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Equine Anatomedia: Development, Integration and Evaluation of an E-Learning Resource in Applied Veterinary Anatomy 77
El Sharaby,Ashraf A; Alsafy,Mohamed A. M; El-Gendy,Samir A.A.
In Egypt, there is a growing movement to encourage veterinary student-centered learning using the most up to date educational technologies. This paper focuses on a computer-facilitated learning program "Equine Anatomedia", which comprises now two modules (head and digit) fully integrated with the applied anatomy curriculum at Alexandria and Damanhour Universities. The educational design of this program allows students and clinicians to explore anatomical concepts, principles and procedure guidelines in a manner more suited to their individual learning needs than traditional methods. The program comprises over 300 high quality images and diagrams, audio and video clips as well as animated graphics with colored keys highlighting the anatomical features....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomedia; Applied veterinary anatomy; Equine.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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