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Channeling consumption preferences for co-existence of landrace and modern varieties in-situ AgEcon
Krishna, Vijesh V.; Pascual, Unai; Zilberman, David.
The study examines the least-cost option of conserving landraces in-situ by the development of market friction instruments. The empirical examination is comprised of two closely-related studies on eggplant production and consumption sectors of India. An examination of the cost and return structure of eggplant farming in the study area reveals that the incremental farm price of eggplant products of landrace origin eclipses the yield advantage of hybrid varieties. Possibly due to the information asymmetries and other imperfections existing in this market, the price increment currently realized by the eggplant farmers is still only a fraction of consumers’ willingness to pay for landraces. This wide margin is indicative of the unexploited potential of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Contingent valuation; Eggplant; Hedonic pricing; India; Labelling and certification; Landrace conservation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Collection and morphological characterization of sweet potato landraces in north of Rio de Janeiro state Horticultura Brasileira
Moulin,Monique M; Rodrigues,Rosana; Gonçalves,Leandro SA; Sudré,Cláudia P; Santos,Marilene H dos; Silva,José Roberto P da.
The traditional farmers play an important role in plant genetic resources conservation. Collecting the germplasm maintained by these farmers is a very important action to avoid genetic variability losses. The goals of this work were to collect sweet potato from farms in the north of Rio de Janeiro state; to gather information regarding to the farmers profile, and to characterize the sweet potato landraces collected using morphological descriptors. Fifty three farms were visited in six collection expedition and 46 accessions were collected. During the visits the farmers were interviewed using a query with ten items. Six root traits and eight descriptors for vegetative parts were used for morphological characterization. The data were analyzed based on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ipomoea batatas; Genetic resources; Traditional agriculture; Germplasm characterization; Agrobiodiversity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Collective Action and Marketing of Underutilized Plant Species: The Case of Minor Millets in Kolli Hills, Tamil, Nadu, India AgEcon
Gruere, Guillaume P.; Nagarajan, Latha; King, E.D.I. Oliver.
Minor millets are examples of underutilized plant species, being locally important but rarely traded internationally with an unexploited economic potential. In the Kolli hills of Tamil Nadu, India, a genetically diverse pool of minor millet varieties are grown by the tribal farming communities to meet their subsistence food needs. Most of these minor crops were not traded outside the farming community. Despite a consumption preference among the farming communities for minor millets, in the recent past the acreage under minor millet crops have declined considerably due to the availability of substitute cash crops. As a response, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) based in Chennai has led targeted conservation cum commercialization intervention...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Underutilized species; Agricultural marketing; Collective action; Agrobiodiversity; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Collective Action in Plant Genetic Resources Management: Gendered Rules of Reputation, Trust and Reciprocity in Kerala, India AgEcon
Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna.
Collective action aims at the joint management of common pool resources. Agrobiodiversity at the community level is conceptualized as a collective resource requiring the management of varieties, species and their interrelations within a farming-system. In the rice dominated agriculture in the uplands of Kerala, India, few community groups continue maintaining and thus conserving their high diversity in landraces. Faced with the challenges of devastating prices for rice, their traditional system of collective action to exchange seed material and knowledge is endangered. A new institutional mechanism to manage biodiversity is the People’s Biodiversity Register, a mandatory documentation procedure to enable cost and benefit sharing under the Convention on...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Gender; India; Agrobiodiversity; Institutions; Trust; Reciprocity; Reputation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Combining revealed and stated preference methods to assess the private value of agrobiodiversity in Hungarian home gardens AgEcon
Birol, Ekin; Kontoleon, Andreas; Smale, Melinda.
Hungarian home gardens are small-scale farms managed by farm households using traditional management practices and family labor. They generate private benefits for farmers by enhancing diet quality and providing food when costs of transacting in local markets are high. Home gardens also generate public benefits for society by supporting long-term productivity advances in agriculture. In this paper, we estimate the private value to farmers of agrobiodiversity in home gardens. Building on the approach presented in EPTD Discussion Paper 117 (2004), we combine a stated preference approach (a choice experiment model) and a revealed preference approach (a discrete-choice, farm household model). Both models are based on random utility theory. To combine the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Home gardens; Small-scale farmers; Diet quality; Agricultural productivity; Agrobiodiversity; Household surveys; Private value; Choice experiment model; Farm household model; Revealed and stated preference methods; Biodiversity; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Benin, Samuel; Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Smale, Melinda; Pender, John L.; Ehui, Simeon K..
On farm conservation of crop diversity poses obvious policy challenges in terms of the design of appropriate incentive mechanisms and possible trade-offs between conservation and productivity. This paper compares factors explaining the inter-specific diversity (diversity among species) and infra-specific diversity (diversity among varieties within a species) of cereal crops grown in communities and on individual farms in the northern Ethiopian highlands. Using named varieties and ecological indices of spatial diversity (richness, evenness, and inverse dominance), we find that a combination of factors related to the agro-ecology of a community, its access to markets, and the characteristics of its households and farms significantly affect both the inter-...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Household Farms; Communities; Ethiopia; Agrobiodiversity; On Farm Conservation; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Economics and Biodiversity in Intensively Managed Agro-Ecosystems AgEcon
Russell, Noel P.; Pascual, Unai; Omer, Amani A..
This paper explores the dynamic effects of biodiversity conservation on agricultural production in the context of specialised intensive farming systems. The focus is on the analysis of the dynamic effects of changes in the levels of agrobiodiversity, on technical change and productivity in intensive agricultural systems. A theoretical model is used to derive hypotheses regarding these linkages that are empirically tested using a stochastic production frontier model with data from a panel of UK cereal farms for the period 1989-2000. The results suggest that the increased agrobiodiversity has positively helped to shift the production frontier outwards. This indicates that the evolution of an intensive agricultural system to less intensive use of inputs can...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Intensive Agriculture; Productivity; Technical change; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q16; Q24.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ecosystem Services in Biologically Diversified versus Conventional Farming Systems: Benefits, Externalities, and Trade-Offs Ecology and Society
Kremen, Claire; University of California, Berkeley;; Miles, Albie; University of California, Berkeley;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Agricultural food production; Agricultural intensification; Agrobiodiversity; Agroecology; Biodiversity; Conventional agriculture; Conventional farming systems; Diversified farming systems; Ecosystem services; Land-sharing; Land-sparing; Organic agriculture; Sustainable agriculture; Sustainable intensification.
Ano: 2012
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Good year, bad year: changing strategies, changing networks? A two-year study on seed acquisition in northern Cameroon Ecology and Society
Analysis of seed exchange networks at a single point in time may reify sporadic relations into apparently fixed and long-lasting ones. In northern Cameroon, where environment is not only strongly seasonal but also shows unpredictable interannual variation, farmers’ social networks are flexible from year to year. When adjusting their strategies, Tupuri farmers do not systematically solicit the same partners to acquire the desired propagules. Seed acquisitions documented during a single cropping season may thus not accurately reflect the underlying larger social network that can be mobilized at the local level. To test this hypothesis, we documented, at the outset of two cropping seasons (2010 and 2011), the relationships through which seeds were...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Climate variability; Gender; Kinship relationships; Longitudinal network analysis; Seed exchange networks.
Ano: 2016
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Identificação e caracterização de recursos genéticos crioulos visando o fortalecimento da autonomia dos agricultores familiares no Semiárido cearense. Infoteca-e
ARAUJO, M. R. A. de; FARIAS, J. L. de S..
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar o manejo da agrobiodiversidade pelos agricultores familiares de comunidades rurais do município de Sobral, Ceará, a partir de um levantamento das variedades crioulas de milho (Zea mays L.) e feijão (Vigna unguiculata, L. Walp)) utilizadas e descrever os atributos que norteiam a seleção, manutenção e conservação dessas variedades do ponto de vista do agricultor.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversidade; Semente Crioula; Intercâmbio de semente; Biodiversity conservation; Agrobiodiversity; Agricultura Familiar; Comunidade Rural; Pequeno Produtor; Ecologia Vegetal; Zea Mays; Vigna Unguiculata; Caatinga; Feijão; Milho; Agricultura Sustentável; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Plant ecology; Rural communities; Rural families; Corn; Seed development; Sustainable communities; Small farms; Sustainable agriculture; Family farms; Sustainable agricultural intensification; Semiarid zones; Brazil.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Knowing Agricultural Biodiversity OceanDocs
Mulvany, P..
The term "agricultural biodiversity" is relatively recent, perhaps post-CBD. Although, the specific nature of the biodiversity used by people was recognised for a long time, the overwhelming emphasis in the CBD was on general biodiversity, mainly 'wild' flora and fauna that inhabit this fragile biosphere in which people also live.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Agrobiodiversity; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Morphological diversity and identification key for landraces of the Amerindian yam in central Amazon PAB
Beyerlein,Patrick; Pereira,Henrique dos Santos.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to select an optimal set of morphological descriptors, in order to characterize the phenotipical diversity of Amerindian yam (Dioscorea trifida) landraces cultivated in the municipality of Caapiranga, in the central Amazon region of Brazil, and to develop a botanical identification key for them. A collection of 140 accessions and an experimental plot with a representative sample of 20 landraces were used to test 64 morphological descriptors for the aerial and subterranean plant parts. Forty-eight descriptors were selected, of which 13 were for tubers, 12 for stems, 14 for leaves, and 9 for inflorescences and seed. A cluster analysis based on the morphological data showed the formation of two landrace groups with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dioscorea trifida; Agrobiodiversity; Dioscoraceae; Genetic resources; Native food plant; Phenotypic similarity.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Morphometric patterns and preferential uses of Capsicum peppers in the State of Roraima, Brazilian Amazonia Horticultura Brasileira
Barbosa,Reinaldo I; Mourão Júnior,Moisés; Luz,Francisco Joaci de F.
Our objective was to study distinctions in the morphology of the pepper fruits (Capsicum spp., Solanaceae) used by indigenous (living in traditional villages) and non-indigenous groups (originated from migration and colonization, with or without miscegenation, living on non-indigenous lands) in the State of Roraima, Northern Brazilian Amazonia. In this sense, we used a database with 182 subsamples of Capsicum spp. Accessions were collected at 39 sites (14 indigenous and 25 non-indigenous), which were characterized additionally in relation to the predominant phytophysiognomy (savanna or forest) and home zone (rural or urban). We found morphological differences in pepper fruits related to both phytophysiognomy and home zone of the collecting site, but not to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum chinense; Capsicum frutescens; Agrobiodiversity; Ethnic botanic; Pungency; Descriptors.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sementes crioulas: o estado da arte no Rio Grande do Sul AgEcon
Pelwing, Andreia Becker; Frank, Lucia Brandao; Barros, Ingrid I. Bergman de.
This study investigated the state of the art of traditional, or landrace seeds in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. An ethnographic study was carried out by means of a non-statistical seed sampling in 13 farms from eight municipalities lying in the regions of the Greater Porto Alegre, Serra, Planalto Médio, Depressão Central and Serra do Sudeste. A broad diversity of ancient plants was observed. These species survive in the farms with the help of a seed bank. All in all, 39 plant species were characterized, distributed in 12 families, totaling 258 instances of landrace seeds grown in the farms visited. According to the farmers, the preference for landrace seeds is due chiefly to seed adaptability, better flavor and quality of the produce grown therefrom,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Landrace seeds; Agrobiodiversity; Family agriculture; Sustainability; Agribusiness; Q20.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Technology, preferences and the sustainable intensification of agricultural production AgEcon
Russell, Noel P.; Omer, Amani A.; Pascual, Unai.
This paper addresses the relationship between agrobiodiversity conservation and sustainable agricultural intensification. A stylised theoretical model is used to explore the conditions by which both agrobiodiversity and conventional input intensification may increase through optimal adjustments of input use in biodiversity poor agroecosystems. The model shows that this result can arise in quite general circumstances where there is (1) an agricultural production technology that allows a positive relationship between ecological integrity of a given agricultural area and agricultural productivity in that area, and (2) decision maker preferences that recognise this positive relationship and generate resource allocation decisions that support it. While increase...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Sustainable agricultural intensification; Ecosystem services; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Food Security and Poverty; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Tesouros da flora brasileira: a importância estratégica dos Bancos Ativos de Germoplasma para conservação e exploração da agrobiodiversidade de espécies frutíferas tropicais e da mandioca com foco na segurança alimentar da sociedade. Infoteca-e
Bancos ativos de germoplasma; BAG de mandioca; BAG de banana; BAG de citros.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Banco ativo de germoplasma; Agrobiodiversity; Banco de Germoplasma; Biodiversidade; Mandioca; Segurança Alimentar; Biodiversity; Food security.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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The economics of agrobiodiversity conservation for food security under climate change AgEcon
Pascual, Unai; Narloch, Ulf; Nordhagen, Stella; Drucker, Adam G..
Subsistence-based and natural resource-dependent societies are especially vulnerable to climate change. In such contexts, food security needs to be strengthened by investing in the adaptability of food systems. This paper looks into the role of agrobiodiversity conservation for food security in the face of climate change. It identifies agrobiodiversity as a key public good that delivers necessary services for human wellbeing. We argue that the public values provided by agrobiodiversity conservation need to be demonstrated and captured. We offer an economic perspective of this challenge and highlight ways of capturing at least a subset of the public values of agrobiodiversity to help adapt to and reduce the vulnerability of subsistence based economies to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Adaptation; Agrobiodiversity; Economic incentives; Resilience; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q18; Q24; Q54.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation in Agricultural Transition AgEcon
Omer, Amani A.; Pascual, Unai; Russell, Noel P..
This paper explores the dynamic effects of biodiversity conservation on agricultural production in the context of specialised intensive farming systems that may be in transition towards more sustainable farming. The focus is on the analysis of the dynamic effects of changes in the levels of agrobiodiversity, on technical change and productivity in intensive agricultural systems. A theoretical model is used to derive hypotheses regarding these linkages that are empirically tested using a stochastic production frontier model with data from a panel of UK cereal farms for the period 1989-2000. The results suggest that the increased agrobiodiversity has positively helped to shift the production frontier outwards. This indicates that agricultural transition from...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Intensive agriculture; Productivity; Technical change; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q12; Q16; Q24.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Effect of HIV/AIDS Driven Labor Organization on Agrobiodiversity: an Empirical Study in Ethiopia AgEcon
Gebreselassie, Kidist; Wesseler, Justus; van Ierland, Ekko C..
Improved micronutrient intake contributes to delaying the progression of HIV into AIDS and to reducing HIV infection rates. Higher agrobiodiversity in the homegarden contributes to improving the nutritional status of farm households. Farm households with HIV/AIDS affected members observe a decrease in labor supply and productivity causing them to reallocate labor. The reallocation of labor may result in change in agrobiodiversity. Sharecropping is often used to alleviate labor shortage in agricultural production. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the implications of HIV/AIDS on agrobiodiversity through sharecropping arrangements. The study is based on a survey among 205 farm households in the Jimma zone of South Western Ethiopia. Results show that...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Ethiopia; HIV/AIDS; Labor organization; Sharecropping; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Birol, Ekin; Kontoleon, Andreas; Smale, Melinda.
Hungarian home gardens are small farms that are repositories of agrobiodiversity and provide food security during economic transition. We use a choice experiment to test the hypothesis that farmer demand for home gardens will decrease as markets develop with European Union accession. Data represent 22 communities with varying levels of market and social infrastructure. We find that farmers located in more economically developed communities choose to be less dependent on small farms for food and prefer lower levels of agrobiodiversity. Findings indicate that the survival of small farms is jeopardized by economic change, but point to some conservation policy options.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Agrobiodiversity; Home gardens; Choice experiment; Multi-functional agriculture; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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