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Virtual Dissection Table Including the Visible Korean Images, Complemented by Free Software of the Same Data 77
Chung,Beom Sun; Shin,Dong Sun; Brown,Paul; Choi,Jack; Chung,Min Suk.
The objective of this study was to introduce the complementary relationship between virtual dissection table (simply, table) and free software, since authors tried to aid interested people in their studying digital human anatomy. Visible Korean (VK) team had presented the serially sectioned images and outlined images of a male cadaver. Thereafter, Anatomage (San Jose, CA) manufactured the table by making 3-dimensional (3D) volume models from the data. Separately, the VK team reconstructed surface models from the same data and inputted the models in portable document format (PDF) file, which can be opened on the personal computer. The software to browse the sectioned and outlined images was also programmed by VK team. In this report, the table and the VK...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Visible Human Projects; Anatomic models; Computer simulation; Cadaver.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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