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A localised development of organic farming as a response to the problem of water quality: a new challenge Organic Eprints
Vincent, A; Fleury, Philippe.
Initiatives aiming at developing organic farming (OF) to meet water quality stakes are increasing. This article is a comparative study of four such projects. It is based on semi-structured interviews. Two logics for public action are implemented to foster the development of OF in areas facing water quality problems. The first one aims at concentrating actions in water sensitive areas. The main tool that is then mobilized is the use of localized agri-environmental measures supporting conversion to organic farming. The second logic aims at implementing actions for organic development at a geographical scale considered as relevant for developing OF and differing from water sensitive areas. The main actions that are then activated are coordination,...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A project-based system for including farmers in the EU ETS Organic Eprints
Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard; Brandt, Urs Steiner.
Farmers in the EU do not trade greenhouse gases under the Kyoto agreement. This is an empirical puzzle because agriculture is a significant contributor of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the EU and may harvest private net gains from trade. Furthermore, the US has strongly advocated land-use practices as ‘the missing link’ in past climate negotiations. We argue that farmers have relatively low marginal reduction costs and that consequences in terms of the effect on permit price and technology are overall positive in the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). Thus, we propose a project-based system for including the farming practices in the EU ETS that reduces the uncertainty from measuring emission reduction in this sector. The system encourages GHG reduction either...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A study of the N2O emission from grassland with the FASSET farm model Organic Eprints
Chatskikh, Dmitri; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Berntsen, Jørgen; Regina, Kristiina; Yamulki, Sirwan.
Local adaptations of the IPCC methodology ( are applied in different countries. They include a combination of theoretical, experimental and simulation methods for evaluating the activity and factors indicated N2O emission. The N2O emission from agricultural soil is considered an important source both for environmental impact and non-industrial losses of nitrogen (Petersen, Olesen, 2002). In this study a multifactorial approach, based on dynamic modelling, is used at a farm/field level to estimate N2O emission from grassland. For this purpose an algorithm for modeling of gaseous N2O emission was developed and analyzed. In the algorithm, based on the conceptual process-oriented model HIP (Davidson et al., 2000), both nitrification and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Abatement costs for agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loads: a case study of crop farming in south-western Finland Organic Eprints
Helin, Janne; Laukkanen, Marita; Koikkalainen, Kauko.
Designing efficient agri-environmental policies for agricultural nutrient load reductions calls for information on the costs of emission reduction measures. This study develops an empirical framework for estimating abatement costs for nutrient loading from agricultural land. Nitrogen abatement costs and the phosphorus load reductions associated with nitrogen abatement are derived for crop farming in south-western Finland. The model is used to evaluate the effect of the Common Agricultural Policy reform currently underway on nutrient abatement costs. Results indicate that an efficiently designed policy aimed at a 50% reduction in agricultural nitrogen load would cost € 48 to € 35 million, or € 3756 to € 2752 per farm.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Abatement costs for agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loads: a case study of South-Western Finland Organic Eprints
Helin, Janne; Laukkanen, Marita; Koikkalainen, Kauko.
Designing efficient agri-environmental policies for agricultural nutrient load reductions calls for information on the costs of emission reduction measures. This study develops an empirical framework for estimating abatement costs for nutrient loading from agricultural land. Nitrogen abatement costs and the phosphorus load reductions associated with nitrogen abatement are derived for crop farming in southern Finland. The model is used to evaluate the effect of the Common Agricultural Policy reform currently underway on nutrient abatement costs. Results indicate that an efficiency designed policy aimed at a 50 % reducton in agricultural nitrogen load would cost 25 to 28 million euro, or 1995 to 2197 euro per farm.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Åbent Hus: Forbedret udnyttelse af jord og ressourcer i økologiske dyrkningssystemer Organic Eprints
Kristensen, Helene.
Projektet SoilVeg handler om forbedret udnyttelse af jord og ressourcer i økologiske dyrkningssystemer for grøntsager med grønafgrøder. Der afprøves dyrkning af hvidkål i to nye dyrkningssystemer med reduceret jordbearbejdning. I det ene system plantes direkte ned i en tromlet vintergrønafgrøde uden anden jordbearbejdning, og her er det tanken at den tromlede biomasse dækker jorden og dermed holder ukrudt nede i løbet af sæsonen. I det andet system laves stribenedmuldning af grønafgrøden før plantning. De to nye systemer sammenlignes med almindelig nedmuldning og ingen forudgående grønafgrøde. Både vinterhestebønne, vinterært og vintervikke er blevet brugt som grønafgrøder og i blandinger med vinterrug. Disse forsøg kører ved Forskningscenter Årslev i 2016...
Tipo: Web product Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Crop combinations and interactions; Soil tillage; Air and water emissions; Vegetables; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Weed management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Ackerbausysteme im ökologischen Landbau: Untersuchungen zur Nmin-, N2O-N- und NH2-N-Dynamik sowie Rückschlüsse zur Anbau-Optimierung Organic Eprints
Beckmann, Uta; Kolbe, Hartmut; Model, Annett; Russow, Rolf.
Die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft war in den letzten Jahrzehnten gekennzeichnet durch einen beispiellosen Anstieg des Dünge- und Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes sowie durch entsprechend starke Ertragssteigerungen. Die damit verbundenen nachteiligen Umweltwirkungen auf Wasser, Boden und Atmosphäre führten einerseits zur Suche nach Optimierungsstrategien und andererseits zu erhöhten Anstrengungen bei der Prüfung alternativer Bewirtschaftungsformen. Zur Prüfung von Ackerbausystemen des ökologischen Landbaus wurden ab dem Jahr 1992 komplexe Dauerversuche angelegt. Es wurden Verfahren von viehlosen sowie von viehhaltenden Betrieben simuliert. In den Versuchen wurden außerdem eine stark unterschiedliche Düngungshöhe mit verschiedenen organischen Düngemitteln...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Production systems; Nutrient turnover; Soil quality; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Ackerwildkrautschutz in Luxemburg durch Schutzäcker, Feldflorareservate und Ökologische Landwirtschaft Organic Eprints
Lenerz, Maximilian; Elsen, T.; Schneider, Simone.
Arable plants are becoming increasingly rare in today's cultural landscape and belong to the most endangered plant species in Luxemburg. Their main threat is the intensification of agriculture, where high usage of pesticides and fertilizer, better seed cleaning methods and the abandonment of marginal yield sites all negatively affect arable plant communities. Another factor is the loss of (potential) habitat due to the expansion of settlements and subsequent loss of agricultural lands. The dire situation calls for urgent action. Within the framework of the bachelor thesis of the first author, a concept for the protection of arable plants in Luxembourg was developed. The following article describes and discusses the four most promising applied approaches...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Acqua pulita nel lago di Zugo? 25 per cento di aziende biologiche! Organic Eprints
Schmid, Otto.
Trent’anni fa tappeti di alghe puzzolenti e pesci morti hanno scioccato la popolazione lungo le rive del lago di Zugo. Il Cantone ha reagito con un progetto milionario: un gigantesco sistema di tubature che avrebbe dovuto pulire l’acqua del lago di Zugo con quella del lago dei Quattro Cantoni. Per i biopionieri si trattava semplicemente di combattere i sintomi e nel 1987 hanno dimostrato con un ampio studio del FiBL, quali sarebbero le conseguenze se l’intero Cantone passasse all’agricoltura biologica.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Air and water emissions; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Agricultural influences on carbon emissions and sequestration Organic Eprints
Ball, Andrew S; Pretty, Jules N.
This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Agricultural systems contribute to carbon emissions through several mechanisms: the direct use of fossil fuels in farm operations, the indirect use of embodied energy in inputs that are energy intensive to manufacture (e.g. fertilizers), and the cultivation of soils resulting in the loss of soil organic matter. However agriculture can also sequester carbon when organic matter accumulates in the soil or above-ground woody biomass acts as a permanent sink or is used as an energy source that substitutes for fossil fuels. The latest empirical data on agricultural carbon emissions and carbon sequestration opportunities in agricultural systems are reviewed and the necessary land use and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Agricultural land management, carbon reductions and climate policy for agriculture Organic Eprints
Müller, Adrian.
Agriculture contributes to climate change and at the same time has a huge climate change mitigation potential – this lies mainly in increased soil carbon sequestration. This article discusses the mitigation potential of soil carbon sequestration, the underlying processes and main challenges for its utilization. There are difficulties of reliable quantification, aspects of leakage and system boundaries. Utilization of this mitigation potential is currently mainly via offset mechanisms. Due to the named challenges, offset mechanisms are not adequate for this and more aggregate approaches should be employed.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Agricultural phosphorus losses and eutrophication in Nordic-Baltic countries Organic Eprints
Ekholm, Petri.
Management of phosphorus: management actions have to be environmentally sustainable, economically viable, technologically feasible, socially desirable (or at least tolerable), legally permissible, administratively achievable and politically expedient (Ducrotoy & Elliott, 2008).
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Agricultural phosphorus losses and eutrophication in Nordic-Baltic countries Organic Eprints
Ekholm, Petri.
The P losses from agriculture are controlled by natural characteristics, agricultural practices and national and international agricultural as well as agri-environmental policies. To reduce the P losses the measures should be targeted at the areas and activities that are responsible for the highest actual losses of bioavailable P. The response of an aquatic ecosystem to agricultural activities is a result of complex interactions between physical, chemical and biological processes.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Agriculture as surface water polluter in the Danube River Basin and Central and Eastern Europe Organic Eprints
Znaor, Darko; Vollenbroek, Johan; Csikos, Imre.
More than a half of the territory of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is used for agricultural activities and agriculture represents an important economic activity of the region. But at the same time, agriculture in CEE is also a serious source of environmental degradations/pollution among which loss of biodiversity, soil and water ones seem to be most obvious. Moreover, regarding the pollution of water resources, particularly the surface water in CEE, it has been shown by several studies that agriculture represents major, much more serious source of pollution than any other sector (e.g. industry, transport, population, etc.). Among these studies, the results from the recent Danube Environmental Integrated Study, done within the framework of the UNDP...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 1966
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Agriculture bio respectueuse du climat: le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle? Organic Eprints
Schader, Christian; Meier, Matthias.
Contexte La rentabilité d'une exploitation est une condition essentielle pour assurer la réussite de la culture sans labourage dans la pratique. Question expérimentale Dans quelle mesure le travail réduit du sol se distingue t-il du labourage sur le plan des finances et de la gestion du travail? Conclusion �Dans l'essai de longue durée à Frick, le travail réduit du sol affiche de meilleurs résultats que le labourage. Les coûts de production étant presque identiques, le rendement est le critère de jugement décisif. Après trois ans, les premiers résultats des exploitations pratiques ne confirment toutefois pas encore les avantages économiques du travail du sol sans labourage.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Soil tillage; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2011
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Agriculture biologique et protection de la qualité de l’eau : enjeux et perspectives. Etude comparative de différents projets de développement de l’agriculture biologique et de sa filière sur les territoires à enjeu «eau ». Organic Eprints
Vassy, Agathe; Vincent, Audrey.
Face au constat alarmant de l’état actuel des masses d’eau et aux objectifs de résultats fixés par la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau, les gestionnaires de l’eau sont contraints de mettre en place des mesures préventives, en développant des plans d’actions agricoles sur leurs aires d’alimentation de captage. Au vue de l’orientation prise par les institutions françaises, l’agriculture biologique apparait comme l’un des moyens pouvant être employé sur cette problématique. Le programme Agriculture Biologique et Aires d’Alimentation de Captage (ABAAC), piloté par l’ISARA-Lyon s’inscrit dans ce contexte à travers l’étude des enjeux et des perspectives d’un tel axe de développement. S’intéressant à l’émergence d’une nouvelle catégorie de projet visant à développer...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy; Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Agriculture et qualité de l’eau : le dispositif de Lons le Saunier. Evolution des jeux d'acteurs Organic Eprints
Martin, Laura; Hellec, Florence; Barataud, Fabienne.
Ce travail, à l’initiative de chercheurs, a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet : ABiPeC - Agriculture Biologique et Périmètres de Captage (programme AgriBio3 – INRA). Il vise à comparer différents types de dispositifs de protection de l’eau mobilisant l’agriculture biologique. Notre étude a pour objectif de comprendre les jeux d’acteurs mis en place à Lons-le-Saunier pour préserver la qualité de son eau potable. Par jeux d’acteurs, nous entendons : identifier les acteurs concernés par le projet, leur niveau de participation et les relations qui se sont construites entre eux.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Agriculture et qualité de l’eau : le dispositif de Lons-le-Saunier Evolution des jeux d’acteurs Organic Eprints
Martin, Laura; Barataud, Fabienne; Hellec, Florence.
La protection de l’eau est devenue un enjeu majeur depuis le renforcement des obligations réglementaires qui imposent le bon état des masses d’eau d’ici 2015. Les gestionnaires de l’eau sont alors contraints de mettre en place des actions préventives, en intervenant sur les pratiques agricoles situées à proximité des captages d’eau potable. Or ces derniers manquent d’expérience pour inciter le changement de ces pratiques sur un territoire. C’est dans ce contexte que le programme de recherche Agriculture Biologique et Périmètre de Captage (ABiPeC), mobilise trois équipes de l’INRA et l’ISARA sur les incitations locales à la conversion en agriculture biologique sur les aires d’alimentation de captage et qu’une étude de six mois a été mise en place à l’INRA...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Policy environments and social economy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Agronomical and environmental performances of organic farming in the Seine watershed, France Organic Eprints
Anglade, J.; Billen, G.; Garnier, J..
This work suggests that Soil Surface Balance is a robust indicator to compare the performances of organic agriculture with those of conventional agriculture, even strictly following the rules of rational and optimised application of fertilisers. The results of long term nitrogen budget calculation brought us to seriously reconsider the relevance of the need to increase crop yields, and more broadly to reconsider cropping patterns and production systems. In terms of policy levers for mitigating nitrogen contamination of water resources, only the shift to organic farming provides a possible way to reconcile agricultural production and water quality. Further, this view points out the need for specific measures to encourage more mixed farming approach to...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Ammoniakfordampning fra udbragt gylle Organic Eprints
Sommer, Sven G.; Hansen, Martin N..
Landbruget er den primære kilde til ammoniak i atmosfæren. En af teknikkerne til at reducere ammoniakfordampningen er at udbringe gylle med slangeudlæggere. Med nogle enkle beregninger er der her foretaget et skøn af effekten af at udbringe gylle med slæbeslanger i vinterhvede for hver måned i perioden januar til juli.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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