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Bem-estar e produção animal. Infoteca-e
Mudanças no conceito de visão do mundo das pessoas estão mudando devido à limitação dos recursos naturais, questões de origem ética sobre o bem-estar de animais, emergência e re-emergência de enfermidades e qualidade dos alimentos. A sociedade começou a se interessar mais em saber como seu alimento é produzido e exigir produtos que sejam ?limpos, verdes e éticos?, em que se preconiza o uso de práticas que minimizem ou evitem completamente tratamentos químicos ou hormonais nos animais e preservem, dessa forma, a saúde humana. Bem-estar é um termo amplo que inclui uma somatória de elementos que contribuem para a qualidade de vida do animal, levando-o a um bom estado de harmonia com o seu ambiente, caracterizado por condições físicas e fisiológicas adequadas....
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Welfare; Animal behaviour; Bem-estar; Comportamento animal; Ecologia animal.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Coupling spectral analysis and hidden Markov models for the segmentation of behavioural patterns ArchiMer
Heerah, Karine; Woillez, Mathieu; Fablet, Ronan; Garren, Francois; Martin, Stephane; De Pontual, Helene.
Background Movement pattern variations are reflective of behavioural switches, likely associated with different life history traits in response to the animals’ abiotic and biotic environment. Detecting these can provide rich information on the underlying processes driving animal movement patterns. However, extracting these signals from movement time series, requires tools that objectively extract, describe and quantify these behaviours. The inference of behavioural modes from movement patterns has been mainly addressed through hidden Markov models. Until now, the metrics implemented in these models did not allow to characterize cyclic patterns directly from the raw time series. To address these challenges, we developed an approach to i) extract new metrics...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fourier transform; Non negative matrix factorization; Classification; Animal behaviour; European sea bass; Movement ecology; Diurnal and tidal cycles; Biologging; Data storage tags.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Role of behaviour in biological invasions and species distributions; lessons from interactions between the invasive Gammarus pulex and the native G. duebeni (Crustacea: Amphipoda) Naturalis
Dick, J.T.A..
In attempting to understand the distributions of both introduced species and the native species on which they impact, there is a growing trend to integrate studies of behaviour with more traditional life history/ecological approaches. The question of what mechanisms drive the displacement of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni by the often introduced G. pulex is presented as a case study. Patterns of displacement are well documented throughout Europe, but the speed and direction of displacement between these species can be varied. From early studies proposing interspecific competition as causal in these patterns, I review research progress to date. I show there has been no evidence for interspecific competition operating, other than the field patterns...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Amphipods; Animal behaviour; Gammarus; Interspecific competition; Intraguild predation; Invasive species; Species distributions; 42.74.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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