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An analytical study of the atmospheric boundary layer flow and divergence over a SST front 5
Ayet, Alex; Redelsperger, Jean-luc.
We present an analytical model reproducing literature‐based numerical simulations of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over a SST front, with wind blowing from the cold to the warm side. Turbulence is parameterised through a varying diffusion coefficient with two critical features: it is parabolic on the vertical and its mean value is decoupled from the MABL height (unlike an Ekman layer model). These two novel features are found essential to recover the internal structure of the MABL from numerical simulations. Different dynamical regimes are obtained and interpreted in terms of non‐dimensional numbers characterising the relative importance of terms driving the momentum equation. A closed‐form expression of the vertically integrated wind...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Air-sea interaction; Analytical model; Boundary-layer flow; SST front.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Causes of long-term changes in Aegean sea deep water 5
Boscolo, R; Bryden, H.
Recent observations of newly formed deep water in the Aegean sea prompts this analysis of whether such deep water could be formed locally by the combination of an increase in net evaporation and wintertime water mass transformation. River diversion projects in Russia and Egypt since the 1950s have effectively increased the amount of net evaporation over the eastern Mediterranean basin. Historical profiles show that low salinity intermediate waters separated the deep and upper waters in the Aegean in 1961-1962. Within a simple mixed layer model, imposing a small net evaporation of 10 cm.yr(-1) on the observed hydrographic conditions in March 1962 results in the gradual erosion of the low salinity intermediate waters. After 25 years, the low salinity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Échanges océan-atmosphère; Formation d’eau profonde; Circulation en Méditerranée; Budget hydrologique; Mer Égée; Air-sea interaction; Deep water formation; Mediterranean circulation; Hydrological budget; Aegean sea.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Climatología de los frentes de marea en la Plataforma Continental y su rol en los flujos mar-atmósfera de CO2 20
Bianucci, L..
En este trabajo se caracterizaron los frentes de marea en la Plataforma Continental Argentina al sur de 40°S y los flujos de CO2 entre el mar y la atmósfera en la región, analizándose su relación con dichos frentes. Los frentes de marea separan aguas costeras cuasi-homogéneas de aguas estratificadas de la plataforma media. La zona costera se homogeneiza por la mezcla vertical producida por fricción de las energéticas corrientes de marea que se dan en la región. La plataforma media se encuentra estratificada en verano debido al calentamiento superficial del mar, presentando una termoclina estacional bien desarrollada. La mezcla vertical a cada lado de los frentes y los movimientos verticales en la zona frontal afectan a la producción primaria y a los flujos...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fronts; Atmospheric fronts; Continental shelves; Air-sea interaction; Climatology; Tidal flow; Seasonal distribution; Climatology; Continental shelves.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estimación de los flujos mar-atmósfera de CO2 y la variabilidad de la clorofila-a en el Mar Argentino. 20
Luz Clara, M..
En ocho campañas oceanográficas realizadas entre los años 2000 y 2006 en el Mar Patagónico se obtuvieron datos superficiales de temperatura y salinidad, presiones parciales de CO2 (pCO2) en el mar y la atmósfera, fluorescencia (utilizada como indicador de biomasa fitoplanctónica), clorofila-a (Cl-a) y vientos, entre otros. La magnitud y dirección del flujo de CO2 se encuentran gobernadas por la diferencia entre las pCO2 de la superficie del mar y del aire (?pCO2), la solubilidad del gas y la velocidad del viento. Los flujos mar-atmósfera de CO2 conforman una parte esencial en el ciclo global del carbono. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación entre los flujos de CO2 y la intensidad del viento con datos in-situ y satelitales. Los flujos se calculan...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Oceanographic surveys; Salinity; Temperature; Chlorophylls; Air-sea interaction; Oceanic fronts; Climatology.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impact of ocean-atmosphere current feedback on the ocean mesoscale activity: regional variations, and sensitivity to model resolution 5
Jullien, Swen; Masson, Sébastien; Oerder, Véra; Samson, Guillaume; Colas, François; Renault, Lionel.
Ocean mesoscale eddies are characterized by rotating-like and meandering currents that imprint the low-level atmosphere. Such a current feedback (CFB) has been shown to induce a sink of energy from the ocean to the atmosphere, and consequently to damp the eddy kinetic energy (EKE), with an apparent regional disparity. In a context of increasing model resolution, the importance of this feedback, and its dependence on oceanic and atmospheric models resolution arise. Using a hierarchy of quasi-global coupled models with spatial resolutions varying from ¼° to 1/12°, the present study shows that the CFB induces a negative wind work at scales ranging from 100 to 1000 km, and a subsequent damping of the mesoscale activity by ∼30% on average, independently of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Currents; Feedback; Mesoscale processes; Air-sea interaction; Coupled models; Mesoscale models.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Studies of Sub-Mesoscale Variability of the Ocean Upper Layer Based on Satellite Observations Data 5
Chapron, Bertrand; Kudryavtsev, V. N.; Collard, Fabrice; Rascle, Nicolas; Kubryakov, A. A.; Stanichny, S. V..
Purpose. The approach represented in the article is applied to analysis of satellite scanner optical images of high spatial resolution for identifying and quantitative determining the characteristics of the sub-mesoscale dynamic processes in the ocean upper layer. Methods and Results. The Envisat AATSR and MERIS SAR-images are used as the satellite data, which permit to determine the ocean surface temperature and surface brightness in the visible range, respectively. Variations in the sea surface glitter contrasts are associated with modulations of the sea surface roughness (rms slope of short waves) on the currents. It is shown that the surface roughness contrasts correlate with the spatial inhomogeneities of the ocean surface temperature, tracing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite observations; Air-sea interaction; Ocean upper layer dynamics; Temporal and spatial variability.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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