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Aggression supersedes individual oxygen demand to drive group air-breathing in a social catfish ArchiMer
Killen, Shaun S.; Esbaugh, Andrew J.; Martins, Nicolas F.; Rantin, F. Tadeu; Mckenzie, David J..
1. Group-living is widespread among animals and comes with numerous costs and benefits. To date, research examining group-living has focused on trade-offs surrounding foraging, while other forms of resource acquisition have been largely overlooked. 2. Air-breathing has evolved in many fish lineages, allowing animals to obtain oxygen in hypoxic aquatic environments. Breathing air increases the threat of predation, so some species perform group air-breathing, to reduce individual risk. Within species, individual air-breathing can be influenced by metabolic rate as well as personality, but the mechanisms of group air-breathing remain unexplored. It is conceivable that keystone individuals with high metabolic demand or intrinsic tendency to breathe air may...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Air-breathing fish; Ecophysiology; Group-living; Keystone individuals; Metabolic rate; Social behaviour.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bacterial Diversity in the Digestive Tracts of Four Indian Air-Breathing Fish Species Investigated by PCR Based Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis BABT
He,Suxu; Zhou,Zhigang; Banerjee,Goutam; Huang,Lu; Ray,Arun Kumar; Ringø,Einar.
ABSTRACT An investigation was conducted to identify the allochthonous microbiota (entire intestine) and the autochthonous microbiota in proximal intestine (PI) and distal intestine (DI) of four species of Indian air-breathing fish (climbing perch; Anabas testudineus, murrel; Channa punctatus, walking catfish; Clarias batrachus and stinging catfish; Heteropneustes fossilis) by PCR based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). High similarities of the allochthonous microbiota were observed between climbing perch and murrel, walking catfish and stinging catfish, indicating similar food behavior. The autochthonous microbiota of PI and DI from climbing perch and murrel revealed more similarity, than the result obtained from walking catfish and stinging...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allochthonous and autochthonous gut microbiota; Air-breathing fish; Bacterial diversity; DGGE.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Social dynamics obscure the effect of temperature on air breathing in Corydoras catfish ArchiMer
Pineda, Mar; Aragao, Isabel; Mckenzie, David; Killen, Shaun S..
In some fishes, the ability to breathe air has evolved to overcome constraints in hypoxic environments but comes at a cost of increased predation. To reduce this risk, some species perform group air breathing. Temperature may also affect the frequency of air breathing in fishes, but this topic has received relatively little research attention. This study examined how acclimation temperature and acute exposure to hypoxia affected the air-breathing behaviour of a social catfish, the bronze corydoras Corydoras aeneus, and aimed to determine whether individual oxygen demand influenced the behaviour of entire groups. Groups of seven fish were observed in an arena to measure air-breathing frequency of individuals and consequent group air-breathing behaviour,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Air-breathing fish; Environmental stress; Metabolic rate; Oxygen; Social behaviour.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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