. dos; Gil,Emilio.
ABSTRACT Farming operations are usually performed implements driven by a power take-off (PTO) from tractors. Some manufacturers offer PTO settings named as economic (540E). Such configuration drives implements at lower tractor’s engine rotation, thus providing lower fuel consumption. An engine performance using standard (540) or 540E settings are different and poorly studied. The amounts of pollutants emitted by engines vary mainly with the applied load and rotation. The aim of this study was to compare the performance and exhaust emissions of a farming tractor engine under different PTO loads, using both standard (540) and 540E settings. Specific fuel consumption using 540E was an average 14.7% less than the standard setting. However, 540E promoted...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fuel consumption; Exhaust gases; Agricultural tractor; 540E setting.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Performance of an agricultural engine using blends of diesel and ethanol Ciência Rural
Estrada,Javier Solis; Schlosser,José Fernando; Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Rodrigues,Fabrício Azevedo; Martini,Alfran Tellechea; Santos,Gustavo Oliveira dos.
ABSTRACT: This research evaluated the performance of a diesel engine in an agricultural tractor, using Diesel S500 (B5) and mixture with 3% (ED3), 6% (ED6), 9% (ED9), 12% (ED12) and 15% (ED15) of hydrous ethanol. Variables evaluated were the power, torque, specific fuel consumption, torque reserve, speed reserve and elasticity index of engine. Results indicated that using B5 and ED3 the values of torque and engine power not differ, in addition, with the ED3 the fuel consumption was lower than 5.92%. Using ED12, power has reduced in 2.97%, compared with B5, while their fuel consumption had no difference. With ED15, the power was lower 6.30% and the fuel consumption increase 3.77%, both compared with B5. Torque reserve value was increased with increasing the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biofuel; Diesel cycle; Agricultural tractor; Brake dynamometer.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Performance of an agricultural engine using mineral diesel and ethanol fuels Ciência Rural
Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Schlosser,José Fernando; Russini,Alexandre; Frantz,Ulisses Giacomini; Estrada,Javier Solis.
ABSTRACT: The global demand for alternatives for mineral diesel oil is growing due to the need for satisfying sustainability and environmental requirements, forcing industries and research institutions to develop new alternative fuels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance parameters of an agricultural engine using two different fuels: mineral diesel oil and ethanol. The experiment was conducted on a dynamometric stand using two engines for agricultural use but with a modified fuel injection system, suitable for both diesel and ethanol, in the speed range 1200-2300rpm. The performance of the engines was analyzed considering the power take-off from the tractors for each fuel, as established in the standard NBR ISO 1585. The data...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative fuels; Diesel cycle; Agricultural tractor; Brake dynamometer.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Quantification and qualification of exhaust gases in agricultural diesel engine operating with biodiesel mixtures AGRIAMBI
Silva,Flávio C. da; Aranha,Felipe N.; Angelkorte,Gerd B.; Guardiola,Juan F. H.; Teixeira,Luciana P.; Correia,Ricardo C. de B..
ABSTRACT Diesel cycle engines are widely used in agricultural machinery. Biodiesel offers the possibility of partial or total replacement of mineral diesel, thus reducing the dependence of agriculture on this non-renewable resource and decreasing pollutant emissions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the emissions of CO, NOx, SO2, CO2, and O2 from various biodiesel mixtures (B0 = 0%, B7 = 7%, B10 = 10%, B20 = 20%, B30 = 30% and B100 = 100%) in a single-cylinder tractor engine at 1000, 1600 and 2400 rpm. The exhaust gases were identified using a gas probe meter. Fuels with a higher percentage of biodiesel have the lowest SO2 emissions, with the B30 mixture releasing 65.78, 52.47 and 32.25 parts per million at 1000, 1600 and 2000 rpm, respectively....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gas emissions; Agricultural tractor; Biofuels.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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トラクタタイヤ接地面積の3次元計測に関する研究 OAK
全, 亨奎; 谷口, 哲司; 大友, 功一; 岸本, 正; 大山, 毅; JUN, Hyung-gyu; TANIGUCHI, Tetsuji; OHTOMO, Ko-ichi; KISHIMOTO, Tadashi; OHYAMA, Tsuyoshi.
タイヤ性能を改善し土壌踏圧を解明するための基礎研究として, タイヤ変形を考慮しての接地面積計測方法を確立した。走行時のタイヤ断面形状を楕円で近似し, タイヤのラジアル方向および横方向変形量, 沈下量, 踏面長さ等の測定値から, タイヤ走行時の3次元接地面積を求めた。また, レーザセンサ距離計により土壌面上部定位置から踏圧面までの距離をメッシュ状に測定できる土壌変形計測装置を開発し, タイヤ静荷重時の3次元接地面積を求めた。これより, 静荷重時接地面積は走行時の約1.3倍となった。さらに, 同装置により静荷重時の土壌深さの違いによる土壌変形量を測定した。その結果, 変形前の土壌の10cmより浅い土壌層にラグによる土壌変形がみられた。 Methods for the determination of 3-D contact area between a tire and soil were presented to improve tire performance and to clarify soil compaction. The contact area during tire operation on the soil was calculated with radial,lateral and longitudinal deflections of the tire and the sinkage. The device with a laser sensor was developed to measure the distances from a fixed position to soil surface for the calculation of contact area under...
Palavras-chave: タイヤ変形; 土壌踏圧; 接地面積; 土壌変形; 空気圧; トラクタタイヤ; ラジアルタイヤ; Tire deformation; Soil compaction; Contact area; Soil deformation; Inflation pressure; Agricultural tractor.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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