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Curtis, Kynda R.; Bishop, Carol; Harris, Thomas R.. |
As water resources in arid regions decline, agricultural producers are encouraged to adopt water conserving strategies. The implementation of alternative low-water use crops is one option, but is it economically feasible? Data on current and alternative crops for this study include enterprise budgets, producer interviews, and field trials in Northwestern Nevada, USA. We use WinEPIC, a Windows-based version of the EPIC model, which synthesizes both agronomics and economics, to model yields and returns of alternative crop production under differing irrigation levels. Risk analysis or the distribution of net returns to alternative crop production is also examined. This study determined that there are alternative crops that could be feasibly substituted for... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Alternative crops; Arid regions; Economic feasibility; Irrigation; WinEPIC. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/48053 |
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Torre Ugarte, Daniel de la; Walsh, Marie E.; Shapouri, Hosein; Slinsky, Stephen P.. |
In response to energy security concerns, alternative energy programs such as biomass energy systems are being developed to provide energy in the 21st century. For the biomass industry to expand, a variety of feedstocks will need to be utilized. Large scale production of bioenergy crops could have significant impacts on the United States agricultural sector in terms of quantities, prices and production location of traditional crops as well as farm income. Though a number of scenarios were examined to study the impact of bioenergy crop production on the agricultural sector, two cropland scenarios are presented in this report. Under the wildlife management scenario, the analysis indicates that, at $30/dry ton (dt) for switchgrass,... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Alternative crops; Bioenergy crops; Biomass; Conservation Reserve Program; Crop acreage shifts; Crop budgeting; Economic feasibility; Economic impact; Hybrid poplars; Hybrid willow; POLYSYS; Switchgrass; Crop Production/Industries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33997 |
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